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I'm fuckin starving! Is it fuckin' lunch time yet??

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I'm fuckin starving! Is it fuckin' lunch time yet??

Are ya goin' fer a fuckin' pint then lad?


Don't I fuckin' wish!! That'll have to fuckin wait till I get home tonite!

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I'm waiting for my fucking pizza I ordered to arrive because I'm too fucking lazy to go and get it. :whistle:

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I'm waiting for my fucking pizza I ordered to arrive because I'm too fucking lazy to go and get it. :whistle:

I can't tell you how much I fuckin' envy you right now.

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I jogged a fucking half mile the other the day for some stupid reason and now my fucking calf hurts like a motherfucker.

Because I hardly ever get to exercise anymore, when the opportunity does arise I am walking around for three days after with aching massive fucking pecs and arms. I used to do that about 4 times a week and not twitch a whisker over it.

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Fuckin' pizza sounds pretty fuckin' good right now.


I am about to drink a fuckin' beer.


Tomorrow I shall brave the fucking Division of Motor Vehicles to renew my driver's license, which would be no fuckin big deal except that I shall have both children in tow. Pray for my fuckin' sanity y'all.

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Fuckin' pizza sounds pretty fuckin' good right now.


I am about to drink a fuckin' beer.


Tomorrow I shall brave the fucking Division of Motor Vehicles to renew my driver's license, which would be no fuckin big deal except that I shall have both children in tow. Pray for my fuckin' sanity y'all.


I'm out of fucking beer right now.


I wouldn't wish a visit to the fucking DMV on my worst enemy so I feel for you Keef(not that your my enemy), especially since you have to have the kids with you. There's no doubt that you will not be having fun tomorrow.

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Fuckin' pizza sounds pretty fuckin' good right now.


I am about to drink a fuckin' beer.


Tomorrow I shall brave the fucking Division of Motor Vehicles to renew my driver's license, which would be no fuckin big deal except that I shall have both children in tow. Pray for my fuckin' sanity y'all.


I'm out of fucking beer right now.


I wouldn't wish a visit to the fucking DMV on my worst enemy so I feel for you Keef(not that your my enemy), especially since you have to have the kids with you. There's no doubt that you will not be having fun tomorrow.

Right the fuck on, cousin. Kids ruin everything.

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Fuckin' pizza sounds pretty fuckin' good right now.


I am about to drink a fuckin' beer.


Tomorrow I shall brave the fucking Division of Motor Vehicles to renew my driver's license, which would be no fuckin big deal except that I shall have both children in tow. Pray for my fuckin' sanity y'all.


I'm out of fucking beer right now.


I wouldn't wish a visit to the fucking DMV on my worst enemy so I feel for you Keef(not that your my enemy), especially since you have to have the kids with you. There's no doubt that you will not be having fun tomorrow.

Right the fuck on, cousin. Kids ruin everything.


That's fucking why I'm sterile. :whistle:

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Don't get me wrong, I love my fuckin kids, but there are times when I fuckin wish I could just tie'em to a fuckin' stake in the back yard for a couple of hours so I can take care of fuckin chores like these.


By the way, the fuckin' DMV won't be fuckin finished with me yet after tomorrow, because I have to get my fuckin car inspected this fuckin weekend. As Stimpy used to say on "Ren & Stimpy," "Oh JOY joy."

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I am so fucking tired, i dont give a fucking shit it is only fucking 8pm. i am going the fuck to sleep.


but it';s only fucking lunch time!!!! well, over here anyway

I'm eating fucking chocolate for lunch - a row from a 'Crunchie' block, one from a peppermint block - fuck Coles for having a 2 for $5 special last week. I bought 4 blocks and I can't keep away from them.

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I am so fucking tired, i dont give a fucking shit it is only fucking 8pm. i am going the fuck to sleep.


but it';s only fucking lunch time!!!! well, over here anyway

I'm eating fucking chocolate for lunch - a row from a 'Crunchie' block, one from a peppermint block - fuck Coles for having a 2 for $5 special last week. I bought 4 blocks and I can't keep away from them.

What a fucking nutritious lunch.

