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We sell a lot, a lot, A LOT of that at the store.... I would think they should come up with a fancy thing for the spittin' part...


WOTTY........can ya make Keef a fancy fuckin' spittoon in your pottery class????? :lol:


Can you hook me up with your fuckin' employee discount? :lol: I like Longhorn Long Cut Mint, in the blue fuckin' can. :)


I used to have a lil' brass fuckin' spittoon in my fuckin' dorm room when I was in college, believe it or not... it got lost in the shuffle during one of my fuckin' moves over the years... fortunately an empty fuckin' soda can works just as well... :P

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... fortunately an empty fuckin' soda can works just as well... :P

yeah, until you fuckin mistake it for a can that you thought had soda in it :puke:


Fortunately, that has only happened once in all the years I've been dippin'... and I realized my mistake before I took a big ole fuckin' chug.

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I am fucking pathetic. I forgot CD's again today.


You need to start hittin' fuckin' Ginkgo Biloba. Helps the memory, big fuckin' time. :)


He probably fuckin' forgot to take it... ;)


Take what? I have just been eager to get to fucking work lately. Go Figure.


Fuckin' ay man, you're not alone there. I can't WAIT to get here every day. It's a new fuckin' chance to shine... <_<

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I am fucking pathetic. I forgot CD's again today.


You need to start hittin' fuckin' Ginkgo Biloba. Helps the memory, big fuckin' time. :)


He probably fuckin' forgot to take it... ;)


Take what? I have just been eager to get to fucking work lately. Go Figure.


Fuckin' ay man, you're not alone there. I can't WAIT to get here every day. It's a new fuckin' chance to shine... <_<



Like the fucking sun.

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I'm off work in 90 fuckin' minutes and it seems like it will never fuckin' get here.

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No fucking fair.

Absolutely fucking fair :P


I'm off work in 90 fuckin' minutes and it seems like it will never fuckin' get here.

hehe you're three hours ahead of me, and I'm still fuckin leaving before you :bananamac:


Yea, but don't you get to work at like 4 in the fuckin' morning? That's too fuckin' early for this boy

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Does anyone else look forward to 7 fucking AM?



7 fucking AM just means loud, wet, hungry baby to me nowadays... :blink:


But in January it will mean I can't find a fucking parking space at the park & ride and I'll miss my fucking bus and be late for fucking work! :doh:

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Does anyone else look forward to 7 fucking AM?



7 is fucking AM? Does 8 know about this, I'm sure he'll be upset. :anon:

Thank God tomorrow its fucking Friday. One more day of fucking waking up at 5 AM. FUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!

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Fuckin'A...this is NOT the way to end the fucking week... about 4 this morning, the wife and I hear the kid screaming "I WANNA DRINK! MY THROAT HURRRRRTS!" We get up, stumble into his room with a cup of water and before we can even get to his bed, he goes BAAAARRRRFFF all over his fuckin' pillow... needless to say, hilarity did not fuckin' ensue. Guess whose turn it is to stay home from work with the sick young'un? Yay me. Fuck. :lol:

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Fuckin'A...this is NOT the way to end the fucking week... about 4 this morning, the wife and I hear the kid screaming "I WANNA DRINK! MY THROAT HURRRRRTS!" We get up, stumble into his room with a cup of water and before we can even get to his bed, he goes BAAAARRRRFFF all over his fuckin' pillow... needless to say, hilarity did not fuckin' ensue. Guess whose turn it is to stay home from work with the sick young'un? Yay me. Fuck. :lol:

My fuckin' condolences mate,what a fucker that is.

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Ehh, it ain't too fuckin' bad I guess...he'll sleep late, and I didn't have anything majorly fuckin' pressing at work today... just hope I don't catch whatever little fuckin' tummy bug the boy has too... :puke:

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Fuckin'A...this is NOT the way to end the fucking week... about 4 this morning, the wife and I hear the kid screaming "I WANNA DRINK! MY THROAT HURRRRRTS!" We get up, stumble into his room with a cup of water and before we can even get to his bed, he goes BAAAARRRRFFF all over his fuckin' pillow... needless to say, hilarity did not fuckin' ensue. Guess whose turn it is to stay home from work with the sick young'un? Yay me. Fuck. :lol:


Awwww.....sorry to hear that. Hope he feels better soon!


ewww......I just did a sympathy dry heave for ya..... -_-




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