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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. I've listened to this album 4 or 5 times now and I like it. I admit I had high expectations based on the first 2 songs and when I heard the full album I was underwhelmed. But I listened more and I like most tracks a lot. Normally I'm a ballad fan, but a couple on this album are pretty average for me. <Maybe they are really slow growers. But then I though the same for I Still Love You by Kiss and I still hate that song, so I guess some songs just don't do it for me when they do for others. I find it interesting that most here have called HEAT's new album average and then come back after further listens and liked it. Seems that luxury isn't afforded all bands. Regardless, the fisrt two songs released are the standouts for me - killer songs.
  2. I just did a search for Steelheart and it came back with no hits So I went to threads I have posted in and scrolled down to the topic. Normally I just wouldn't have bothered but only did so to make sure that there was in fact a Steelheart thread and that the search function does indeed suck. Just restricts the use of the forum and therefore my contributions which are now minimal...
  3. Multiple searches because it isn't working properly. I just gave up ans stopped using it Just reply to anything interesting that comes up in unread content now...
  4. Hi, Sorry, I've been travelling a lot lately so haven't been around to reply to this. Regarding the comment from Dan asking which thread I couldn't reply to, I aren't going to track that down, and luckily I don't have to as I couldn't reply to my own thread below. Hope that helps. Regarding the comment made about the search delay, yes I was referring to the wait timer. I think it is silly to allow a bypass with a set donation rate. I donated $10 last year, not because I was asked to, but because I wanted to. I didn't do it for any icon beside my name, nor did I do it for any other specific reasons. It won't stop me from donating again, but I'm inclined not to donate $20 or more on general principle. The filter is there for spammers. I don't consider myself a spammer, like everyone else here, but that's your choice and I don't really care that much. Only time it annoys me is when I am trying to find a thread and the search function is not working properly so a minute or 2 can potentially turn into 10 minutes.
  5. Nothing too exciting for me after a couple of spins, but based on comments here I'll persist with a few more before I write it off.
  6. Trucker Diablo just had a launch for their new album.. Also, heard the new Hardcore Superstar song today - shits all over the whole last album put together...
  7. Got a busy month coming up... Alice Cooper & Ace Frehley on 20th Oct (managed to get Gold seats at half price) Rose Tattoo & The Angels on 27th Oct Rock Monsters on 6th Nov (Kiss Asylum unmasked tribute, Twisted Sister tribute and Ace Frehley tribute) Queen Forever tribute & Robbie Williams tribute on 11 Nov Baby Animals on 25th Nov May try to squash in Sebastian Bach if I can score tickets at a reasonable price, but otherwise it's no big deal for me.
  8. Had to start a new thread because I can't seem to reply to the ones that were relevant. Not sure if they were closed? Anyway, I'm not a big fan. I searched for the Concerts thread and it seemed to search within the part of the forum I was in, so I clicked 'search all places' or whatever and I get the wait 14 seconds thing. Which I did, and then nothing. Fuck I hate the wait 14 seconds crap
  9. Killing Gunther Arnie is in this, but only in the last quarter of the film. Pretty average overall.
  10. Wow, that really is a song that could have been on one of the early albums, until the chorus, which is a bit 'less 80's' When he sings "SHOT to fame" it brings back those warm fuzzies...
  11. Not quite "I'll Cry For You" which is an amazing song, but still pretty good. I'm gonna check out this album. Probably missed it because it is another album from a spin off player which are generally pretty average. But for me it will be worth it just for this song.
  12. The Final Destination because we have the movie pack on Foxtel free for 2 weeks and it was on. Love the Final Destinations
  13. My wife kinda ruined two Mr. Big songs for me while we were overseas a couple of weeks ago. First one was Green Tinted Sixties Mind where she thought the chorus was "green titties sixty-nine" Very hard to un-hear it after you've sung it that was a few times. Then as the mix progressed we got to the most recent album and the song Forever And Back and the lyric "oh when you left me I lost my direction so tell me that you want me back" She heard it as "oh when you left me I lost my erection so tell me that you want me back" Then when I laughed she said "I thought that was why she left him, because he couldn't get it up"
  14. Saw American Made today. Not bad. More of the usual drug trafficking related 'epic' movies. Not as good as Goodfellas, nor is it as good as The Wolf Of Wallstreet which were made in the same vein. Still, interesting enough to keep me happy for a couple of hours. A couple of weeks ago I saw Logan. Disappointing 'arty' take on the X-men which was kinda predictable and boring. For die hard fans only I guess
  15. Never seen the appeal of Queensryche Me either. I've tried, but never clicked with their music. Same with Dream Theater.
  16. Songs I Left Behind is an amazing disc. Probably my favorite Mike Tramp album, and normally I hate those leftover albums. I think what I liked about it was that the songs were varied. When Mike makes an album the songs sound a lot the same, guitar tone etc and the songs tend to blend a bit.
  17. Welcome to 'Tuff 2' Making the most of a couple of albums....
  18. lol, I have 6 kids. - all getting older now, but 5 still at home so it's hard to blast music too much. I also generally work from home, but find that music is either distracting, or annoying in the background when I'm working at my computer. So I'm in the same boat. I have so many albums sitting to listen to, and I just don't have time to get through them. I see threads here and they are dissecting albums from bands I like and I can't be involved because I need to listen 4 or 5 times to really be able to create an opinion. Sometimes I get right in to a CD and look up a thread to see how others judged it at the time. I go on interstate road trips but usually take a kid with me, but sometimes we play it loud. Best time for me is when I'm overseas. I go to China a couple of times a year and where I go, English is pretty rarely understood, so I can plug in headphones and wander around knowing I don't need to converse.
  19. Looking forward to Hitman's Bodyguard. Also saw the trailer to Flatliners and I'd kind of forgotten about the original Kieffer Sutherland movie. I'd saw that like Total Recall, and The Magnificent Seven etc, you really have to consider it a different movie to enjoy it. My wife couldn't do that with Total Recall, and she refused to watch it. I thought the new one was pretty good.
  20. Not hating on it all, just speaking the truth. It needs a better chorus. I'm sure there will be better on the album. Sorry, that comment wasn't directed at you. More at the overwhelming majority of people who will hear a couple of songs, decide that it isn't anything like S/T or Nothing Sacred and drop it . And that's cool, just that maybe there will be some unreal expectations. Compare to a band like Hardcore Superstar and the criticism is (more) warranted. They were progressing nicely and decided on a weird back to roots/weird ass pop-punk basic music. And if that's the music they want to make, then fair enough, but I'll go in to the next album by them not expecting much. Hope I'm surprised
  21. Called it early, and was backed up with the new Steelheart releases.... People are goona be hating on this new BAD, because even with American Blitzkrieg as their last album, and then the widely 'ignored because it's different' Derek Davis solo disc, they are still going to expect the same style of music from over 20 years ago. I like this one on first listen.
  22. Let's Be Cops. Funnier every time I see it. Great movie.
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