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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Will you be taking back that Bronco's gear to get some Packers stuff? Kidding of course. However, I couldn't pick Denver over Philly in my weekly picks, Philly is playing very well. Back on topic, the Mrs. gave me some clothes. They are a little city like maybe since they have collars and one is like a sweater or something...but they are nice. I am a jeans, t-shirt and flannel guy so maybe I can wear them for special get togethers. Gets more difficult to find a good flannel these days.
  2. Christmas Vacation "Hey. If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Frank Shirley, my boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here, with a big ribbon on his head, and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?"
  3. Good disc. I love all three, but the second one is easily the best of the three. I can see how they could be mistaken for solid but unspectacular, though. Maybe I'll give it another spin in the future. I am spinning Re: Program right now and it too just seems uninspired. It's not like there is anything stand out bad, but to me there is nothing catchy.
  4. A lot of snow, ice, sleet, rain and wind in Wisconsin so far this week. As for gifts....the Mrs. bought me an Ipod dock that is supposed to be the cat's ass for making your Ipod sound great through your home stereo. So far I can't make it sound any better than the $2 Y cable I was using before.
  5. If we all donated enough for Dan to buy a certificate to create a secure website https://, a lot of filtering software does not or cannot filter encrypted traffic. But it's late and I am just typing out loud.
  6. How many posts do I need to have before I get an Emoticon that says "Please don't feed the Jeffadillo's"? Anyway, I wish I was here for posts 1 - 25,000 but alas...nice work Geoff!
  7. Here's another one...a few good tracks but nothing that great, yet most seem to think this is great stuff. Maybe I am in a bad mood this week.
  8. Hate to pick on an older release but I've tried listening to this CD a few times this week and I just cannot get into it. After spinning it 4 times in my car on the way to work and back The Thin Line is the only song that I can recall. Reading this thread I was suprised there was that many people who enjoyed this. Is there still a lot of love out there for this release? 'Feel The Fire' was better IMO.
  9. I always enjoyed her onscreen, that raspy voice, whether a leading role or a small part such as Sin City. What a bummer.
  10. Arg, the cat chewed my fuckin' Ipod headphones.
  11. How about your nuts? ... Well then point me to the nearest Jumbo Jewelry store!
  12. She's cute, but I've never been a big fan of the hardware on women's faces. Just not for me I guess.
  13. Jeff


    I like brownies. Welcome.
  14. Well, saying something might ruin the mood.
  15. Yep, had to forward that one to some friends.
  16. I Love You Man Arg, I need to stop letting my wife control the movies. Not terrible but not my type of flick.
  17. Pretty much, someone is saying "Is downloading mp3 an ok thing to do?" while right next to is "DOWNLOAD MP3's!" I'm paraphrasing of course. I am not sure what type of humor to call it, never usually gut busting, but funny. Sort of like this Dilbert joke here... http://www.tombartel.com/images/email.jpg
  18. Yeah, backed. I downloaded Wildhearts - Zeen Requiem.mp3 from their Media link and if that is what they sound like (an almost shitier version of Green Day, but that's not possible) then I won't be downloading the other free songs.
  19. Far away from my neck of the woods, he's in the Phillipines, this shout out is way overdue. We made a hassle free trade a month ago and are in the middle of another one. Now we just need to get him to post on our boards a little more. Thanks for the trade! Jeff
  20. Your points hit the nail on the head IMO, AND I wouldn't apologize for chiming in because once someone posts a thread to the public forum instead of keeping it to PM's, emails, etc. it becomes anyones topic to comment on IMO.
  21. 10 years...I'll go '83 - '93 It is what I grew up on!
  22. If you are angry with her then you need to play these songs: Dirty Penny - Stand On My Own Disturbed - The Game If you actually want her back: Firehouse - Don't Walk Away Firehouse - All She Wrote
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