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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Jeff

    Call PETA

    With Bruce in one hand and Mr. Miller (Genuine Draft) in the other that poor fella never had a chance! The CD survived but the spider got "tattooed".
  2. Mission Impossible 3 I love the scene where Ethan is running on the bridge and the rocket hits and he bounces off the car.
  3. Mission Impossible 3 I love the scene where Ethan is running on the bridge and the rocket hits and he bounces off the car.
  4. http://www.xoopit.com/s/210upsyc1l2jhcv2urdi
  5. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    Somehow I failed to list my second favorite track on this cd which is "Stand On My Own". Ok, I'll stop bumping this this thread up. You get my point, great release! If you own it and have not listened to it yet (Geoff, I know you have it, did you listen to it yet?) try to move it to the top of your list. "Now I know what it means to be free." "Stand On My Own, you're fucking dead to me!"
  6. Did Dan ever get the answers to his question as far as what kind of computer system he's using and such? Exactly, if we could get the information about what Operating System and Service Pack version that would be a good start. If you click Start, click Run..., and type "winver" (without the quotes) and click OK, that will give you the Windows Version. Also the web browser he is using and the version, for example Internet Explorer v7 or Firefox v3.01, etc. I am all about making sure my computer is up to date on the latest service packs, etc. So if we could get this info it would be a start.
  7. I'm just trying to figure out if I can sucker someone in my league to take Tomlinson and Portis off my hands. I have Big Ben and Fitzgerald in my league too. Not fortunate enough to have Peterson. I grabbed Leo Washington awhile back hoping that Thomas Jones would come back to reality and because Washington had a big finish to last season. No such luck with him so far. Noone comes to mind as far as no names right now.
  8. In a perfect world I'd love a place to find out about anything where I would get ripped off but as mentioned above, how would you track it? They just use different identities. If and when I ever find out about a corrupt person on Ebay or anywhere else, this board would be the first to know about it.
  9. How many people here have the first Tango Down CD "Take One" and if you do what is your take on it? One comment out on the main page and only 2 ratings tells me either this one wasn't a favorite of many folks or maybe not many ever picked it up? Hoping it's just the latter. I really liked most of Damage Control so I was thinking about searching this one out. Opinions please...
  10. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    I spun this in the car on the way home today. Each time I listen I find another song that has something I like. I might be taking back what I said above about leaving 3 tracks out...but not yet. Here are the standout tracks for me after 3 spins: 1. If I Were You I'd Hate Me Too 2. In Luv With Insanity 4. On My Sleeve 5. Going Out In Style 7. Sleeping Dogs 8. Devil In Me 9. Dead At 16 11. Run To You (probably my favorite track and it is not that much of a sleaze track...well a slower paced one anyway)
  11. Just noticed the Donnie Purnell(Former Kix bassist/songwriter) co-wrote "Deal with the Devil". "Always Within Me" is a great song IMO and one of my favs so far along with "Stone Cold Killer". I'd say that "Always Within Me" will definately appeal to old school Winger fans, it kind of has a mix of the debut and 'Pull'. One downside to this disc is it's a fucking Digi-pack. Wes, just curious where you bought your copy from? I might pick this one up if the consensus is that it's pretty good. I ordered mine from Nehrecords where I order most of my discs. However after I got it I noticed that it's getting a US release next week and will be available on Amazon and I guess there's the possibility at that time you could find it in a walmart or other music stores. I wonder if the US version will be a digipack or not. Ah, good info Wes. I was searching Best Buy site last night and didn't see it and was wondering why. I figured Winger should get some store representation for awhile but I didn't know it had not been released here yet. Cool, thanks.
  12. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    I've also played it through a couple times. It picks up right where the first album left off so if anyone is worried about a change in style they can rest easy. I like the fact that they also changed things up a bit on a couple songs just to breathe a bit of fresh air into the album, so everything doesn't all sound "the same". A very good album, these guys could really make a name for themselves if it's meant to be. That is actually a good way to put it...picks up right where their first disc left off. And I agree as well that they do mix it up just enough so it is not all the same. As a side note, I laugh a little too because these guys seem to be pretty good at properly placing an F bomb in a song. Some bands just don't know when it fits and others do. For the most part DP does it well.
  13. Jeff

    Dirty Penny

    Anyone spinning this disc yet? I am through it 2 times now and I am really liking most of it. They put 13 songs on it and they could have left a few off and made this a pretty killer 10 song pack of sleaze. Even so, 2 times through and I have already found at least 7 tracks pretty damn good, nothing ground breaking, but just plain good. I'll be playing this one quite a bit over the next few weeks. I wish band had enough $ to put in a booklet with lyrics, etc. but that is not a big deal I guess.
  14. Just noticed the Donnie Purnell(Former Kix bassist/songwriter) co-wrote "Deal with the Devil". "Always Within Me" is a great song IMO and one of my favs so far along with "Stone Cold Killer". I'd say that "Always Within Me" will definately appeal to old school Winger fans, it kind of has a mix of the debut and 'Pull'. One downside to this disc is it's a fucking Digi-pack. Wes, just curious where you bought your copy from? I might pick this one up if the consensus is that it's pretty good.
  15. I'm at work so I can't crank it up but I am playing the entire cd of Savatage - Dead Winter Dead on behalf of your birthday. Have a good one!
  16. Jerry: You don't like the Drake? George: Hate the Drake. Elaine: I *love* the Drake. Jerry: How could you not like the Drake? George: Who's the Drake? Elaine: "Who's the Drake"? Jerry: The Drake is good! Welcome to the board John!
  17. Hmmm, I just read the synopsis on Wiki. Since I am totally lovin' the Dexter TV series I might find American Psycho a perfect fit as winter is just around the corner.
  18. Shaun Of The Dead is one of my favorites. It was meant to be funny of course but it had it's moments of zombie gore.
  19. He wears the pants in the family...she just tells him which ones to wear. I don't have kids but I feel I wouldn't let them run the TV. Who knows. The wife and I find enough programs to share and when she's watching something I don't like I listen to music or watch the other TV. When I'm watching something she doesn't like (usually baseball or football) she does her Facebook stuff, does some sort of craftwork with a needle, etc.
  20. Everything You Do (You're Sexing Me) - Fiona
  21. I own the debut cd and it is pretty decent. Nice change of pace. I never got real excited about it enough to buy any more of them and I've seen a few in the pawn shops from time to time.
  22. Fuck me, is that sunshine I see?
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