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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. I never did XYZ. Just didn't take to them.
  2. So I'm off to London and Paris on Tues for a couple of weeks. Anyone know of any gigs worth seeing during this time?
  3. One of my favorite Kiotzen songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAW-C9XV894
  4. Man, I hate it when bands do this. I refuse to buy on general principle. Just add a few songs to sell some old music. How can the new songs be part of their 'ultimate collection'? Bit of a contradiction in terms given that they are new tracks. Kiss Killers sticks out as the first time I was sucked in to this. Of course back then if you wanted the 2 new songs you had to buy the whole CD. Nowadays it's a bit different...
  5. Yeah, whether you like Revolutionary Soul or not, listening to it you can hear that his chops are still in prime working order.
  6. Except for Cry Of A Nation. That song's pretty shit.
  7. Joe Dirt great movie JD 2 wasn't as good sadly.
  8. +1 I'm listening to this album now and it's fucking good. You don't have to love it. If your a purist and can't bring yourself to let it into your system, then fair enough, but it's a great rock album. For me it has the traditional GW sound, and Terry does a great job.
  9. I like American Blitzkreig as well as the recent Derek Davis solo CD, both of which most here would hate I'd guess, so I'm thinking I'm one of the lucky ones who will love the new BAD album regardless.
  10. lol, yeah, a cover song, sung by girls sounds like Bad City. For some reason I can hear it. Shame they didn't do more, probably missed their boat by now. I think that song was like 5 years ago.
  11. Saw The Wrecking Crew. Not bad. Probably a bit long and a bit light on the snippy, hardly done by stuff (although I think in their time they made a pretty penny, as mentioned in the film) But still, it would be hard to play (and write) all that music with no credit. Mamas And Papas and The Monkees bits were pretty interesting.
  12. Your daughter has good taste She thinks so... FWIW, some movies off my list that aren't all that well known, but I obviously think are worth a look are The Salton Sea - Val Kilmer in a movie with a few twists and turns Nick Of Time - Johnny Depp plays a businessman who must obey his daughters captors to ensure she survived They Live - Rowdy Roddy Piper isn't a great actor, but the premise of this movie is. About aliens infiltrating earth. Less Than Zero - Robert Downey Jr is the movie that has Poisons version of Kiss's RNR All Nite. About how drugs screw up youth etc Runner Runner - Justin Timberlake and Ben Affleck about drug running and getting caught up in that world. Everly - Salma Hyeck gets caught up with the Russian mob and has to kick some ass to get out alive
  13. Nope, nope and nice titts Actually the third song is the best of them for me.
  14. I think a series is planned with the same cast.
  15. The song Crazy Crazy Nights is good enough to make this a killer album all on its own. Also love Turn On The Night and My Way Used to really like I'll Fight Hell To Hold You, but it somehow became syrupy and cheesy. Bang Bang You is ok, even though it's kinda stupid and Reason To Live is not among their best ballads, but is ok. Peter Criss solo album is ok because of 3 songs Don't You Let Me Down Hooked On Rock N Roll I Can't Stop The Rain
  16. I liked Dredd. Also liked the Stallone version a few years back. My daughter is pissed that Cape Fear didn't make the cut. Same with Shutter Island
  17. Yeah, that's a great song. Sounds like GW to me.
  18. Yes, John Wick is pretty damn killer (pun). I love revenge movies, and John Wick is cold revenge in a very cool way. Never saw The Raid. Will have to check it out. Edge Of Tomorrow 2 is said to be in the works Top Gun 2 just got the green light. I hated Donnie Darko. Same with another 'cult' movie Fargo Many of the Arnie movies were/are cool, but seem a bit lollypoppy now. True Lies is one of the best. Also like Running Man etc
  19. Pioneers, and of influence, but I never saw them as being ahead of their time. ie: the song was a good song, and should have done better for them. More likely that the song (while great to us) did not fit the popular demand at the time. In the end, it really doesn't matter if they were ahead of their time or not, more wondering the reason why this song wasn't a hit. It's a great song, that pretty much everyone knows and likes because of QR. But the QR version really isn't that different - just updated.
