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Everything posted by Jeff

  3. Jeff

    The Return of #4

    #4 can kiss my ass lying, POS, traitor
  4. Hey, happy birthday Bobby Boy!
  5. Just when you think you've heard it all... http://www.kare11.com/news/news_article.as...1&catid=391
  6. Dirty Penny in concert...I am envious. As I've said a hundred times already on here (well at least a few times anyway) their new CD is about as good as sleaze rock gets IMO. This one is running for my top 2009 release along with that Delain cd.
  7. I bought a few cd's from her (Christine is her name I think) a month ago and they arrived in 4 days as described. I bought a few more cd's from her a week and a half ago and nothing has arrived yet...not that a week and a half is that long anyway. Her negative feedback seemed mostly related to poor shipping times if I remember. Maybe she just picks certain weeks to ship everything?
  8. I don't think I have had 29,000 useful "thoughts" in my life, let alone worth posting. Great work Geoff!
  9. Are the samples at Frontier a pretty good sampling of what the CD is like? To be honest, my couple of tries at the samples are not making me very excited but the comments in this thread are by and large pretty positive. So I am conflicted. I was going to pick this up if Best Buy or Walmart actually carried it but it appears they will not.
  10. Send me some promoters/booking agents that want to hook us up... we'll be there! Pete, love the live footage BTW...you say in one of your comments your fingers can get a little tired during the solo....I've always wondered how guitar players don't end up with carpal tunnel in the first place? What the heck is the trick? I used to play video games on the PC and carpal tunnel sets in.
  11. Send me some promoters/booking agents that want to hook us up... we'll be there! Hey T-BONE, I think it is time for you and I to make a request to a small venue known as Dibbo's in downtown Hudson. Whaddya think?
  12. Hell yeah! "Don't ya know love's a bitch!"
  13. And the next question is....when are you coming to Minneapolis/St. Paul? Hmmmm????
  14. Yeah, the Giant ones are not that good. I don't mind the Scorps cover and the ZZ Top while not that good does make me laugh a little everytime I see it...which is probably their point.
  15. Jeff

    My f*ing Monday...

    I agree, Wes got the worst of the bad deals yesterday...sorry man. Geoff, we are in a pretty decent neighborhood just east of Hudson, WI. There is a lot of distance between all the neighbors and it is highly wooded so once in awhile the teenagers get a little crazy overnight. I am hoping that's all it was. My wife asked me who I pissed off. Noone I can think of. Last year someone drove through the neighborhood and hit every trash can with their car...except ours. Last time lucky, this time not so much. Halloween is this coming Saturday so hopefully they got that out of their system. Widda, I like your thinking. I already have a few of those that would work for me just fine...Mrs. Jeff needs firearms training though.
  16. Hardcore Superstar - Beg For It Ok, my first spin...and nothing really stood out for me except for 2 songs. Beg For It which I already knew was good and another song that slips my mind (didn't stand out as much as I thought maybe). I am not too worried yet. Hardcore Superstar seems to be one of those bands that write songs that don't do much for me one way or the other until I spin them again and again. About the 4th time through I really start to dig them. My first spin impression is "eh, not much that totally stands out". But tomorrow is another shot with this one.
  17. Terry, Ok, it appears he has Windows XP Service Pack 2 Service Pack 3 is available for Windows XP. I doubt that is the issue but he should consider installing it anyway. He should make sure his computer is virus free if he installs it. It is a fairly large download compared to most updates. Anyway, can you ask him to tell us what web browser he is using AND what version? It will most likely be one of these: 1. Internet Explorer - to find the version he needs to click on the various menu's at the top and look for a menu item called "About Internet Explorer" and tell us what the number version is. 2. Firefox - Click on Options, then choose About The end result is that he should get whatever browser he is using to the latest version. The browser update is the first place I would start. The Service Pack is important but less chance it fixes his problem, IMO. Finally, when he says he gets "knocked out" what exactly is happening? Is he getting an error message of some sort, page cannot be displayed? If you want to PM me for my email address I can email Dave directly to help out. Jeff
  18. I'll be curious to see if Best Buy has this actually in store tomorrow. Probably not.
  19. I like the creepy movies....report back!
  20. This could have been in the fuck thread but it goes here. I get home tonight to find someone fuckin' smashed my mailbox and my wife's pumpkins she had around it all to hell. Nothing good can come of that but here is the bad that comes of it: 1. I spent $15 fucking dollars on a new mailbox that I could have bought a new cd with. 2. I spent 45 minutes in 40 degree weather in the dark replacing a mailbox. 3. My wife is gonna freak. She is already scared to stay out in the country by herself if I am out of town and I already catch enough shit when I head out to go hunting for a week with my ol' man. 4. My wife will now force me to sign up for ADT or Brinks security system for a house. 5. That monthly security fee is money I could spend on buying cd's monthly. And the worst of it all.... The absolute worst of it all... 6. Because the mailbox was not available the post man did not deliver and I WAS EXPECTING A FEW CD's TODAY! Fuck. Mr. Miller is in hand. I am cranking some Crazy Lixx. I feel better now. It's not the worst thing that can happen. Some of you have had some stories of some crappy days or things that happened to you so I cannot bitch too much....figured I'd share though. Ah, such is life. So anyway, how was YOUR Monday?
  21. I wonder how it survives as well. There is a team here in the Twin Cities. Noone ever talks about them. I never see anyone even wearing their shirt. Myself, I could care less about the NBA let alone the WNBA.
  22. Jeff


    Dokken has many great tunes and this is surely one of them. Picking a favorite is hard to do. For me, Into The Fire with The Hunter running a close second.
  23. Kickin' ass and takin' names!
  24. Jeff

    Call PETA

    Me thinks Bruce does not like them either.
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