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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. I need to pick up some Pretty Maids cd's. Anyone let me know if you have extras for trade/maybe purchase. I've heard enough off of Jump The Gun to really like that one but Anything Worth Doing is the only one I own so I will not vote.
  2. Wow dude...."even more my immaturity"? So I like to joke a little bit to lighten things up and that is immature. Ok, whatever. Next time cd's in a trade don't show up in 2 weeks I'll do the more mature thing and get all cranked up about it and post it here in a public forum. And no, I would NOT have the same 'concern' (aka freak out) you showed, especially when everyone here vouched for him. Holy shit 2 weeks went by and no cd's. It's not enough the dude is sick but a whole 30 minutes went by and no PM?! Gee whiz.
  3. This song made wonder, are we to assume we WANT get her back or the "don't let the door pin your neck and a choke you to death on the way out" attitude? Different relationships, different songs I suppose. Also, I would like to as the women of the board, Widda being the only female I am aware of (though I am sure there are others).....do you feel slighted with a question like this because there is a limited number of "He's Gone" songs versus "She's Gone" songs?
  4. I want to make a wise crack somewhere in here but I better not. Doh!
  5. My wife and I love the show but it is definitely time to wrap things up and we are looking forward to that in 2010.
  6. Great tune...wish they would have made more music than what they did! Dirty Penny - Stand On My Own
  7. GI Joe - the Mrs. summed it up best when she said "a fun movie" followed by Valkyrie - I was surprised this was better than I expected
  8. But my impression of that thread was that the title is not 'Best song you want stuck in your head of the day'. It's just song of the day - good, bad or ugly. I know for a fact I've mentioned in that thread before some dreadful shit I had stuck in my head... as that's the point of the thread as far as I knew. HAHA! Internet forums. F*CK YEAH! Is an Aussie backed into a corner ?? Nope. You know I'm right. Geoff, the truth is we always agree with you when you're correct. When we disagree with you, it's because you're wrong--and you're wrong, often. I've yet to be wrong once. Especially this time. It looks like you guys just misinterpreted the 'Song of the day' thread. Which does not surprise me. How can you soar with eagles when you're pecking at crumbs with seaguls? I was wrong once. Shit.
  9. When my alarm goes off every day and I roll out of bed, for years, and I'm talking years and f'ing years, nearly EVERY f'ing day for years the first song that pops in to my head is the beginning lines of Enuff Znuff's Fly High Michelle....yeah, you all know the words. Now my alarm time has changed many times but it don't matter if I get up at "6 o'clock in the morning" or not. Right now I get up at 5:15a and it is still that same song every f'ing day. Thankfully, after the first few minutes of the day I don't think of that song again. So I don't necessarily hate it which is good because it is a great song. But I've often wondered if I make it to my 70's or 80's if it will still be Fly High Michelle, every day...every f'ing day, year after f'ing year.
  10. I bought the Strike Twice that you guys have been talking up!
  11. I like it for sure. Seems like most anything coming out of Sweden is worth checking out. I'm adding this to the list....at quick glance it seems not easy to find though.
  12. Happy birthday! I'll play some Electric Boys - Rags To Riches in honor of your day!
  13. The ladies call me "Campbell's" because I'm thick and round.
  14. I'll second that one...he is one homely kid. I told Mrs. Jeff that and she just says "oh he is not". I'm thinking seriously? What does that say about me if she thinks HE is good looking?
  15. That new Twighlight movie last night....courtesy of the Mrs. Watch the Deep Oceans chapter of Planet Earth tonight.
  16. My wife had this scheduled for me to go with her last night after work. I'm more for Blade hunting down the blood suckers but this is what it is...a love story first, vampires a distant second. But they are certainly not the worst movies I've seen. What is stupid is the high schoolers clapping when the movie started, screaming when the main guy came on and then applauding when the movie was over....not needed.
  17. Black or white, how these crimes are not instant death penalty is beyond me. Some a-hole attorney will probably plead some sort of insanity defense for these pieces of shit. No death penalty = food, bed, weight room, gym, etc. at the tax payer expense.
  18. Saigon Kick - Love Is On The Way Streaming on RadioIO hairbands
  19. Steel Panther - Feel The Steel Surprisingly found this in a used bin already. Shocker is hilarious.
  20. Jeff

    new here

    Yeah, I was gonna say I never heard of THAT term before but ok. Welcome!
  21. Funny you mention that, a guy at work told me the same thing about Borderlands yesterday. Problem is the wife doesnt like shoot 'em up, she like RPG's which I like, but I also like cause a little carnage with guns too.
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