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Poll - Favorite Retrospect Release so far....

Favorite Retrospect Release so far....  

37 members have voted

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I was wondering when Tony's ugly jealous head would appear. Another insignificant seller from the great white north. Since vegascds and Retrospect Records are 2 separate entities you can take his post down Dan and move it elsewhere.


Tony , you'll never be able to compete with the big boys.


Take a hike.



''Dan, Dan the Canadians are bullying me''.


Funny how we are so insignificant, take away your boots and crap re-issues we outsell you in a flash. I dare you, do it the legit way.....just can't, you're in so deep, you couldn't get out even if you wanted to.


2 seperate entities, not really, Retrospect Record cd's are for the most part only for sale in 2 places, on the RR website and at Vegascds.

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If a re-issue sells well they get a second pressing (e.g. Defcon)


If you think I am going to blow $1000+ on a band that about 50 people have heard of from 1988 then you're just plain ignorant , not to mention you would be terrible at running a business.


Things are going just fine here at RR. Thanks.



So... your 100 limited edition cd pressings arent really limited to 100? You'll just keep pressing cds and misslead your buyers into thinking that they are buying a 1 out of 100 limited pressed cd?


I beg to differ on your Hurricane and Trash Broadway issues. I have seen the originals, and I have seen the ones you sell, and they are clearly bootlegs.



No they are limited to 100 units. If we do more they will be much different than the original.


No boots here on the Hurricane and Trash Broadway - only originals.



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Insignificant? Silver powerseller status and my accountant would say otherwise. I sold a SUDDEN IMPACT CD this past winter. One of the rarest CDs on planet Earth. Add to that, MAY RUN. AXIOM. The real ALYZE not once, but three times. MICHAEL HUFF's '88 CD-only 1000 made. Scored one for a lucky collector. CRASH PONY. THE TAKE. SLICK KITTY. I could go on. All in the last calendar year, all 100% original. I have sold more bonafide rarities in the last 6 months than Sam has since he started.


And about the whole "vegas is not Restroomspect" thing... I guess that means it's ok for him to sell boots as vegascds then? What a double standard and another shining example of how Sammy twists the truth to fit his ILLEGAL agenda.


Vero notified btw. Now Sam can shake in his boots as well as he can sell them.

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I need to change that

Mafia might be takin in a neg way.


Hows "The Vegas Rodinhood"


That way its not a Negative thing Robinhood was loved


Hahahah, dude, dnot do that to me! I'll get fired for laughing out loud at my working station! :P


"The Vegas Robinhood" , :rofl2:

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Hello people,


I know it’s hard for people not to buy in on this conversion when Sam spits some of these ludicrous statements, but maybe the only way these bands will start seeing some money is if Sam keeps digging his own hole on these boards. I mean, what kind of record label bootlegs CDR’s and then once the band finds out and contacts the record label, they then start see royalties?? It’s what happened to Sweet Teaze and was going to happen to Smash L.A. until he was stopped. It’s a rogue operation and this illegal record company must be stopped from ripping bands off. The only reply I ever get from Sam is that I’m jealous of his (so called) record label or he brings up some rubbish about an old ebay account a used to have. Sam is the master of deception and changes the subject when he is backed into a corner. I just plays dumb when faced with a tough question. That’s why people get so frustrated.


Kind regards


Suncity Records

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The majority of HH members own a Retrospect release.....let's face it.


I haven't bought any, but someone burned me a couple CDR's...


Chocularok, I'm curious, did the sound quality deteriorate after burning form Cd-R to CD-R? Or was it just crappy to begin with?

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Well over 50 posts, nearly 800 views, and yet only 16 votes. I guess many HH members aren't to interested in those bands.



The majority of HH members own a Retrospect release.....let's face it.


This may be true, but how many will come back for more? Building a successful business is about keeping customers coming back time after time, & after the way you totally patronise your customers & show a total lack of respect for any of the artists involved then I give RR about another year in business at best....

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The statements you guys make are just downright hilarious. All of us at the Retrospect office are laughing our asses off at the jealousy , speculation and idiocy of people like Tony , Zac and Dave , who are so low on the food chain , they really think they are making a difference.




Your time will come.


RR out.

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Insignificant? Silver powerseller status and my accountant would say otherwise. I sold a SUDDEN IMPACT CD this past winter. One of the rarest CDs on planet Earth. Add to that, MAY RUN. AXIOM. The real ALYZE not once, but three times. MICHAEL HUFF's '88 CD-only 1000 made. Scored one for a lucky collector. CRASH PONY. THE TAKE. SLICK KITTY. I could go on. All in the last calendar year, all 100% original. I have sold more bonafide rarities in the last 6 months than Sam has since he started.


