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The F*%K Thread


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Well, the fuckin RV trip this weekend was pretty much a fuckin washout. Rained all day and all night Friday. By the time we fuckin got to the fuckin campground Friday PM the camp sites were fuckin mud slides, you all shoulda seen the fuckin tire ruts we made backin into this fuckin campsite trying to find a fuckin level spot. So I got fuckin soaked while setting everything up, and we spent Friday night in the fuckin trailer watching TV. Which, of course, you can fuckin do at home, so I was a little fuckin pissed off. At least there was beer.


Saturday it cleared out for most of the fuckin day so the kids could run around on the fuckin playground, feed the fuckin goats that the campground keeps in a little pen near the office, we could take the fuckin dog for a fuckin walk, we went on a fuckin hayride, yadda yadda yadda. It started raining again about 10 PM but that was fuckin OK cuz the kids were in fuckin bed already. I stood under my fuckin trailer awning out of the fuckin rain and drank more fucking beer.


Today we packed up and just as we were pulling out of the fuckin campground it started fuckin raining AGAIN and it hasn't fuckin stopped since. At least I'll be sleeping in my own fuckin bed tonight!!

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Back to fucking work after 2 weeks holidays. Someone please fucking shoot me and end the fucking pain now.

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The fuckin' weather is beautiful here butt he temperature is far from fuckin' choice. It's Monday and it is hell, but not as hell-ish as it could be as people are in meetings for a lot of the day. Still, it's Monday. So fuck you. Just for being a fuckin' Monday and not a Saturday.

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FUCK! Do I need to urinate.


Soon, my dear penis... soon.



Fuck me - Geoff's talking to his fucking knob now!! :bowdown:

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FUCK! Do I need to urinate.


Soon, my dear penis... soon.



Fuck me - Geoff's talking to his fucking knob now!! :bowdown:

I try to argue with him, but he's so fucking smart I can't.


Sad fucking twist to this story is the fact that I'm reading Tommy Lee's 'Tommyland', in which his penis does actually contribute to most pages. Fuck... I am so Tommy Lee.

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FUCK! Do I need to urinate.


Soon, my dear penis... soon.



Fuck me - Geoff's talking to his fucking knob now!! :bowdown:

Geoff's fuckin' hobbing with his knob. :yikes:

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Wish me fuckin luck today fuckers. that i come out on top of this fucking tangle. I will fill those interested parties in the fuck later.

I'm in the dark (as usual), but here's hoping you do come out on fucking top! :beerbang:

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Wish me fuckin luck today fuckers. that i come out on top of this fucking tangle. I will fill those interested parties in the fuck later.

I'm in the dark (as usual), but here's hoping you do come out on fucking top! :beerbang:

Yeah,I fuckin' agree !!!!!!!!

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Wish me fuckin luck today fuckers. that i come out on top of this fucking tangle. I will fill those interested parties in the fuck later.

I'm in the dark (as usual), but here's hoping you do come out on fucking top! :beerbang:

Yeah,I fuckin' agree !!!!!!!!


Not a fuckin' clue......but uhh....hey......go widda!

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I got thrown out of church on saturday...literally. and by someone there who does not wear the fuckin collar and is called Father. well, the squeaky fuckin wheel (me) went in and ratted this fuckin bitch out. stay tuned.

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I got thrown out of church on saturday...literally. and by someone there who does not wear the fuckin collar and is called Father. well, the squeaky fuckin wheel (me) went in and ratted this fuckin bitch out. stay tuned.

Fuckin' 'ell !!!!!!!

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I got thrown out of church on saturday...literally. and by someone there who does not wear the fuckin collar and is called Father. well, the squeaky fuckin wheel (me) went in and ratted this fuckin bitch out. stay tuned.

That ain't fuckin cool...hope it all works out for you!!! :beerbang:

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Kicked out of fucking church?! Well at least someone's try to fucking help you out.


I kid, I kid. I don't, but sorry if that causes offence. :P


Anyway, FUCK! Yep, I said it; FUCK! My fucking bike is fucking broken again. The back fuckin' wheel is just fucked and won't stop scraping on the fucking frame, or the fucking brake pads... whatever the fuck it can mosie on up to. FUCK YOU, BIKE! No, not the bike. I love the bike and it's dear to me, but FUCK YOU to everything that made this possible. Which is probably mostly me, being to heavy for the bike. So, FUCK YOU, ME!

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I don't mind if a couple of things come in through the day for me to do as the boards are so quiet I need something else, but what the fuck is with all these fucking minuscule sleeves people want? I don't fucking know anything about this shit. Leave me the fuck alone... please.

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