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:blink: Ok.....somebody blow in my ear.......cuz I need a fill up. What???? :blink:


pssssttt... he's saying that you would have to know the difference, based on what, uh, *opportunities*, you've had in the past. Did that help?


No, it didn't ! Did it ?

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:blink: Ok.....somebody blow in my ear.......cuz I need a fill up. What???? :blink:


pssssttt... he's saying that you would have to know the difference, based on what, uh, *opportunities*, you've had in the past.     Did that help?


Y'all are too smart, did I mention that? :bowdown:

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:blink: Ok.....somebody blow in my ear.......cuz I need a fill up. What???? :blink:


pssssttt... he's saying that you would have to know the difference, based on what, uh, *opportunities*, you've had in the past.     Did that help?


Y'all are too smart, did I mention that? :bowdown:


Yeah........y'all are just too smart for me.... how did you EVER get sooooooooooooooo smart?

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:blink: Ok.....somebody blow in my ear.......cuz I need a fill up. What???? :blink:


pssssttt... he's saying that you would have to know the difference, based on what, uh, *opportunities*, you've had in the past.     Did that help?


Y'all are too smart, did I mention that? :bowdown:


Yeah........y'all are just too smart for me.... how did you EVER get sooooooooooooooo smart?


The wolves that raised me were Ivy League?

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:blink: Ok.....somebody blow in my ear.......cuz I need a fill up. What???? :blink:


pssssttt... he's saying that you would have to know the difference, based on what, uh, *opportunities*, you've had in the past.     Did that help?


Y'all are too smart, did I mention that? :bowdown:


Yeah........y'all are just too smart for me.... how did you EVER get sooooooooooooooo smart?


The wolves that raised me were Ivy League?


A class act all round then? <_<

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:blink: Ok.....somebody blow in my ear.......cuz I need a fill up. What???? :blink:


pssssttt... he's saying that you would have to know the difference, based on what, uh, *opportunities*, you've had in the past.     Did that help?


Y'all are too smart, did I mention that? :bowdown:


Yeah........y'all are just too smart for me.... how did you EVER get sooooooooooooooo smart?


The wolves that raised me were Ivy League?



The wolves that raised me were Community College. :doh:

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How is everyone doing today?


Go to the F%@* thread, and you may get an idea? How's your neck today, Wes?



It hurts like hell, do you have any advice besides going to the doctor? Do have something similar to the hangover cure Dr. Lisa?

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How is everyone doing today?


Go to the F%@* thread, and you may get an idea? How's your neck today, Wes?



It hurts like hell, do you have any advice besides going to the doctor? Do have something similar to the hangover cure Dr. Lisa?


Try this:

Slam your nuts in a car door for fifteen minutes. The pain will help you forget all about your sore neck. :P

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'Dr.' :lol: If you lived nearby, I would drop off a couple of my happy pills that I'm sure would give ya some relief? I get the same pains, where it hurts so bad I just want to cry, ya know? Aside from going to the Dr., maybe try a different pillow? Something firmer, maybe? It sometimes helps when I switch pillows, and maybe it might help you too?

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How is everyone doing today?


Go to the F%@* thread, and you may get an idea? How's your neck today, Wes?



It hurts like hell, do you have any advice besides going to the doctor? Do have something similar to the hangover cure Dr. Lisa?


Try this:

Slam your nuts in a car door for fifteen minutes. The pain will help you forget all about your sore neck. :P

:rofl2: ?

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Try this:

Slam your nuts in a car door for fifteen minutes. The pain will help you forget all about your sore neck. :P


Whoops - I didn't phrase this in the form of a question did I??

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Try this:

Slam your nuts in a car door for fifteen minutes. The pain will help you forget all about your sore neck. :P


Whoops - I didn't phrase this in the form of a question did I??




I'll pass on that one Dr. Keith..........Since you recommend it I'm guessing that you've tried that before?

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I have not tried it personally but maybe one day I'll be brave enough?

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I don't think I could ever be that drunk???

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What's the stupidest thing you've done when you have been drunk?


This won't be in the form of a question but I can't resist telling a good drunk story...


When my friend and I were pledging a fraternity in college, a couple of the older bro's took us to a bar/restaurant one night and just kept shoving pitchers of beer in front of us all evening long. The glasses they gave us to drink from were tiny so it was like constantly doing shots of beer. I have no idea how many pitchers we devastated but by the time we left my friend and I were both completely legless. The brother who was driving us back to campus told us to go outside and wait by his car while he paid the bill. So we stumbled out there and were sitting on the curb next to the (locked) car. Suddenly and without warning I hurled right there in the gutter next to this guy's car. As soon as the smell reached my buddy who was sitting next to me he ALSO hurled into the gutter. At this point I turned around and realized that we were sitting right in front of the huge picture window of the restaurant's dining room, so everyone in the room had just seen our double-hurl. Realizing we'd just ruined God knows how many people's nice dinners was EXTREMELY funny to us in this frame of mind, so we just started laughing our asses off. When the brother finally came out of the bar, saw the hurl puddle, and the two of us laying on the sidewalk consumed by fits of laughter, all he could say was "Jeeeeeezus, you guys are f**king PATHETIC!"


Was that sufficiently stupid??

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What's the stupidest thing you've done when you have been drunk?


This won't be in the form of a question but I can't resist telling a good drunk story...


When my friend and I were pledging a fraternity in college, a couple of the older bro's took us to a bar/restaurant one night and just kept shoving pitchers of beer in front of us all evening long. The glasses they gave us to drink from were tiny so it was like constantly doing shots of beer. I have no idea how many pitchers we devastated but by the time we left my friend and I were both completely legless. The brother who was driving us back to campus told us to go outside and wait by his car while he paid the bill. So we stumbled out there and were sitting on the curb next to the (locked) car. Suddenly and without warning I hurled right there in the gutter next to this guy's car. As soon as the smell reached my buddy who was sitting next to me he ALSO hurled into the gutter. At this point I turned around and realized that we were sitting right in front of the huge picture window of the restaurant's dining room, so everyone in the room had just seen our double-hurl. Realizing we'd just ruined God knows how many people's nice dinners was EXTREMELY funny to us in this frame of mind, so we just started laughing our asses off. When the brother finally came out of the bar, saw the hurl puddle, and the two of us laying on the sidewalk consumed by fits of laughter, all he could say was "Jeeeeeezus, you guys are f**king PATHETIC!"


Was that sufficiently stupid??






That was great Keith. Maybe we should have a "Drunk Stories Thread". What do ya think?

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