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Drinking German beer - Oranjeboom - not the best I ever had, but it's beer and even average beer is good beer. Fuck yeah.



Oranjeboom is fucking Dutch you philistine ;)

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Drinking German beer - Oranjeboom - not the best I ever had, but it's beer and even average beer is good beer. Fuck yeah.



Oranjeboom is fucking Dutch you philistine ;)

I read from the back of the bottle - "brewed and bottled in Germany." All the rest of the writing is in either German or Dutch, but I see both the word Holland and Duetschland mentioned so it was 50/50. But the whole brewed comment led me to believe it was German. If I'm wrong, blame the motherfuckin' bottle script writers.

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Fuck beer.. :whistle:

Wow... okay. Uh, not sure my rod's going to fit down the neck of this fuckin' bottle, though. Can I pour it on my penis and call that some kind of fucking?

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I escaped being locked in the fuckin' porch!!!!!


A fuckin' story:


I got ready to get out on the old mountain bike and I stashed my door keys and mobile phone in the utility bag (like Batman's belt) under the saddle. I opened the garage door and put the bike on the drive, shut the door and grabbed my helmet and went back into the house.

Walked out the front door and closed it, tried the porch door....locked. I thought shit, I'll have to go back thru and get my keys off the bike.

Oh yeah........front door is locked, porch door.....locked. So I was stuck. I could see my bike just the other side of the window.......fucking maddening to say the least.

I thought I should smash a small window and reach around to the handle indoors ... but then sense prevailed. The keys are with the bike...I just need someone to pass them to me. Now it's a fuckin quiet road where I live .... but surely someone would come along.....5 minutes went by, then 10......a car!!! Naw guy driving it looks dodgy ... might pinch my bike, keys and phone...hmmmmm! Where's all the neighbours today???? another 10 minutes go by... I open the fuckin windows as wide as I can coz it's a fuckin' hot day, another 10 minutes and a saviour. One of the girls from the stables at the bottom is coming down on her horse, so I wave my skull emblazoned bandana (seriously all pirates have 'em!) and luckily she saw me....and I kinda went in a small voice...."Excuse me could you help...e.t.c.".

Anyway result was she passed me my keys and I was out!


Oh the sweet scent of freedom!


What a fuckin' embarrassment, I rang the wife to fuckin tell her and she couldn't stop fuckin laughing!!!!!

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I escaped being locked in the fuckin' porch!!!!!


A fuckin' story:


I got ready to get out on the old mountain bike and I stashed my door keys and mobile phone in the utility bag (like Batman's belt) under the saddle. I opened the garage door and put the bike on the drive, shut the door and grabbed my helmet and went back into the house.

Walked out the front door and closed it, tried the porch door....locked. I thought shit, I'll have to go back thru and get my keys off the bike.

Oh yeah........front door is locked, porch door.....locked. So I was stuck. I could see my bike just the other side of the window.......fucking maddening to say the least.

I thought I should smash a small window and reach around to the handle indoors ... but then sense prevailed. The keys are with the bike...I just need someone to pass them to me. Now it's a fuckin quiet road where I live .... but surely someone would come along.....5 minutes went by, then 10......a car!!! Naw guy driving it looks dodgy ... might pinch my bike, keys and phone...hmmmmm! Where's all the neighbours today???? another 10 minutes go by... I open the fuckin windows as wide as I can coz it's a fuckin' hot day, another 10 minutes and a saviour. One of the girls from the stables at the bottom is coming down on her horse, so I wave my skull emblazoned bandana (seriously all pirates have 'em!) and luckily she saw me....and I kinda went in a small voice...."Excuse me could you help...e.t.c.".

Anyway result was she passed me my keys and I was out!


Oh the sweet scent of freedom!


What a fuckin' embarrassment, I rang the wife to fuckin tell her and she couldn't stop fuckin laughing!!!!!



Your a fucking northern idiot I tell thee lad :D

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The new Blindside Blues Band song is again, a twin guitar juggernaut of mindblowing fuckin' power....

I fuckin' :bowdown: to its brilliance !!!!!!!

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Three games of finals footy down, only the most important - the only one that matters - remains, to be played at 3:30pm tomorrow afternoon. I've had a few drinks, but I'm already unhappily nervous and it's still about 20 hours away. Fuck me with a clothes hanger.

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Three games of finals footy down, only the most important - the only one that matters - remains, to be played at 3:30pm tomorrow afternoon. I've had a few drinks, but I'm already unhappily nervous and it's still about 20 hours away. Fuck me with a clothes hanger.

Is that "pretend fuckin' footie" ? :whistle:

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Three games of finals footy down, only the most important - the only one that matters - remains, to be played at 3:30pm tomorrow afternoon. I've had a few drinks, but I'm already unhappily nervous and it's still about 20 hours away. Fuck me with a clothes hanger.

Is that "pretend fuckin' footie" ? :whistle:

No, it's not soccer. It's rugby league - A man's fuckin' game. ;)

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Three games of finals footy down, only the most important - the only one that matters - remains, to be played at 3:30pm tomorrow afternoon. I've had a few drinks, but I'm already unhappily nervous and it's still about 20 hours away. Fuck me with a clothes hanger.

Is that "pretend fuckin' footie" ? :whistle:

No, it's not soccer. It's rugby league - A man's fuckin' game. ;)

Where you use your fuckin' hands !! :rofl2:

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Three games of finals footy down, only the most important - the only one that matters - remains, to be played at 3:30pm tomorrow afternoon. I've had a few drinks, but I'm already unhappily nervous and it's still about 20 hours away. Fuck me with a clothes hanger.

Is that "pretend fuckin' footie" ? :whistle:

No, it's not soccer. It's rugby league - A man's fuckin' game. ;)

Where you use your fuckin' hands !! :rofl2:

And not our fuckin' heads !! ;):lol:

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The Michigan and Notre Dame game was unfuckingbelievable. What a fucking game!

Totally fucking agreed. What poise on that Michigan QB....

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Stubbed my fuckin toe last night... the one next to the little piggy toe. Broke the toenail clean off, bled like a motherfuck. Now it's sore as fuck and has been throbbin' all day.


Needless to say, that same foot has been stepped on at least five times today by the fuckin dog and the kids! :crying:

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