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I am so fucking tired, i dont give a fucking shit it is only fucking 8pm. i am going the fuck to sleep.


but it';s only fucking lunch time!!!! well, over here anyway

I'm eating fucking chocolate for lunch - a row from a 'Crunchie' block, one from a peppermint block - fuck Coles for having a 2 for $5 special last week. I bought 4 blocks and I can't keep away from them.

What a fucking nutritious lunch.

I do what I can to stay fuckin' healthy.

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I am so fucking tired, i dont give a fucking shit it is only fucking 8pm. i am going the fuck to sleep.


but it';s only fucking lunch time!!!! well, over here anyway

I'm eating fucking chocolate for lunch - a row from a 'Crunchie' block, one from a peppermint block - fuck Coles for having a 2 for $5 special last week. I bought 4 blocks and I can't keep away from them.

What a fucking nutritious lunch.

I do what I can to stay fuckin' healthy.

Mint is green, that must mean it's fuckin' healthy. Crunchie... sounds like it contains fiber, also pretty fuckin' good for you (although not as good for you as fuckin' fried okra). Geoff's obviously a fuckin' health freak.

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I am so fucking tired, i dont give a fucking shit it is only fucking 8pm. i am going the fuck to sleep.


but it';s only fucking lunch time!!!! well, over here anyway

I'm eating fucking chocolate for lunch - a row from a 'Crunchie' block, one from a peppermint block - fuck Coles for having a 2 for $5 special last week. I bought 4 blocks and I can't keep away from them.

What a fucking nutritious lunch.

I do what I can to stay fuckin' healthy.

Mint is green, that must mean it's fuckin' healthy. Crunchie... sounds like it contains fiber, also pretty fuckin' good for you (although not as good for you as fuckin' fried okra). Geoff's obviously a fuckin' health freak.



Geoff - Is the chocolate 'Crunchie' of which you fucking speak the same as it is here in the UK? i.e Delicious milk chocolate with a fucking honeycombed centre that is as light as a fucking feather??

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Do you fucking have no privacy?

Do you bolt the fucking doors at night?

Are you just fucking Paranoid?

Are you afraid to wash your Fucking hair?

Are people playing fucking tricks on you?


Questions that need fuckin answers.

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Don't get me wrong, I love my fuckin kids, but there are times when I fuckin wish I could just tie'em to a fuckin' stake in the back yard for a couple of hours so I can take care of fuckin chores like these.


By the way, the fuckin' DMV won't be fuckin finished with me yet after tomorrow, because I have to get my fuckin car inspected this fuckin weekend. As Stimpy used to say on "Ren & Stimpy," "Oh JOY joy."


Hey Keef do you guys have to fucking get your cars inspected in Joisey every two years?

That's the way it fucking was in Colorado but we don't have to get them inspected in Illinois.

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Don't get me wrong, I love my fuckin kids, but there are times when I fuckin wish I could just tie'em to a fuckin' stake in the back yard for a couple of hours so I can take care of fuckin chores like these.


By the way, the fuckin' DMV won't be fuckin finished with me yet after tomorrow, because I have to get my fuckin car inspected this fuckin weekend. As Stimpy used to say on "Ren & Stimpy," "Oh JOY joy."


Hey Keef do you guys have to fucking get your cars inspected in Joisey every two years?

That's the way it fucking was in Colorado but we don't have to get them inspected in Illinois.

That's because the more fuckin' smog that covers Illinois, the less you have to fuckin' see of it...



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Don't get me wrong, I love my fuckin kids, but there are times when I fuckin wish I could just tie'em to a fuckin' stake in the back yard for a couple of hours so I can take care of fuckin chores like these.


By the way, the fuckin' DMV won't be fuckin finished with me yet after tomorrow, because I have to get my fuckin car inspected this fuckin weekend. As Stimpy used to say on "Ren & Stimpy," "Oh JOY joy."


Hey Keef do you guys have to fucking get your cars inspected in Joisey every two years?

That's the way it fucking was in Colorado but we don't have to get them inspected in Illinois.

That's because the more fuckin' smog that covers Illinois, the less you have to fuckin' see of it...




No reason to runaway Pete, because mostly it's true. :anon:

Seriously Illinois is a fucking beautiful State, if your into Trees, plants and fields and stuff. :lol:

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