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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Been going through my fairly large folder of albums to get to. Saw this one and couldn't remember it at all, so I played a few songs expecting something pretty average. It's actually a pretty damn good album. Couldn't find a thread here for it.
  2. The kids in question are 18 and 20, and I think they had both seen the movie before. It was meant to me an annoying dad thing to do which kind of backfired when they listened right through my drivel. weird, in that normally they would tell me to shup up and leave rolling their eyes. Must have also been pretty bored I guess...
  3. We had the power out on Sunday, so I gave a couple of my kids a verbal recital of The Terminator. They actually paid attention throughout, and one wanted to watch it when the power came back on lol
  4. I hate it. Listen to some Yothu Yindi (which we bombarded with for years), or attend any Aussie event (sporting or otherwise) which is trying to be inclusive and multicultural and you'll get your fair share of that droning rubbish. I guess I'm a bit biased though
  5. Saliva touring Australia in Feb for the first time. I wonder if they will call Melbourne "Mel-bore-en' looked up set lists and it looks like a pretty decent list - most of my favorites. I'll be there
  6. Not a bad song. First time I think I've heard a didgeridoo in a hard rock song.
  7. I skipped through a few songs and liked what I heard. Some will likely grab me, but most sounded middle of the road.
  8. Nope. Everyone needs to rock out every so often. You always looked like an idiot when you did so in your car. Just look like more of an idiot now,. But the bonus is that you likely care what people think a lot less than you did 30 years ago.
  9. Don't think the muppets have been in a song of the day yet...
  10. For those from other countries who may not have heard this cool version
  11. Yeah, Get Out was great. Way better than I thought. Tonight I saw Tears Of The Sun for the first time in probably 10 years Held up well.
  12. 24 Hours To Live. Comparisons to John Wick got me excited, only to be let down by a very B grade revenge flick. Pretty messy with no real flow. Was OK to watch once.
  13. That would be Boss's Daughter which is a killer song Other highlights is the ballad Purple and semi-ballad Beautiful Behind Closed Doors is cool But Footsteps was the killer song of recent times
  14. Grinder was great. I've recently picked up and watched the first seasons of Superstore and Wrecked Also, the second and final season of Vice Principals is nearly done. Hilarious show. Everything is out at the moment Star Trek Discovery The Orville Curb Your Enthusiasm The Good Place The Walking Dead Hell's Kitchen The Goldbergs Survivor etc
  15. Love me some Pop Evil. New song....
  16. OK, so I listened to the song posted. Not for me at all I'm afraid.
  17. Based on some Ed Sheeran song, here's one for The Walking Dead fans. By the end it's kinda catchy
  18. The Last Samuri. My wife's choice tonight and some of the kids watched with us. Haven't seen it for ages, still holds up
  19. Based on the description of the band, it's likely not for me. But I just wanted to say how awesome The Outer Limits TV show was. I showed one of my kids the ants from mars episode and she still gets freaked out by ants
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