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The F*%K Thread


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No Fuckin' Problem on the 7th Heaven rundown... but yea, Matt and Mary both left years ago. Both have made a couple of movies since then (Mary was in the remake of the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" from a few fuckin' years back, as well as the famous fuckin' bomb "Stealth" from last summer).

The network that fuckin' carries the show right now in the US (the W.B.) is shutting down due to lack of viewer interest (cuz let's fucking face it there is only so much room on the dial for different fucking networks) and it's going to consolidate in the Fall with another little watched fucking network (the U.P.N.) under a new fucking name. My wife, the 7th Heaven faithful fuckin fan, has heard that "7th Heaven" will indeed be part of the new fuckin' network's lineup in the Fall cuz I guess they want some recognizable fucking names in the lineup of their new fucking venture.


Fuck me, I can't believe we're talking about fucking 7th Heaven in the fucking FUCK THREAD! It just seems so fucking WRONG! Somebody give us a nork picture to get us the fuck back on track, eh Geoff?


Fuck Freddy, I really didn't want to have to do this, but if you fuckin insist:





FUCK yeah, Geoff! Now THAT'S what the fuck I'm fuckin' talking about!!

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No Fuckin' Problem on the 7th Heaven rundown... but yea, Matt and Mary both left years ago. Both have made a couple of movies since then (Mary was in the remake of the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" from a few fuckin' years back, as well as the famous fuckin' bomb "Stealth" from last summer).

The network that fuckin' carries the show right now in the US (the W.B.) is shutting down due to lack of viewer interest (cuz let's fucking face it there is only so much room on the dial for different fucking networks) and it's going to consolidate in the Fall with another little watched fucking network (the U.P.N.) under a new fucking name. My wife, the 7th Heaven faithful fuckin fan, has heard that "7th Heaven" will indeed be part of the new fuckin' network's lineup in the Fall cuz I guess they want some recognizable fucking names in the lineup of their new fucking venture.


Fuck me, I can't believe we're talking about fucking 7th Heaven in the fucking FUCK THREAD! It just seems so fucking WRONG! Somebody give us a nork picture to get us the fuck back on track, eh Geoff?


Fuck Freddy, I really didn't want to have to do this, but if you fuckin insist:





FUCK yeah, Geoff! Now THAT'S what the fuck I'm fuckin' talking about!!



You can fucking never have enough fucking pictures of Briana Banks. :norks:

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No Fuckin' Problem on the 7th Heaven rundown... but yea, Matt and Mary both left years ago. Both have made a couple of movies since then (Mary was in the remake of the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" from a few fuckin' years back, as well as the famous fuckin' bomb "Stealth" from last summer).

The network that fuckin' carries the show right now in the US (the W.B.) is shutting down due to lack of viewer interest (cuz let's fucking face it there is only so much room on the dial for different fucking networks) and it's going to consolidate in the Fall with another little watched fucking network (the U.P.N.) under a new fucking name. My wife, the 7th Heaven faithful fuckin fan, has heard that "7th Heaven" will indeed be part of the new fuckin' network's lineup in the Fall cuz I guess they want some recognizable fucking names in the lineup of their new fucking venture.


Fuck me, I can't believe we're talking about fucking 7th Heaven in the fucking FUCK THREAD! It just seems so fucking WRONG! Somebody give us a nork picture to get us the fuck back on track, eh Geoff?


Fuck Freddy, I really didn't want to have to do this, but if you fuckin insist:





FUCK yeah, Geoff! Now THAT'S what the fuck I'm fuckin' talking about!!



You can fucking never have enough fucking pictures of Briana Banks. :norks:


As truer fuckin' statement has never been made. norks.png

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Good fuckin' Thursday morning everybody... just got into the fuckin' office and I'm waitin' for the fuckin' coffee to finish perkin!

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Fuck yeah, I got a hot steamin' cup o'joe right next to me as I speak... fuckin' OFF from work tomorrow...going on a fuckin' family RV trip this weekend... hope it STAYS nice out there!!

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Good fuckin Thursday morning to ya Freddy :) Have a great fuckin trip this weekend!


I wanna know why the fuck is it that whenever someone is out in the department, I'm the one that fuckin covers for them?!

I can do their work and mine & still get out in 8 fuckin hours.... but why the fuck is it always me?? I don't fuckin WANNA do anyone elses crap - I just wanna do my crap :crying:


And then, we come in this morning & there's no water in the entire fuckin building... as in running water.... as in no fucking bathrooms till they figure out what the fuck is wrong. :unsure:   Good fuckin thing I have my own coffee maker and there's water in the water cooler. I'm fuckin grumpy enough at the moment and would pity the poor fuckin fool that would try to keep me from my fuckin cup of java.


...but hey.. it's almost fuckin Friday :)

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Good fuckin Thursday morning to ya Freddy :) Have a great fuckin trip this weekend!


I wanna know why the fuck is it that whenever someone is out in the department, I'm the one that fuckin covers for them?!

