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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Let me know how you go and if it's worth checking out. Because I agree with the 'Hey Stoopid' comment. Me too. So far what I've heard from this new album is a bit meh. One for the die hards maybe.
  2. Scary Movie 4 The rip off of War Of The Worlds One of the better in the franchise.
  3. Yeah easy for us to pick and choose. For her it was all about who she enjoyed working with more. I would love to talk with Bob about Skyhooks etc She is less interested in performing and 'living out of a van on the road' than she is in forging a career behind the scenes somewhere and getting a home loan. I swear if I'd tried to sway her in that direction she'd be out on the road now lol
  4. I should have said, she working with these guys in the studio as an assistant engineer or something, not playing with them. But all good exposure and contacts to be making. The guys she's working with has 'taken her under his wing' which sounds great, but as parents we worry about creepy guys with a different angle. Sad that you think that way but these days it's how we've learnt to think. Having said that, I've met the guy and he seems pretty cool. Also it's not like he's working with no names in the backyard.
  5. Yeah I'll see it at the cinema then. Coco Pops had a 2 for 1 movie ticket offer so it was a good excuse to buy 4 boxed of Coco Pops. Now I have 4 x 2 for 1 movie ticket deals I like to use the cinema for film which demand it - Star Wars, Transformers etc
  6. Which guitar show is that? I don't know about it. She may, but she's a teenager and like all teenagers doesn't convey info very well. I was surprised that she let me know that she was working with these people when she found out rather than telling me in 6 months when we see the Angels on TV and she said "I've worked with that guy, also worked with...." lol that's how it usually happens, and I say "I can't believe you didn't tell me" And then she'll be all cool like "it isn't a big deal dad, they're just guys in bands" She said she's probably going with Simon Hosford who she clicks with better. She said he offered to tutor her for free but she is insisting on paying. What do you pay someone like that for guitar lessons?
  7. My wife wants to see this until she found out Harry Styles is in it. Now she's not so sure. Is it a big screen movie? ie one that you'd want to see in a cinema
  8. So I just got these texts... How cool is that. She's been working at the studio with awesome musicians and didn't even know it. To all the Americans here, these messages aren't from the future. Time is different in Australia
  9. Like the last one? Yeah, for me. I think there would be 4 or 5 songs of the last album that I would put on a best of CD. Which is pretty good. I guess I have high standards.
  10. Having just had a sook about mic's in clips, I don' mind this one, mainly because it's all a bit of fun, not some snippet of a band playing a song as if they're in front of people. Also, this is a much better clip than most. Easy to do, just some colour filters and then add a girl on a pole. Love the Paul Stanley shout out as well.
  11. Song sounded pretty good to me. They look like idiots in the clip. No mic's spinning around with their arms out etc
  12. Some songs sounded OK after a couple of listens, but I sure didn't blow a load over it. I predict a decent album that most here fall in love with and I think is OK. Hopefully I will be surprised.
  13. I didn't listen to the new song. Not sure why I opened this thread again. For me QR dies a long time ago. In fact after QRIII For most they Died when Kevin did. Then things got a bit ugly, then with this new guy there was a wave of hope that something good could come. Now all hope is lost.
  14. Get Out Not bad. went up a few pegs from what I was expecting and the main movie plot was pretty good. Wouldn't buy it, but I'd recommend it.
  15. Nelson - Lightning Strikes Twice Buckcherry haven't really changed although they are more recent I guess Tesla didn't change too much I guess.
  16. Another Fuck song lol It's OK, his voice is so distinctive that it just sounds like a punkier Buckcherry. Prefer You Made Me solo album but I wouldn't turn these off if they were on the radio, which I doubt
  17. Pop Evil - Onyx Trucker Diablo - Songs Of Iron Wig Wam - Wig Wamania
  18. Not to me at all. I came back to this thread to listen to it again. If this turns out to be filler, the album is gonna be amazing
  19. The Lost City Of Z Long, overly long movie. Had I known it was based on a true story before my wife put it on, it would have made more sense as the theatrics suffered for the real story.
  20. Is Wayland the band who had that song "Get A Little"? Cool song.But all I've ever heard of theirs.
  21. Not sure I can bring myself to do the new Planet Of The Apes and Spiderman. Gave up on Transformers already. Bit of the same old same old.
  22. Never been a big Steelheart fan I'll Never Let You Go is an amazing song. Everybody Loves Eileen is great. A few others, but as a whole, not a band that I found myself coming back to often. I really like this new song - a lot. They've got the drums and bass just right for that deep 'reverb in your chest' sound that you generally only get at concerts I wouldn't be putting my eggs in the Babylon AD basket. Listen to American Blitzkrieg and then try Derek Davis' Revolutionary Soul from last year and I think if the new BAD is anything like the first 2 albums it will be pretty surprising.
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XO-8SmOQ84
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