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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. I think my sister is gonna score this one for my birthday from NEH.
  2. Arrived yesterday and I'm looking forward to cranking it on the way in to work this morning! Farcry - Optimism
  3. Dislike that song. Early 90's in Minneapolis this song was played 24 hours straight on the final day before a grunge radio station took over the airwaves of a 80's rock station.
  4. Unfortunately mine will probably be: Grim Reaper - See You In Hell
  5. FrenchKiss - Premier Baiser This is a short EP or whatever you want to call it. For that I was hoping for a stronger set of tracks. On the other hand I paid something like $4 or $5 for this as it was mentioned here on the board. A couple of decent tracks but nothing really stuck with me.
  6. Vains Of Jenna - Reverse Tripped I wasn't too excited for this one only because I am not much for cover songs as it is, no matter who does them. So, I didn't really care for this either and it has nothing to do with VoJ as I like their music. There are a handful of songs that are ok, the F*ck You and Electric Avenue being 2 examples. I picked this up at their show Tuesday night and all of them signed the front cover. Very cool for that reason but I will be looking forward to their next CD with new material. \m/
  7. Jeff


    It seems the consensus is to start with Hellfire Club so I will do that. Thanks guys!
  8. Jeff


    Very cool, thanks for the great info!
  9. Jeff


    Ok, I really really like their release Rocket Ride but I have not picked up anything else yet. I have read that their releases vary a lot in style. I'm not sure if that is true but that has kept me from pursuing more of their stuff. My question is, if I like Rocket Ride, what are the other essential Edguy releases to buy? And any I need to avoid or put lower on my want list?
  10. Nice to hear you had a great time! The second guitarist is Joel Eliasson from Innocent Rosie (remember "Bad habit romance"?) from what I've read in interviews. Unfortunately, it seems like that band isn't around anymore. How was the new track? I don't recall a lot about the track itself other than thinking it seemed good and was sort of a "sing along" track. I'm kicking myself a bit I should have asked them how much they had written for their next release.
  11. Jeff


    Very cool! Looks like a great time, I'm envious!
  12. Guys, it was a great show! I didn't arrive in time to see Scarlett Haze unfortunately but Vains of Jenna was great! They added a 5th member so they have the whole compliment, rhythm guitarist...nice dude, sorta funny he kept his hood up over his head most of the show and gave a really drunk look when he takes pictures with the fans. Anyway, they sounded great, didn't fuck around, it was a very small crowd, lucky if there were 100 people there and even more lucky if more than 10 knew who VoJ were. Despite that, they were enthusiastic, friendly, good vibe, interacted with the crowd that was there. Aside from the songs you would expect them to play, they played 2 songs off Reversed Tripped and 1 new song called Say Hey or Hell Yeah or something like that. They didn't get into long solo's or talking too much just to fill time. I like that. After the show they all came out to their merch booth, talked with whoever, pictures, signed anything (they even had Reversed Tripped on vinyl for sale). They gave away a signed guitar and auctioned off a signed drum piece. When I would walk up to them to say "hey" the first time they would extend their hand to shake mine and introduce themselves, saying their name, "hey man, I'm JP." No shit! Super cool group of guys, good show. I would definitely go see them again.
  13. I'm heading out to Fridley, MN to see VoJ at 9:30p. There are 3 bands tonight and VoJ are the middle band. One of the local promoters said they wanted to go on second so they could hang with the fans while the final band played. If that's true, that's pretty cool. Guess I'll find out.
  14. King Kobra - King Kobra This is good stuff people.
  15. Reminds me of something George Carlin said: "You know how I define the economic and social classes in this country? The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there... just to scare the shit out of the middle class! Keep 'em showing up at those jobs!" Exactly!
  16. Isn't everything in this world pretty much about the money? I'm no fan of the RIAA but I'm trying to think of a situation where the owners, managers, bosses, controlling interests really give 2 shits about the people that make them money...other than it makes them money.
  17. Bruce Springsteen - Darkness On The Edge Of Town
  18. I didn't like this one at all Spinnin' TNA~S/T Yeah, not that great, a couple of decent tracks.
  19. In the mail today: Loveblast - S/T This is how I realize I might have too many CD's....I thought I already owned this having really liked it last year. I went to see if it had the lyrics and I couldnt find it. Come to find out I put it on my purchase list but never bought it. Well, I have it now. Good stuff, no lyrics though.
  20. "rooting for a team thats going to spend the next 10 years in the cellar i am afforded the opp to talk shit" Ummm, I'm not an NBA fan, but usually, the way it works across sports, when your team is good, then you talk shit...your team has earned that right for you. When your team is shit, don't say shit, your team has done nothing to give you that opp. That said, Go Pack Go!
  21. What are the odds they reply to you now and say: "Oui"
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