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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Quote for Geoff who hadn't heard the term before.
  2. Atomic Blonde. Trailer made it look way better than it was. Bit boring, predictable and annoying.
  3. Love me some Trucker Diablo. look forward to this one. Great Stuff. Looking forward particularly to Vodoo 2
  4. Saw Geostorm the other day.Average, but better than I was led to believe. Great cast though. Worth a watch. Also saw Daddy's Home 2. As usual the best bit were on the trailer, but still a fair movie. About the same enjoyment as the first one, but more predictable.
  5. Never heard either of them before. Second one was better, Didn't think much of the first one...
  6. So a bit of an update. Paris has joined a band around 3 or 4 months ago, she plays bass in the band. The other 2 guys in the band disbanded their old band and restarted with Paris anew under a new name Greyview https://www.facebook.com/greyviewaus/ They've just finished recording their first song, which I admit sounds pretty good. A lot better that I anticipated as I think they have a punk influence to them. They yesterday they announced their first gig. Apparently with a bunch of bands who mean something (I haven't heard of any of them) as well as some secret headliner (read: probably haven't locked anyone in yet) Still, exciting time and I'll trot along and see the show. Will post the song when they have it mastered etc. (
  7. Was lying on the couch and Lara Croft Part 2 came on. Not sure if I'd seen it before. Bit corny at times but enjoyable enough.
  8. Some very cool choices above. Gonna be a great mix
  9. Perfect example of a band who shouldn't be in their film clip. Or at least it should be way 'artier' with no close-ups and a shirt that isn't 3 sizes too small. I don't mind the song when I am typing this, then when I look up I don't like it as much
  10. Like me, you'd probably be surprised at how well you can recite it. Scary how bored you get with the power out all day, no AC on a hot day, phones dying because no charge, no TV or music> Not sure why they decided to do maintenance or whatever on a Sunday. Next time maybe we'll plan ahead and go to the actual movie cinema lol
  11. I like it. Kind of like Joey Tempest solo and bands like Electrik where the album is great but best listened to as a whole rather than having clear stand out songs.
  12. So I'm watching a music show last night hosted by Whitfield Crane and of course he plays I Hate Everything About You. One of those songs I haven't heard in years but because I heard it I renewed my relationship with it. Anyway, as I was listening I decided to make a compilation of hateful songs, just for fun. Bit of attitude is nice when you're in the mood. I Hate Everything About You - Ugly Kid Joe Six Feet Under - Kissin' Dynamite Get In The Ring - G N R Pissed - Dangerous Toys Who Do You Think You Are - Union Burn In Hell - TS 1000 Points Of Hate - Anthrax I'm Glad You're Dead - Bobaflex Fire away with any suggestions
  13. 1. Mr. Big - Defying Gravity 2. Steelheart - Through Worlds Of Stardust 3. Wayland - Rinse And Repeat 4. Derek Davis - Revolutionary Soul 5. Kee Of Hearts - Kee Of Hearts 6. H.E.A.T - Into The Great Unknown 7. Warrant - Louder Harder Faster 8. Midnight Sin - One Last Ride 9. Midnite City - Midnite City 10. Papa Roach - Crooked Teeth
  14. Agree with the samey comment. Hoping that a few tracks jump out at me after a few more listens. Like Last Beat Of My Heart so far.
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