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The F*%K Thread


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I'm pretty fuckin' tired. We were woken up at 4:44am this morning by a shrieking fucking cat. We thought it might be our, but it wasn't. Put a big fuckin' dent in my sleeping pattern, so I'm pretty fucked off now. Had a pretty fuckin' average week overall, to be honest. Looking forward to the fuckin' weekend. I did, however - in case you'd not fuckin' picked it - enjoy Treat's 3 brand spanking fuckin' new tracks.

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Gooooooood fuckin' mornin' everybody! The fuckin' sun is shining, the fuckin' birds are tweeting, the fuckin' sky is blue....


Or so they tell me anyway... I'm fuckin' stuck in a fuckin' office with no fuckin' windows so I can't see any of it for my fuckin' self. Boooooo

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Gooooooood fuckin' mornin' everybody! The fuckin' sun is shining, the fuckin' birds are tweeting, the fuckin' sky is blue....


Or so they tell me anyway... I'm fuckin' stuck in a fuckin' office with no fuckin' windows so I can't see any of it for my fuckin' self. Boooooo


My old fucking office before I became as incredibly fuckin' important as I am now used to be a 10x10 white painted fuckin' cinder block affair with no fuckin' windows and bright fucking fluorescent lighting... ah... good fuckin' times... :baneed:


My current fucking office is okay, one fucking entire wall is a window looking out onto beautiful fuckin' Route 206... well okay, it's not all that fucking beautiful but it's still a fuckin' window! :banana:

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At my last fuckin' office I was on the 9th fuckin' floor of an office tower with windows all the fuck the way around... had gorgeous views of lovely Paterson (well, it's beautiful from that high up anyway, not so nice on the fuckin' ground tho) and the surrounding fuckin' area... fuckin' gorgeous, especially when it fuckin' snowed.

Then they ship me the fuck up here to this new office and I have to walk 100 fuckin' yards before I even FIND a fuckin' window. I feel like I'm in a fuckin' space capsule

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At my last fuckin' office I was on the 9th fuckin' floor of an office tower with windows all the fuck the way around... had gorgeous views of lovely Paterson (well, it's beautiful from that high up anyway, not so nice on the fuckin' ground tho) and the surrounding fuckin' area... fuckin' gorgeous, especially when it fuckin' snowed.

Then they ship me the fuck up here to this new office and I have to walk 100 fuckin' yards before I even FIND a fuckin' window. I feel like I'm in a fuckin' space capsule


Fuck, are you? I mean in a fuckin' space capsule? That would be a cool fuckin' job. :tumbsup: Do you like fuckin' Tang?

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If I was really in a fuckin' space capsule I'd have a better fuckin' view wouldn't I??


Hmmm, fuckin' Tang. And I ain't talkin' the orange powdered stuff neither, know what the fuck I'm sayin'? ;)

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If I was really in a fuckin' space capsule I'd have a better fuckin' view wouldn't I??


Hmmm, fuckin' Tang. And I ain't talkin' the orange powdered stuff neither, know what the fuck I'm sayin'? ;)


Fuckin' hell yeah dawg, booty call!

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Fuck, the people in my office make terrible fuckin' coffee. Usually I'm the first fuckin' one here so I make the fuckin' coffee but this morning some other fucker beat me to it and it's fuckin WEAK

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We have this, it fuckin' ROCKS!


Fuckin' A, I'm jealous of your fuckin' coffee prowess right fuckin' now...

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We have this, it fuckin' ROCKS!


Fuckin' A, I'm jealous of your fuckin' coffee prowess right fuckin' now...


My fuckin' coffee prowess is the fuckin' subject of many ballads dedicated to my fuckin' manliness in general, much of which stems from my fuckin' coffee prowess.

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We have this, it fuckin' ROCKS!


Fuckin' A, I'm jealous of your fuckin' coffee prowess right fuckin' now...


My fuckin' coffee prowess is the fuckin' subject of many ballads dedicated to my fuckin' manliness in general, much of which stems from my fuckin' coffee prowess.


Cool! When you finally reissue that Shotgun Fuckin' Alli stuff on CD, make sure some of those fuckin' coffee related ballads are fuckin' included as bonus fuckin' tracks!

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We have this, it fuckin' ROCKS!


Fuckin' A, I'm jealous of your fuckin' coffee prowess right fuckin' now...


My fuckin' coffee prowess is the fuckin' subject of many ballads dedicated to my fuckin' manliness in general, much of which stems from my fuckin' coffee prowess.


Cool! When you finally reissue that Shotgun Fuckin' Alli stuff on CD, make sure some of those fuckin' coffee related ballads are fuckin' included as bonus fuckin' tracks!


Fuckin' "French Vanilla's" a real fuckin' tear jerker.

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We have this, it fuckin' ROCKS!


Fuckin' A, I'm jealous of your fuckin' coffee prowess right fuckin' now...


My fuckin' coffee prowess is the fuckin' subject of many ballads dedicated to my fuckin' manliness in general, much of which stems from my fuckin' coffee prowess.


Cool! When you finally reissue that Shotgun Fuckin' Alli stuff on CD, make sure some of those fuckin' coffee related ballads are fuckin' included as bonus fuckin' tracks!


Fuckin' "French Vanilla's" a real fuckin' tear jerker.


Don't forget "Hazel Fuckin' Nut"

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We have this, it fuckin' ROCKS!


Fuckin' A, I'm jealous of your fuckin' coffee prowess right fuckin' now...


My fuckin' coffee prowess is the fuckin' subject of many ballads dedicated to my fuckin' manliness in general, much of which stems from my fuckin' coffee prowess.


Cool! When you finally reissue that Shotgun Fuckin' Alli stuff on CD, make sure some of those fuckin' coffee related ballads are fuckin' included as bonus fuckin' tracks!


Fuckin' "French Vanilla's" a real fuckin' tear jerker.


Don't forget "Hazel Fuckin' Nut"


Or Scarface's fav... "Colombian Fuckin' Supremo"

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"Say fuckin' hello to my leeeeetle fuckin' friend!"

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"Say fuckin' hello to my leeeeetle fuckin' friend!"


Great fuckin' flick! :banger:


Most of my fuckin' on-the-job interpersonal skills are fuckin' pulled from it. :banana:

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Not to mention, it's a very Fuck Thread appropriate film too! I don't think I've EVER heard that many F-Bombs in one fuckin' movie, before or since...

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Not to mention, it's a very Fuck Thread appropriate film too! I don't think I've EVER heard that many F-Bombs in one fuckin' movie, before or since...


Fuckin' perfect for family fuckin' viewing. :dance:

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Maybe if you're the Manson Fuckin' Family... ;)

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I don't have my own fuckin' office, but my fuckin' desk is situated near a window with views out to the ocean, down at Cronulla. A pretty fuckin' nice view, I guess. I'd prefer to be where the fuckin' view extends to though.


Oh Pete, I love your version of 'French Vanilla' too. How'd the fuckin' chorus go?


'French Vanilla, why are you in my manilla folder

Oh fuck, what are we going to do on my shoulder

My love, my french vanilla coated lover

What do we do now... what the fuck do we do now?'


I agree Pete, one of the sweetest fuckin' balllads I ever heard.

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