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:lol: My ringtone was a horse neighing... still cracked me up everytime I heard it, but now it's gone. :( Do you think gangreen all over his body would be more painful, Wes? If so, is it okay that I want the most painful death imaginable for this guy?
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:lol: My ringtone was a horse neighing... still cracked me up everytime I heard it, but now it's gone. :( Do you think gangreen all over his body would be more painful, Wes? If so, is it okay that I want the most painful death imaginable for this guy?


How do ya know it was a guy, Geoff? ;) It may have been Lisa, ya know how she will get the better of ya, er everyone :P , or perhaps it was Metalhead, ya know he has horses, what a better ringtone for him? :lol:;):whistle:

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Did you find your phone? I found one yesterday in my pocket - but that's mine.... still I wept a little as I thought of your loss and caressed mine lovingly...was I wrong to do that?

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I've been listening all weekend for a phone with an "It's Raining Men" ringtone, but no luck yet... :(


Seriously though, that sucks m'man. If it's been gone that long it's probably history. Will the phone co. give you a break on a new one, etc.?

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How come we're not at Wotty's place yet?


As for Wes' question, I hope the gangreen ate his scrotum today and finally takes his eyeballs tomorrow... if that's cool with you?


Yeah, it's definately gone but I reported it yesterday because the guy who found it made a call 3 hours after I lost it. I know the police won't do anything, but how good would it be if they found and shot the guy?

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How come we're not at Wotty's place yet?


As for Wes' question, I hope the gangreen ate his scrotum today and finally takes his eyeballs tomorrow... if that's cool with you?


Yeah, it's definately gone but I reported it yesterday because the guy who found it made a call 3 hours after I lost it. I know the police won't do anything, but how good would it be if they found and shot the guy?





I think it would be great if the police shot the guy, do you think everyone else will feel the same way as we do?

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Who pity da fool whut stole Geoff's cell phone? Ain't nobody pity dat fool, right?

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Speaking about telephones....


how many times a day is telstra ripping off australian customers ????


And is that equal to or greater than the amount American customers get ripped off by all of our Telcom carriers?

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Speaking about telephones....


how many times a day is telstra ripping off australian customers ????


And is that equal to or greater than the amount American customers get ripped off by all of our Telcom carriers?




And is that equal to or greater than the amount of customers getting ripped off by Verizon Wireless by them always making you sign up for 2 more years everytime you walk into one of their stores?

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Speaking about telephones....


how many times a day is telstra ripping off australian customers ????


And is that equal to or greater than the amount American customers get ripped off by all of our Telcom carriers?




And is that equal to or greater than the amount of customers getting ripped off by Verizon Wireless by them always making you sign up for 2 more years everytime you walk into one of their stores?


Is it true that even if you just drive by a Verizon store and glance at it, they add another year to your contract?

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Speaking about telephones....


how many times a day is telstra ripping off australian customers ????


And is that equal to or greater than the amount American customers get ripped off by all of our Telcom carriers?




And is that equal to or greater than the amount of customers getting ripped off by Verizon Wireless by them always making you sign up for 2 more years everytime you walk into one of their stores?


Is it true that even if you just drive by a Verizon store and glance at it, they add another year to your contract?




I'm wondering if you have to pull into the parking lot first?




Speaking of cell phones, this makes me think of that movie Cellular when he goes into the store and holds up the store for a charger, and then pays for it anyway.

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