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The F*%K Thread


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Sorry to hear about you dog, Pete - that's fuckin' sad. :(


Well, let me just say - in reference to today - fucking mutherfuckin' FUCK!!! I lost my fucking mobile phone and I am fucked off. I have no idea where the fucker is. When I realised I called it 3 times, no fuckin' answer and it was nowhere around, then it said it was engaged... now the fuckin' thing has been turned off. I assume some mutherfucker has found it and now decided to own it. I would snap that fucker's neck if I found him.


I have to pay out $180 for the rest of the plan and I have no phone, but I don't care - I hate the fuckin' things. What really fucks me off is I had some awesome personal photos on the fuckin' thing which I have lost. Could never find a fuckin' USB cable that worked, so I've lost them all. Lucky for me (and more so my girl. :lol:) I have a password to access the photos, but still - FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I fuckin' hate shit like this. FUCK IT!



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I'm fuckin sorry Pete! It just fuckin sucks when it has to be done :( Had to put a little buddy of mine down after almost 17 years. Hurt like fuckin hell.


And that would fuckin probably freak me out about your house... I always think there's people fuckin with me - and there's nobody there :unsure:

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Sorry to hear the bad fucking news Pete. Is that the dog that's in your new Avatar?


Hey thanks all for the kind fuckin' words. Hope I didn't ruin my fuckin' tough guy image... ;)


Yeah, that's her in my fuckin' avatar I think... although I still see my old fuckin' avatar... :blink:


As far as my house, as long as it doesn't turn out like the fucking ending from Sixth Sense I'm cool with it... :gone:

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Just had to have our Rottie fucking put down. Even though she's way fuckin' older than most big dogs last (15), still fucking really depressing... more than I fucking thought it would be... :(


Fucking death #2 since we moved here last year. If I believed in the fucking supernatural I'd think the house was picking us off one by one. The previous owner fucking shot himself to death.


And when the fuck will it stop fucking raining?


Awwwwww........Pete, I'm so sorry. :(

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Just had to have our Rottie fucking put down. Even though she's way fuckin' older than most big dogs last (15), still fucking really depressing... more than I fucking thought it would be... :(


Fucking death #2 since we moved here last year. If I believed in the fucking supernatural I'd think the house was picking us off one by one. The previous owner fucking shot himself to death.


And when the fuck will it stop fucking raining?


That's really fucked Brother. I have 3 dogs that are like children to me. Not sure how I'd handle a situation like that. If it makes you feel any better, you can pat my head, scratch my belly, and I would be happy to drag my ass on your carpet. I am potty trained and won't hump your leg.

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That's really fucked Brother. I have 3 dogs that are like children to me. Not sure how I'd handle a situation like that. If it makes you feel any better, you can pat my head, scratch my belly, and I would be happy to drag my ass on your carpet. I am potty trained and won't hump your leg.


fuckin whack-job :rofl2:


It's good to know you are fuckin *there* for your Brother, JJ :)

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Fuckin' howdy all...

I'm fuckin' baaaaaack like vertebrae.

The weekend RV trip wasn't exactly fucking great weather wise (rained on Friday, therefore damp and muddy all day fucking Saturday...) but otherwise it was a good fuckin' time. Drank mass amounts of fucking beer, lit stuff on fucking fire, ate like a pig...it's all fucking good.

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...your fuckin average 'male' weekend? :lol:


OK.... my niece will be fuckin dropping off her demon spawn soon... two towhead boys (now that I know how to fuckin spell it right :lol: ).... 5 and almost 3 :yikes: Those two always think they can get the fuckin best of me, but Auntie Lisa has had 3 fuckin buckets of coffee, and I took my vitamins. However; if I'm not back within four fuckin hours.... please send help :unsure:

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Good fuckin' luck Lees... sounds like you're gonna fuckin' need it.

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Just fuckin' woke up from an all night KIX run..........WOW that fucking concert was amazing. Kix is definately one of the fucking greatest live bands to ever perform. Also have to fuckin' mention Rhino Bucket sounded awesome and now thanx to their blistering 45 fuckin' minute set I'm a huge fan!!!!!!!!!!!


Great fuckin' time had by everyone!!!!!!!!

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Haven't felt this fuckin' bad on a Monday for a long fuckin' time, and that's saying something considering how fuckin' bad I do usually feel. Fuck this fucking day and everything it stands for... and I hope that fucker who stole my phone explodes today.

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Haven't felt this fuckin' bad on a Monday for a long fuckin' time, and that's saying something considering how fuckin' bad I do usually feel. Fuck this fucking day and everything it stands for... and I hope that fucker who stole my phone explodes today.




sounds like you need to listen to that fucking Pink Cream 69 song "Monday Again".

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
...your fuckin average 'male' weekend? :lol:


OK.... my niece will be fuckin dropping off her demon spawn soon... two towhead boys (now that I know how to fuckin spell it right :lol: ).... 5 and almost 3 :yikes: Those two always think they can get the fuckin best of me, but Auntie Lisa has had 3 fuckin buckets of coffee, and I took my vitamins. However; if I'm not back within four fuckin hours.... please send help :unsure:


:yikes: Has anyone seen/heard from Lisa? :) It's been quite a fuckin' bit more than four fuckin' hours....& there's no fuckin' sign of her yet? ;) Should some of us organize a fuckin' rescue team or just fuckin' wait til later this morn to see if she survived the youngin's & hopefully :crazy: with her fuckin' sanity intact! :screwy::drink::blink:

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:yikes: Has anyone seen/heard from Lisa? :) It's been quite a fuckin' bit more than four fuckin' hours....& there's no fuckin' sign of her yet? ;) Should some of us organize a fuckin' rescue team or just fuckin' wait til later this morn to see if she survived the youngin's & hopefully :crazy: with her fuckin' sanity intact! :screwy::drink::blink:


For what I know, she's still fuckin' alive... But concerning her fucking mental sanity, I can't assure nothing at all...

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Gooood fucking morning USA !

And fucking courage to heaven&hell !!!

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For what I know, she's still fuckin' alive... But concerning her fucking mental sanity, I can't assure nothing at all...

Truer words may not have been fuckin spoken :tumbsup:

Those li'l fuckers are a handful - that's for fuckin sure.... but I love 'em to fuckin death :wub:




Glad your fuckin neck is doin better, Wes... it's a fuckin drag to be in pain :(

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Goooooooooooood fuckin' mornin' France, USA, and all the ships at fuckin' sea! Hope your fuckin' neck is better H&H, and I'm glad to fuckin' hear you survived the visit from the young'uns Lees!

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... another FUCKING Monday is over. Time to FUCKING kick back, FUCKING drink a few brews, and FUCKING rock out for awhile!! FUCK YEAH!! :banger::drink:

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Goooooooooooood fuckin' mornin' France, USA, and all the ships at fuckin' sea! Hope your fuckin' neck is better H&H, and I'm glad to fuckin' hear you survived the visit from the young'uns Lees!




Yes the fucking neck is better but still hurts some.

It's been a pain in the ass trying to sleep so hopefully tonight I can get some fucking sleep.

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