I can do their work and mine & still get out in 8 fuckin hours.... but why the fuck is it always me?? I don't fuckin WANNA do anyone elses crap - I just wanna do my crap :crying:


And then, we come in this morning & there's no water in the entire fuckin building... as in running water.... as in no fucking bathrooms till they figure out what the fuck is wrong. :unsure:   Good fuckin thing I have my own coffee maker and there's water in the water cooler. I'm fuckin grumpy enough at the moment and would pity the poor fuckin fool that would try to keep me from my fuckin cup of java.


...but hey.. it's almost fuckin Friday :)


Sounds like you're off to a great fuckin' start to your day, Lisa? Fuckin' ARGH!

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I'm an hour into my fucking Friday. I heard someone say that the more active you are the fucking happier you are. I'd never thought of it like that, but fuck me that is true. I'm really fucking miserable (:() at the moment and have been for a few fuckin' weeks, and now I know why. I'm just not fuckin' doing anything active or fun. I haven't been for a fucking surf since before I went to Fremantle about a month ago (I went to the beach since, but there was NO surf - flat as a fuckin' tack) and there are other non-active circumstances at work in my fucking life. I want action tonight, satisfaction, alright.

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I'm an hour into my fucking Friday. I heard someone say that the more active you are the fucking happier you are. I'd never thought of it like that, but fuck me that is true. I'm really fucking miserable (:() at the moment and have been for a few fuckin' weeks, and now I know why. I'm just not fuckin' doing anything active or fun. I haven't been for a fucking surf since before I went to Fremantle about a month ago (I went to the beach since, but there was NO surf - flat as a fuckin' tack) and there are other non-active circumstances at work in my fucking life. I want action tonight, satisfaction, alright.


Fuck, Geoff, sounds to me like you are in a fucking rut. You need to break the fuck out and find some fucking fun. Good luck on your fucking quest. As for me, this will probably be my last fucking post till Monday morning (I'll pause briefly so the entire H.H. community can breathe a sigh of relief... "Thank God, that fuckin' long winded fucking asshole is leaving us the fuck alone for a couple of fucking days!"), since I am taking a three-day weekend to go camping in the new R.V. with the family. By the time you all read this I should be fuckin' chilled out sitting by a fucking campfire with a cold fucking beer in my hand. Mmmm...fuckin' beer. Have a great fuckin' weekend all!

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I'm an hour into my fucking Friday. I heard someone say that the more active you are the fucking happier you are. I'd never thought of it like that, but fuck me that is true. I'm really fucking miserable (:() at the moment and have been for a few fuckin' weeks, and now I know why. I'm just not fuckin' doing anything active or fun. I haven't been for a fucking surf since before I went to Fremantle about a month ago (I went to the beach since, but there was NO surf - flat as a fuckin' tack) and there are other non-active circumstances at work in my fucking life. I want action tonight, satisfaction, alright.


Fuck, Geoff, sounds to me like you are in a fucking rut. You need to break the fuck out and find some fucking fun. Good luck on your fucking quest. As for me, this will probably be my last fucking post till Monday morning (I'll pause briefly so the entire H.H. community can breathe a sigh of relief... "Thank God, that fuckin' long winded fucking asshole is leaving us the fuck alone for a couple of fucking days!"), since I am taking a three-day weekend to go camping in the new R.V. with the family. By the time you all read this I should be fuckin' chilled out sitting by a fucking campfire with a cold fucking beer in my hand. Mmmm...fuckin' beer. Have a great fuckin' weekend all!



Have a good fucking time this weekend and a big happy fucking early birthday. :drink:

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Hey Freddy, yeah, you have youself a great fuckin' brithday... even though I think I'll be here before it happens, but still... enjoy your fuckin'g camping trip too. I'm fucking envious.

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Fuckin' thanx for the fuckin' B-Day wishes, Geoff and H&H... I know, Last night was supposed to be my last fuckin' post till Monday but our trip has been delayed slightly by inclement fuckin' weather...in other words, we don't want to be hitching up the fucking trailer to the fucking car in the fucking rain that's currently fucking falling and we're hoping it clears the fuck up in another hour or two so we can get the fuck on the road. It's supposed to be fucking iffy weather-wise on and off all fucking weekend which kinda fucking sucks but hey, it beats being at fucking work either way. :) My case of Yuengling Lager is chilling the fuck out in the fucking trailer fridge as we speak and it should be nice and fucking cold by the time we get to the fucking campground and set it the fuck up. Mmmm, fucking BEER!!!! I'm having fucking coffee right now but I can't fucking WAIT for that fucking BEER!

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Anyway, have a fuckin' great birthday, mate !!



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It is Freddy's Fuckin' Birthday??? :) Wow. Have a great Fuckin' B-day Man! Party like a Fuckin' Rockstar :headbanger: You deserve it!!! :tumbsup:


As for you Lisa, get on with your evil self :angel:

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