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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. In my best Randy Jackson impersonation... "Yo man, happy birthday Daaaaawwwwgggg!"
  2. Eh, so ok, those three are probably better than that Tattoo crap but it wouldn't take much to be better than that. Can they put something together that has a little melody? These just sound like they went "hey, why don't you hit the drums fast as you can, you play your own deal on the guitar and I will just spout out lyrics of some nature". Ack. Plenty of melody in those songs. Not sure what you was listening to. Classic Van Halen sounding to a tee. Here, let me help you...see those last 2 words? Not in my opinion. And not all "classic" Van Halen sound is a good thing. My opinion on them is the songs that made the radio were, for the most part, the only songs that were worth a shit. mel·o·dy/ˈmelədē/ Noun: A sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying. Here let me help you, whats with the fucking attitude? The word melody doesnt say, "musically satisfying to Jeff" last time I looked. You dont hear any melody, thats fine, but that doesnt mean it actually does lack melody. Not sure what those last two words you are talking about either. You're the smart ass know it all that said "not sure what your are listening to", so what's with your fucking attitude? You act like you're the only one who can have an opinion? I don't like what I hear and I disagree with you and I reckon anyone else who has said positive things, but none of them get on my case because I don't like it. Not everyone agrees with everyone one this board. Most in this thread seem to like what they hear. That is their opinion and that is great. I have mine. Yeah, "musically satisfying" are the 2 words. The word satisfying makes it open to opinion, therefore it is not musically satisfying to Jeff.
  3. Yeah, saw that. Saw them live last year, they were fun. Too bad, but I am sure members will catch on with other bands or better yet, maybe one or two will go start another sleaze band!
  4. Thoughts on that one? Quality? packaging?
  5. Love/Hate - Why Do You Think They Call It Dope (cd single) Great White - Call It Rock N Roll (cd single)
  6. Just popped out there real quick to check it out and only listened to that Cast In Stone, P1 instrumental and I like it. Note to self to get back out there for more samples.
  7. Probably a combo of both but yeah, for crying out loud when you have to pay $20-30 for a CD, that is just too much. It encourages illegal downloading or cherry picking of songs off Amazon or iTunes.
  8. "Would it kill ya to play some Foghat!!!" Lol...nice Chad MAFIA
  9. Eh, so ok, those three are probably better than that Tattoo crap but it wouldn't take much to be better than that. Can they put something together that has a little melody? These just sound like they went "hey, why don't you hit the drums fast as you can, you play your own deal on the guitar and I will just spout out lyrics of some nature". Ack. Plenty of melody in those songs. Not sure what you was listening to. Classic Van Halen sounding to a tee. Here, let me help you...see those last 2 words? Not in my opinion. And not all "classic" Van Halen sound is a good thing. My opinion on them is the songs that made the radio were, for the most part, the only songs that were worth a shit. mel·o·dy/ˈmelədē/ Noun: A sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying.
  10. Eh, so ok, those three are probably better than that Tattoo crap but it wouldn't take much to be better than that. Can they put something together that has a little melody? These just sound like they went "hey, why don't you hit the drums fast as you can, you play your own deal on the guitar and I will just spout out lyrics of some nature". Ack.
  11. With comparison's to Whitesnake's Cryin' In The Rain, Winger, rockin' with Dokken, Warrant, GnR, etc. how can not be waiting for this!!!!
  12. I like Livin' My Dream quite a bit actually. There are some fillers but as Geoff said, it still makes it into the tops of 2011.
  13. You can watch Episode 1 for free out on their website. I watched it Friday night. It was kick ass. Blood, breasts, beatings and babes! The new Spartacus has a good resemblance to Andy Whitfield (RIP). He just needs to bulk up a little more. By mid to end of Season 1, Whitfield was looking pretty darn big and ripped. This guy, not so much. Make sure you watch all the through the credits. Nice picture honoring Andy Whitfield.
  14. I was hoping for a 2011 release but it looks like 2012 for Baby Jane: http://www.facebook.com/babyjaneofficial
  15. I don't think Dokken, Whitesnake or the Crue should be on that list. Solid releases by all in recent years, especially Whitesnake. I voted Queensryche. I have not bothered with any of their crap in quite some time and judging by things I read here and there I am not missing anything.
  16. That is awesome, one of may favorite tunes off that CD and the video is great. They could have showed "she's plastic, she's fantastic" a little more though.
  17. Glen, That was the post that threw me over the edge. My blood actually increased temperature for a bit. It wasn't the only post in this thread, but it was "the straw".
  18. Yeah I mentioned them as they are all female fronted - and I dont listen to many female fronted bands so naturally just lumped them together. But I see your point on genres. Still not that keen on ISSA tho....again I have a strong feeling she will be at Firefest 2012 (her having attended the show last year), and yeah I guess I'll be down the front perving ;-)) Yep, it was the female fronted bands digression that got me to comment. But yeah, get your point CH.
  19. Really, most of 2.0 is worth a listen. My favorites from 2.0: Dirty Needlez Do It Up Falling Down For Hatez Sake Make Me Bleed One Beat Of Your Heart TVOD
  20. They have a lot of great stuff....I just wish some of the production could have been better, clear up the sound at times and then the reissue at least for Young & Crazy seems cheaply done IMO.
  21. This thread has some absolutely bat shit crazy answers I think I am going to throw my computer out the window. Wow.
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