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The F*%K Thread


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My wife and brother... even my buddy owns 'Crossroads'. Either fucking way, I'm starting to get a bit pissed off. As people have seen by my 'Best of' lists at the end of every year, I like to hear everything. And I mean EVERY fucking thing. There are just too many fucking CDs getting released without hitting my ears. Silence, Gemini Five, Hardreams, HEAT, Million and now today I see fucking Faithfull (I Fucking LOVE their debut!) has released a new fucking CD. How the fuck am I going to hear all these fucking things???!!!


Let me help you prioritise there buddy. Check out Silence, & avoid Faithful (not as good as their first) & fucking Million. I have two albums by that band, & even the best one (presumably their debut as it's called "No.1") utterly sucks.

Disappointing to hear about Faithfull. I still want to hear it, though. But yeah, Silence is my most wanted. Million have never been amazing, but I still like them nevertheless.


Anyway, to fuck things up even futher, I found out last night I owe an extra $1500 towards the mortgage. It is hard to express in words how severely this has fucked me up. I will not buy a CD for the rest of 2008, I dare say. It means that I got my monthy pay yesterday and it was gone instantly, with a $100 payment towards a $8500 credit card bill. Death never seemed so fucking appealing.

That's fucked up, and I have been there myself brother, and felt your pain. Not that it helps you any, but I understand how fucked up that can be. :(

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My wife and brother... even my buddy owns 'Crossroads'. Either fucking way, I'm starting to get a bit pissed off. As people have seen by my 'Best of' lists at the end of every year, I like to hear everything. And I mean EVERY fucking thing. There are just too many fucking CDs getting released without hitting my ears. Silence, Gemini Five, Hardreams, HEAT, Million and now today I see fucking Faithfull (I Fucking LOVE their debut!) has released a new fucking CD. How the fuck am I going to hear all these fucking things???!!!


Let me help you prioritise there buddy. Check out Silence, & avoid Faithful (not as good as their first) & fucking Million. I have two albums by that band, & even the best one (presumably their debut as it's called "No.1") utterly sucks.

Disappointing to hear about Faithfull. I still want to hear it, though. But yeah, Silence is my most wanted. Million have never been amazing, but I still like them nevertheless.


Anyway, to fuck things up even futher, I found out last night I owe an extra $1500 towards the mortgage. It is hard to express in words how severely this has fucked me up. I will not buy a CD for the rest of 2008, I dare say. It means that I got my monthy pay yesterday and it was gone instantly, with a $100 payment towards a $8500 credit card bill. Death never seemed so fucking appealing.

That's fucked up, and I have been there myself brother, and felt your pain. Not that it helps you any, but I understand how fucked up that can be. :(

The thing that fucking rear-ends me the most is that I HATE worrying about money-related bullshit. I fucking hate it... but when it gets this bad it's kind of hard to ig-fuckin'-nore. Worst parts of all; wife's birthday in 16 days and I have to get my fuckin' car back on the road in a month and a half. Fuck it all out a fucking ass bucket.


And I haven't been for a surf in two and a half fucking months!!! FUCK!

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One more fuckin beer for me and I'm off to fuckin' bed.


Takin the fuckin RV out for the first trip of the season tomorrow so this'll be the last y'all fuckin hear from me till Sunday sometime. Have a good one y'all.

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Have a sweet trip, Keith. Thank fuck I managed to squeeze down a couple of beers at lunch to make this day seem a little more decent.

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Still fuckin glorious up here...something like 12 days without rain...fuckin awesome...although it rained Sunday only 2 fuckin miles from here....while we were sat out in the back garden drinking dirty beer! Didn't even see any fuckin clouds!!!!!

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Still fuckin glorious up here...something like 12 days without rain...fuckin awesome...although it rained Sunday only 2 fuckin miles from here....while we were sat out in the back garden drinking dirty beer! Didn't even see any fuckin clouds!!!!!

So it's not so fuckin' grim "Oop North" ?

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One more fuckin beer for me and I'm off to fuckin' bed.


Takin the fuckin RV out for the first trip of the season tomorrow so this'll be the last y'all fuckin hear from me till Sunday sometime. Have a good one y'all.

Shitty fuckin' weather this weekend, make sure there's plenty of fuckin' beer and maybe you won't notice. :drink:

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One more fuckin beer for me and I'm off to fuckin' bed.


Takin the fuckin RV out for the first trip of the season tomorrow so this'll be the last y'all fuckin hear from me till Sunday sometime. Have a good one y'all.

Shitty fuckin' weather this weekend, make sure there's plenty of fuckin' beer and maybe you won't notice. :drink:


Fuckin tell me bout it... today's gonna be a fuckin washout from the looks of things... which is why I'm in no fuckin hurry to pack the last few items in the fuckin trailer and start closing it up yet...



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Still fuckin glorious up here...something like 12 days without rain...fuckin awesome...although it rained Sunday only 2 fuckin miles from here....while we were sat out in the back garden drinking dirty beer! Didn't even see any fuckin clouds!!!!!

So it's not so fuckin' grim "Oop North" ?

Ackshully since I mailed this there's a few fuckin clouds appeared...still fuckin nice though!

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Well, thank God my fuckin' brain MRI came back 'normal'.......LOL.....fuckin' headaches suck!!! Seems my cervical spine is being fucking squeezed by my neck/back muscles causing to be strained.......


Time for some, how does Wot fuckin' say it??.....Physio!!!

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Well, thank God my fuckin' brain MRI came back 'normal'.......LOL.....fuckin' headaches suck!!! Seems my cervical spine is being fucking squeezed by my neck/back muscles causing to be strained.......


Time for some, how does Wot fuckin' say it??.....Physio!!!


I give the motherfucker of all massages. come see me.

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Well, thank God my fuckin' brain MRI came back 'normal'.......LOL.....fuckin' headaches suck!!! Seems my cervical spine is being fucking squeezed by my neck/back muscles causing to be strained.......


Time for some, how does Wot fuckin' say it??.....Physio!!!


I give the motherfucker of all massages. come see me.


"The Motherfucker of all Massages"........I see much success in your future!! LOL

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Well, thank God my fuckin' brain MRI came back 'normal'.......LOL.....fuckin' headaches suck!!! Seems my cervical spine is being fucking squeezed by my neck/back muscles causing to be strained.......


Time for some, how does Wot fuckin' say it??.....Physio!!!


I give the motherfucker of all massages. come see me.


"The Motherfucker of all Massages"........I see much success in your future!! LOL




thanks. Hope someone in the Big House heard you say that :) ....Fuck... i forgot to say fuck. i am fuckin tired.

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Well, thank God my fuckin' brain MRI came back 'normal'.......LOL.....fuckin' headaches suck!!! Seems my cervical spine is being fucking squeezed by my neck/back muscles causing to be strained.......


Time for some, how does Wot fuckin' say it??.....Physio!!!

Fuckin' result Jim....

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Well, thank God my fuckin' brain MRI came back 'normal'.......LOL.....fuckin' headaches suck!!! Seems my cervical spine is being fucking squeezed by my neck/back muscles causing to be strained.......


Time for some, how does Wot fuckin' say it??.....Physio!!!

I'm sorry Jim. I'm so fuckin' wrapped up in what's going on here I didn't even know. What's the plan of action now?

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