  20. It was a fair job getting the list together. I own all the movies I like, so I scanned through my collection and plucked out the best ones I need to watch Ford Fairlane again. Tried to get the kids in to it a few times but they just don't seem to get it
  21. So here's my list. As I said, it got to 200, so hopefully the ones that people see as being omitted were in the 100 to 200 section. I actually did this for my kids so they'd be able to pick a flick when they are bored and hopefully enjoy it as much as I did. I didn't bother breaking up the sequel movies so Star Wars becomes Star Wars (s) 1. Shawshank Redemption 2. Goodfellas 3. Forrest Gump 4. Django Unchained 5. John Wick (s) 6. Edge Of Tomorrow 7. Law Abiding Citizen 8. Wanted 9. The Wolf Of Wall Street 10. Swordfish 11. Seven Years In Tibet 12. Interview With The Vampire 13. From Dusk Till Dawn 14. Troy 15. Limitless 16. The Italian Job (remake) 17. Catch Me If You Can 18. Kingsmen 19. Cast Away 20. Kill Bill (s) 21. Die Hard (s) 22. Young Guns (s) 23. Mission Impossible (s) 24. Point Break 25. The Interview 26. War Of The Worlds (remake) 27. Legends Of The Fall 28. Tucker And Dale Vs Evil 29. Star Trek (s) 30. Cliffhanger 31. Star Wars (s) 32. Final Destination (s) 33. Rocky (s) 34. Everly 35. Taken 36. The Equalizer 37. Fool’s Gold 38. Salt 39. Jumper 40. Four Weddings And A Funeral 41. Dumb And Dumber 42. Lost Boys 43. A Few Good Men 44. Hot Tub Time Machine 45. Guardians Of The Galaxy (s) 46. Envy 47. The Long Kiss Goodnight 48. Indiana Jones (s) 49. Jurassic Park (s) 50. Love Actually 51. Gone Girl 52. Knowing 53. Planet Of The Apes (remake) 54. Bill & Teds Bogus Journey 55. Knight And Day 56. Ford Fairlane 57. The Day After Tomorrow 58. Runner Runner 59. Galaxy Quest 60. Crank 61. Pulp Fiction 62. Jack Reacher 63. There’s Something About Mary 64. The Last Samurai 65. 2012 66. The Taking Of Phelam 1 2 3 (remake) 67. Less Than Zero 68. Now You See Me 69. The Hangover 70. Machete (s) 71. Deep Impact 72. Why Him 73. 50 First Dates 74. Dances With Wolves 75. Grease 76. National Treasure (s) 77. From Paris With Love 78. Harold & Kumar (s) 79. Highlander 80. Ocean’s Eleven (s) 81. Piranha 3DD 82. Road Trip (s) 83. The Butterfly Effect 84. The Firm 85. The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty 86. Flash Gordon 87. Titanic 88. Wolf Creek 89. The Slaton Sea 90. Mad Max (s) 91. Broken Arrow 92. Tropic Thunder 93. Lucy 94. Nick Of Time 95. Independence Day 96. Baseketball 97. First Blood (s) 98. Predator 99. The Untouchables 100. They Live
  22. I recently did my top 100 movie of all time, and Brad Pitt movies did well, so did Tom Cruise. I would be interested in seeing that list. I'll post it in a new thread so as not to big down this one. It ended up a list of 200 movies, but I think I have my favorites in the top 100 now.
  23. OK, It was Two Track Stereo, One Track Mind. Which i think was on the soundtrack from that 80's robot movie. It was on their remastered version of "the Amazing Kamikaze Syndrome " album. And "over the Hills etc" was a Gary Moore track which did with Phil Lynott. Thanks. Memory ain't what it was. Killed quite a few brain cells over the years
  24. I recently did my top 100 movie of all time, and Brad Pitt movies did well, so did Tom Cruise.
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