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Captain Howdy

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Everything posted by Captain Howdy

  1. Just checked out their webstore and it is the same one used by Gunshine. Square site. When I enter my address to see how much the postage is (and yeah I know its gonna be more than the CD itself), it does exactly the same as the Gunshine store and says there is a problem with the address. Considering it is auto filled when you start typing your address there is either a bug with the site or they don't do international shipping. So guess that is another album I won't be able to buy.
  2. I invited ADV around for tea ... he wrote a song about it. He is my friend.
  3. I like it. Vocally he reminds me of Michael Starr mixed with someone else who I can't quite put my finger on.
  4. I finally got Quiet Riot - Road rage. Didn't wanna pay for it so had it on my Amazon wishlist and got it for Christmas. Only song on it that sounds even remotely like QR is the opening track. I like Durbin, and he does a good job with vocals, but the music is lacking and sounds like another band, but can't quite put my finger on who it reminds me of. Still at least I can add it to the collection without actually having to pay for it.
  5. I like a lot of Frontiers output so really do not have any dislike for ADV. Michael Sweet is the obvious choice for me as I am burned out on the amount of stuff he releases. While nowhere near as bad, Jeff Pilson is another one who seems to be appearing on anything these days. I am sure if you phoned Michael and Jeff up and said you need them to perform at your kids birthday party, they would.
  6. I was somewhat disapointed with Vicious as well, as I felt that relied too heavily on ballads, but that was still a better album than this even though it addressed my main complaint by having less ballads. I just wish they would, like you say, go back to their melodic rock roots with the occasional heavier track. When I was still on twitter, I saw Lzzy post something about people saying she is screaming too much and she denied it, but it just shows there must be a lot of fans that think the same way we do for her to address that.
  7. Missed this one a few months ago, but here is their first song with their all new female only line up. Must say the song to me is kinda weak. The vocals are very flat and the singer has some unusual dance moves (not that that affects the sound). Drums are barely audible as well. Really liked their last EP but this really does not do much for me
  8. According to the max prices sold on Discogs it would be the original Ratt ep (although I have never been sure it was first print), both the Metal Shop and Metal Skool versions of Hole Patrol, Kane Roberts - Unsung radio (2 disc), Blue Tears - Dancin on the backstreets & Cats in Boots - Last works. I thought Floyds Funk Revival - Creamy would have been worth more.
  9. Just posted over in the AOR/Hard Rock forum that Pride & Joy are reissuing the debut album from 2006 by Miss Behaviour. From memory the last two albums by them were on AOR Heaven, so hopefully this means that they will continue to work with bands that were signed to the label.
  10. Two songs I like by Disturbed. Their cover of Land of Confusion and The Glass Shatters (Stone Cold Steve Austins entrance music).
  11. Absolutely love this song but the video is disturbing as hell. This was from their more emo rather than full on glam days
  12. As for my biggest disapointment of the year, well didn't buy as many albums as I would have liked due to obvious reasons, but the one that really stands out isn't one I dislike, just one that should have been played constantly with how much I love the band, but ended up playing it a couple of times and then just moving onto something else and that is Halestorm - Back from the dead. As I say, not a terrible album just nothing special and Lzzy just spends too much time shouting. Also disapointed that they totally screwed fans over by re-releasing it a few months later with bonus tracks.
  13. Were you expecting much from them to be disapointed though? I mean, I don't actually mind latter day EZN, but even I don't expect much from them. To be disapointed by an album I have to be expecting great things in the first place.
  14. Hard to believe this time last year I was in hospital getting my final cycle of standard chemo. (had heavy dose in April this year before stem cell/bonemarrow transplant). Happy christmas ya buncha filthy animals.
  15. From FaceBook UPDATE FROM MISS BEHAVIOUR It's been a while but we are back with some news for you! We are happy to annonce the reissue of our debut album "Heart of Midwinter". Holy Crap, it's been 17 years since we faked the label "Sunset Fox Records" and got this piece on the market. We would like to thank Pride & Joy Music for bringing Heart of Midwinter back in February 2023. But wait there's more. This also means that all our previous releases will be available on all major streaming services. Oh, by the way, we are currently working on new material to record. Merry Christmas to all of You from Miss Behaviour!
  16. Self titled Motley Crue is probably the out an out best album by any 80s bands trying to follow the more modern trend. Should never have been released as Motley, I will admit, but fuck me that album was and still is fucking awesome.
  17. Can't agree on the title track. That was the song that sold me on the album as it sounded like classic Lep. The rest of the album was where the real difference in sound was, but I liked it. Slang though still stands out as the one song on the album that really was "Def Leppard".
  18. I love his straight up full covers as well. His Chris Cornell and Megadeth ones are spot on
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