And about the whole "vegas is not Restroomspect" thing... I guess that means it's ok for him to sell boots as vegascds then? What a double standard and another shining example of how Sammy twists the truth to fit his ILLEGAL agenda.


Vero notified btw. Now Sam can shake in his boots as well as he can sell them.


Holy Toledo, Koogs - let us bow down to the almighty CD selling KING!! What a guy!!

You're my hero - when i grow up i wanna be JUST LIKE YOU!!


I sent a chocolate chip cookie via USPS today for ya!!

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When you grow up, Aaron? Well, assuming the day ever comes, you might want to pass along the roadmap to maturity to your brother who is also stuck in permanent grade five.


I hope you're ready to take on your brother's auctions when his eBay ID gets shitcanned for selling BOOTLEGS like the Lionheart "Hot Tonight", P-A-N-T-E-R-A CDs (if he spelt Pantera properly in the auction, VERO would be on him so fast, his geeky little head would spin), Brian McDonald Group CD etc.










Judging from the lukewarm reception most of these CDs are getting on eBay (bids between $2.25-$3.25), it's apparent most collectors/buyers aren't falling for Sam's second-rate nonsense. Proof that you can't fool people for long!!


VERO will finish what ignorance began.

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Tony , I warned you not to fuck with me and now you're going to see what real power is.


Is that a threat, little man? Are your glasses fogging up and is that steam coming out of your ears? I knew the hot air had to come out eventually. Speaking of coming out, I see the "real Sam " is doing just that.


Looks like Sam's big mouth can't hide behind his 80sMetalCollector alias for long. If anyone out there was fooled into thinking that 80sMetalCollector and Sam were separate people, I think the above reaction to my post about him puts that doubt to rest.

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Tony, its no secret, i am not your biggest fan. and not because of your ongoing feud with RR (which i am not affiliated). I get along with just about everyone, especially here on HH and everywhere else for that matter. I don't post much, and for a reason.

But, in my worthless opinion, you seem to be one of the most arrogant narcissistic unlikable people around. I just can't pick out any qualities (which i have actually seen/heard) that would classify you as a human being with a heart.

Just about everything you have ever said has rubbed me the wrong way and has said much about your character, not that you, me or anyone else cares. But dude, you are not doing yourself any favors.

i thank Jesus i am a Christian (by the grace of God) otherwise i think i might actually say something ugly!


read a Good Book, Tony.

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Tony, its no secret, i am not your biggest fan. and not because of your ongoing feud with RR (which i am not affiliated). I get along with just about everyone, especially here on HH and everywhere else for that matter. I don't post much, and for a reason.

But, in my worthless opinion, you seem to be one of the most arrogant narcissistic unlikable people around. I just can't pick out any qualities (which i have actually seen/heard) that would classify you as a human being with a heart.

Just about everything you have ever said has rubbed me the wrong way and has said much about your character, not that you, me or anyone else cares. But dude, you are not doing yourself any favors.

i thank Jesus i am a Christian (by the grace of God) otherwise i think i might actually say something ugly!


read a Good Book, Tony.


Aaron, first off- you don't know me. Don't assume you ever will. You can play the Jesus card all you want to make yourself look self-righteous, but you're about the furthest thing from a Christian when you make unwarranted personal attacks on my character. It's really the cheapest and last resort for anyone who can't find a way to professionally/maturely dispute the claims against them. Hitting below the belt is what your brother did last year when he spouted some nonsense about my worthiness as a new father. I see those sort of low blows run in the McAslin family, right alongside immaturity, deception and outright self-delusion. If you want "arrogant" and "narcissistic", look no further than your brother's recent post: "I warned you not to fuck with me and now you're going to see what real power is". That's powermad, Lex Luthor/Darth Sidious shit. I am still waiting for scorching laser beams to come out of his fingertips.

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Tony , I warned you not to fuck with me and now you're going to see what real power is.


Is that a threat, little man? Are your glasses fogging up and is that steam coming out of your ears? I knew the hot air had to come out eventually. Speaking of coming out, I see the "real Sam " is doing just that.


Looks like Sam's big mouth can't hide behind his 80sMetalCollector alias for long. If anyone out there was fooled into thinking that 80sMetalCollector and Sam were separate people, I think the above reaction to my post about him puts that doubt to rest.


Yes it's me posting this time. And I don't offer any empty threats. I warned you Tony and now you're going to find out why it was probably best just to keep your sourpuss out.


This is just the beginning....


"I love it when a plan comes together".

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Tony , I warned you not to fuck with me and now you're going to see what real power is.


Is that a threat, little man? Are your glasses fogging up and is that steam coming out of your ears? I knew the hot air had to come out eventually. Speaking of coming out, I see the "real Sam " is doing just that.


Looks like Sam's big mouth can't hide behind his 80sMetalCollector alias for long. If anyone out there was fooled into thinking that 80sMetalCollector and Sam were separate people, I think the above reaction to my post about him puts that doubt to rest.


