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What DVD's did you buy this week?


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Can we have a thread for "What DVDs did you nearly buy this week?"? I almost picked up 300, Hancock (such a great movie) and Hellboy 2 today, only £3 each, but decided not to incur the wrath of the missus, so put them back on the shelf. :doh:

I feel your pain my man as i have faced the wrath of the missus and the dreaded budget. :crying:

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Found some good'uns in the Walmart $5.00 bin today...







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Love this flick. Not only is an underrated-as-hell, fun action movie and a faithful adaptation of a great comic book series, but Jennifer Connelly was baked to absolute hottie perfection in this one as the hero's Bettie Page-esque girlfriend. Yum yum!

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Love this flick. Not only is an underrated-as-hell, fun action movie and a faithful adaptation of a great comic book series, but Jennifer Connelly was baked to absolute hottie perfection in this one as the hero's Bettie Page-esque girlfriend. Yum yum!

Mate i luv this film as well,a total blast to watch from start to finish. :tumbsup: Jenn C. :wub: Agree,great adaptation of a good comic.


The first two discs of Transformers Series 2 cartoon for my youngest son and i also enjoy to watch 'em with him. :P

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Mate i luv this film as well,a total blast to watch from start to finish. :tumbsup: Jenn C. :wub: Agree,great adaptation of a good comic.



Cool man! Glad to see another member of the Rocketeer Cult. There aren't many of us. :tumbsup:


And speaking of Cult, got this baby in the mail from Amazon today....




If you only buy one 1970s Italian-made low budget "Star Wars" ripoff starring David Hasselhoff this year, make sure it's this one. :rofl:

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'nother $5.00 pickup today, from a "Five Below" store...



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Found some good'uns in the Walmart $5.00 bin today...








Awesome. The Others rocks, a great film, about time I put it on again.


Just bought the Event Horizon special edition myself. Another fantastic film and (as recently discussed on HH) hugely underrated. :tumbsup:

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'nother $5.00 pickup today, from a "Five Below" store...




That was a solid movie, not great but still very good IMO.


Yeah, not bat at all. I remember I expected a much worse film back then. Btw I've got this on DVD too. ;)

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'nother $5.00 pickup today, from a "Five Below" store...




That was a solid movie, not great but still very good IMO.


Oh yeah, I've seen it before but it's been awhile. A lot of people really hated this flick when it came out for some reason. I think expectations were too high for it. I myself watched it with a big-ass fanboy smile plastered across my face the entire time. :lol:

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Just bought True Romance on Blu-ray. Already got it on imported laserdisc but at £6.00 I couldn't resist.


Great film. Is there a better character exchange?


"You know, I read a lot....." :bowdown:

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Just bought True Romance on Blu-ray. Already got it on imported laserdisc but at £6.00 I couldn't resist.


Great film. Is there a better character exchange?


"You know, I read a lot....." :bowdown:


The scene with Christopher Walken & Dennis Hopper is a superb bit of cinema.

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$3.99 from the Shop Rite bargain bin. I already have the other two "Candyman" flicks on DVD so I figured "ehh, why not."


I saw this one years ago and have vague memories of it being somewhat terrible (if memory serves, I was home sick from work the day I watched it and was whacked out of my head on NyQuil and Sudafeds) but it does star former "Baywatch" babe/Nikki Sixx's ex-wife Donna D'Errico, so there should at least be some eye candy.




Humma-humma-humma! :wub:

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Just bought True Romance on Blu-ray. Already got it on imported laserdisc but at £6.00 I couldn't resist.

True Romance is a classic film :tumbsup:


Black Hawk Down extended edition digitally remastered.

Doctor Who Series 4 Vol.1 & Series 4 Vol.2,all three for $9 from Cash Converters.

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'nother $3.99 pickup from Shop Rite:




Deformed psycho killer in a monster truck vs. group of horror film stock characters on a deserted highway. Sounds like a hoot and a holler! :banana:

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'nother $3.99 pickup from Shop Rite:




Deformed psycho killer in a monster truck vs. group of horror film stock characters on a deserted highway. Sounds like a hoot and a holler! :banana:


Sounds awesome in a "so terrible it's good" kind of way.

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'nother $3.99 pickup from Shop Rite:




Deformed psycho killer in a monster truck vs. group of horror film stock characters on a deserted highway. Sounds like a hoot and a holler! :banana:


Sounds awesome in a "so terrible it's good" kind of way.


It was kick-ass! Actually a very well written, funny horror/action flick. Put a review of it up on IMDb over the weekend: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365513/usercomments-84

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Made a couple of impulse buys on Amazon today... wife is probably gonna kill me but what the hell... they were cheap.




HAD to get this one, cuz I didn't even know "Maniac Cop 2" existed on Region 1 (U.S.)DVD. I already own the first "MC" but this sequel was actually better.




Both "Waxwork" films on one DVD for $7.99. Can't beat that with a stick eh? I went to a test screening of the first "Waxwork" when I was in high school, and it was a gory, goofy good time.

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