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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. That new King Arthur one. What a pile of shit. Jax Teller sucked, Littlefinger sucked. They all sucked. Kind of a modern twist which didn't work at all.
  2. I put some cool ass sprinklers in when I built my house. No grass etc yet, so easy to go sick with lines everywhere. A couple of years later we had some serious drought so watering gardens was banned. Washing cars with a hose was banned. Crazy shit and a serious overreaction. Actually the biggest overreaction was the government building a huge ass desalination plant. Then the drought broke. Then they cancelled the desal project half way through. Now the dams are pretty much full and they have started continuing the desal plant as a backup.
  3. Of not the solos. As Gene said before - Ace didn't really grow as a guitarist. I have his Frehley's Comet (the 1st one) and I think I only enjoyed 3 songs off that album. Grow how? I see Gene as generally being insightful and intelligent, but most of the time when he talks about Peter and Ace he seems to warp the truth top suit his agenda (appeasing fans) You could say that Eddie Van Halen was innovative but never grew I guess.
  4. Yeah, they sound pretty good. Still hate the name, but I guess I'll have to deal. I worry that his voice (tone, tempo etc) won't change at all during all of the songs and I'll get bored.
  5. I need to listen to this more. Just bumped it to the top of my play list
  6. Same. And it ain't Mark Slaughteresque for me at all. I like Slaughter. This I've heard once, and that is enough.
  7. Was listening top some early Kiss yesterday, and I found a new appreciation for Ace. Many people bang on about him, and whilst I always enjoyed his work, I never saw anything too incredibly amazing in it. But yesterday what grabbed me were not his solos, but all the other things he did along the song. Don't know if this was music given to him to play, or if he created or improvised along the way. So if he came up with all those little riffs and fills, then I probably finally get what others have always seen in him playing being exceptional. If it was Paul or Gene, then kudos to them I guess, and Ace remains just a great guitarist.
  8. Just git back from Wonder Woman. Different to what I thought, but enjoyable enough. Probably a bit longer than it needed to be.
  9. Love it but it wouldn't be my favourite song of theirs , that would be reserved for 'The Fire' or 'Getting away with murder' Scars is right up there for me.
  10. Yeah, but all she had to do was let me know that they'd called her, passed on the info and I would have either instructed her not top let them do it, or called them myself. Sadly, kids don't learn from this, and the same thing will happen again with something else. As a parent you can only do so much before they have to start learning from their mistakes....
  11. Cost my daughter $100 Because she didn't ring me to relay what they said. She used Kmart Tyre & Auto and they scammed her. What she got from them was that they were cleaning the 'engine' because it was clogged up and sluggish. Utter bullshit, and I did what anyone who has an issue does - left a bad Google review to warn others.
  12. Kong Skull Island. Better than I thought it would be. I was kinda like "what's the point" of the remake (again) but I think they made it a more believable movie - if that makes sense. Split. Finally saw this one. Not much of a link to Unbreakable, but ok. Best part was the acting by James McAvoy who owned a very hard role to play. Deserves all the awards for his part, but will likely not see any.
  13. Great Miss Me clip. Favortie song off the album.
  14. Was talked in to watching The Great wall. about what I expected. Pretty shit and ridiculous.
  15. for me - 1. s/t 93% 2. SWW 88.5% 3. New Jersey 87% 3 amazing albums [interestingly if you left Social Disease of SWW its 92% and Love for Sale off NJ its 90% so pretty damned close and consistent across all 3] Yeah I agree with all that except ST, which is a great album, but well short of the others you mentioned IMO
  16. The Belko Experiment. Great Bloody, violent and kind of original A cross between The Purge and Saw for me
  17. Spent a bit of time flying so watched what was 'on tap' Assassins Creed - not a gamer, so I doubt I really was going to be overawed by this. It was ok I guess. Bridget Jonse's Baby - better than I thought it would be. I liked the first one, second was OK, this one tied it up pretty well. Kill Command - kinda weird. Reminded me of the awesome Dog Soldiers on some levels. Not bad I guess. Hands Of Stone - about the boxer Roberto Duran with DeNiro as his trainer. Pretty good actually. Collateral Beauty - what a fucking sad movie. No idea why they make movies like this.
  18. I'm the complete opposite of you...1st 2 for me,like the 3rd but wasn't keen on numero cautro Not many people were I guess. If you listen again, there are a few songs that will stand out as being traditional sounding among the more grungier songs.
  19. Easily the best Papa Roach song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxVACta6dbA
  20. I plan on passing you soon ! It's on!
  21. That kind of sucked. Rock sugar did an album of mashups where they played and sung all the songs - much better and fun to listen to.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr4HffbAUTk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_inPqNrc_BA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suky57jrf4s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpNrqxBWxQM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c59kRQI0DmY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vXI8WmuN2Y
  22. Off the top of my head (probably missed quite a few) I've seen the following.... Also, there would be a stack of Aussie bands who I've either forgotten about or was too drunk to remember (at pubs etc) Vanessa Amorosi The Angels x 3 Australian Crawl Bon Jovi x 3 Cheap Trick Choirboys x lots Cold Chisel Richard Clapton Alice Cooper Crowded House Deep Purple Def Leppard Dragon x lots Electric Pandas Jon English The Eurythmics Guns N'Roses Sammy Hagar Billy Idol Iron Maiden Billy Joel Elton John Kids In The Kitchen x lots Kiss x 6 or 7 Cyndi Lauper David Lee Roth Live Meat Loaf Midnight Oil x 2 Models Motley Crue x 2 No Nonsence Painters & Dockers Poison Cat Power The Poor Pseudo Echo x lots The Radiators Roxus Skyhooks Spandau Ballet Paul Stanley Steel Panther Stryper Tesla Mike Tramp x lots Twisted Sister x 2 Uncanny X-Men Warrant Robbie Williams
  23. For me Life Loves A Tragedy is the 'ballyest' I guess Fallen Angel is kind of up there as well in a 'Poisonish ballsy way'
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