Yes it's me posting this time. And I don't offer any empty threats. I warned you Tony and now you're going to find out why it was probably best just to keep your sourpuss out.


This is just the beginning....


"I love it when a plan comes together".



I feel like Dr. Evil is on board and is going to make us pay a gazillion different ways.

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"Amazing. You know this from experience glockose?"


YES If you know the history of collecting music you would know your not the first person to come up with this plan.


In the 70's there was a lot of "Tax Scam" labels Tiger Lily, Guinness, Delwood...


In the 80's there were people like Vinny Torretta who did all 50's rock and roll


In the 90's There was Hellion, Metal Mart, Akarma


Now there is Radioactive (from the UK) HAHAH that funny, Gear Fab, Void


That Robinhood title fits so well when your doing music of "Men in Tights"

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You talk about being a good business man. Testing the waters with 50-100 copies and then deciding on where to go from there. YES VERY SMART


But don't you think the labels in the 80's who offered bands contracts and paid for them to record, paid to promote them, paid for them to tour. Were SMART when the contact said WE the LABEL own the rights to the music for life?


Now the bands didn't have there arms twisted they could have said "no thank you" but all they wanted at the time was to get there music out there and have a shot at the big time. So they had no problem SELLING there rights away.


Now don't you think it was the SMART labels who kept those rights all these years? THATS BUSNESS (Shrapnel, New Renaissance, Combat, Capital..........)


For a band member now to come back after 15-20 years and say "Hay I want to get paid" isn't that a little too late? It's not the labels fault you were "young and dumb" & "just wanted to get laid and drunk"


Man! Robinhood fits so well.

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Tony, its no secret, i am not your biggest fan. and not because of your ongoing feud with RR (which i am not affiliated). I get along with just about everyone, especially here on HH and everywhere else for that matter. I don't post much, and for a reason.

But, in my worthless opinion, you seem to be one of the most arrogant narcissistic unlikable people around. I just can't pick out any qualities (which i have actually seen/heard) that would classify you as a human being with a heart.

Just about everything you have ever said has rubbed me the wrong way and has said much about your character, not that you, me or anyone else cares. But dude, you are not doing yourself any favors.

i thank Jesus i am a Christian (by the grace of God) otherwise i think i might actually say something ugly!


read a Good Book, Tony.


Aaron, first off- you don't know me. Don't assume you ever will. You can play the Jesus card all you want to make yourself look self-righteous, but you're about the furthest thing from a Christian when you make unwarranted personal attacks on my character. It's really the cheapest and last resort for anyone who can't find a way to professionally/maturely dispute the claims against them. Hitting below the belt is what your brother did last year when he spouted some nonsense about my worthiness as a new father. I see those sort of low blows run in the McAslin family, right alongside immaturity, deception and outright self-delusion. If you want "arrogant" and "narcissistic", look no further than your brother's recent post: "I warned you not to fuck with me and now you're going to see what real power is". That's powermad, Lex Luthor/Darth Sidious shit. I am still waiting for scorching laser beams to come out of his fingertips.


Tony, your post says it all and proves my point to a T. From what i read in your many callous, distasteful posts [to me they are distasteful and mind bogglingly self glorifying - but thats just my opinion] is enough to know that i don't want to ever know you. I make it a point not to associate with your types as they cause me to stumble and the Bible teaches me otherwise. I find it so hilarious when hedonists, pagans and non-believers think they know exactly how a Christian SHOULD be. Personal attacks? - coming from the King of personal attacks - i would view that as dangerously hypocritical? Jesus is no card to play, He is the real deal. and self-righteous? Anyone who has any clue as to what a true Christian is - knows that we are followers of Christ - who by the way is not self-righteous but came as a servant and was the humblest person to walk the earth.

Well, I know you just have to have that LAST WORD on everything - so i guess i'll be waiting to see what ingenius Einstein comeback you'll have for this post.... C'mon Tony - let me have it!! :popcorn:

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Both sides have to stop antagonising each other, this thread was purely created to get people arguing. I have nothing good to say about Retrospect and Vegascds and that won't change, but I can keep my mouth shut and my thoughts to myself. But these personal attacks and threats just keep growing and growing. It is becoming a competition of who can out smart and or scare the other. This is very childish from all of us. Let's move on.

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My work is done. Tony you listen to me and listen well.... if I EVER even THINK you've made a personal attack against me , my company or my family again you WILL be NARU'd faster than James Arwine on a Sunday afternoon.


I warned you time and time again not to screw with the largest re-issue label in the world but you wouldn't leave it alone.


Who has the power now you underhanded backstabbing lying sleazeball?


Your ebay police days are one violation away from being ended PERMANENTLY.


Have a nice day.

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