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The F*%K Thread


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I'm fucking doing pretty fucking good.

I would be fucking doing alot fucking better if the Cardinals were fucking winning.


I hear ya! I might even fuckin' smile again if the fuckin' Eels would just win a fucking game.


My girl is a vet nurse. A kitty was bought in fuckin' ages ago, abandoned and hit by a fuckin' car, so because it didn't have an owner and would have been put down we bought it home, but the veterinay practice still use him as a fuckin' blood doner on occasion (FYI, he is fully recovered and back to 100% health). He usually goes in for a scheduled fuckin' donation every few months, but last night they had a fuckin' emergency and my girl got a call at 1:15am, on a Sunday fucking night... the night before Monday!


But yeah, the night shift wanted our fuckin' kitty, who had just hopped onto the bed with us, so we had to drag the meowing little fucker out of the house, after chasing him around the joint with the cage, drag him through the rain and drive him to the fuckin' vet, drop the poor little bastard off, leave him alone with blood hungry stangers and then head off back home to sleep. So I didn't get to sleep until 2:00am this morning... the morning which leads into Monday. Guess how fuckin' happy I am. Poor kitty. :(

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Fuckin' A Geoff, that fuckin' sucks. Hope your fuckin' cat is OK. Mine had fuckin' dental surgery a couple of fuckin' weeks ago and he's fuckin' fine now, but I slept with one fuckin' eye open for a week or so after he returned home for fear that he was going to exact some major fuckin' kitty revenge on me in the middle of the fuckin' night...

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Fuckin' A Geoff, that fuckin' sucks. Hope your fuckin' cat is OK. Mine had fuckin' dental surgery a couple of fuckin' weeks ago and he's fuckin' fine now, but I slept with one fuckin' eye open for a week or so after he returned home for fear that he was going to exact some major fuckin' kitty revenge on me in the middle of the fuckin' night...


:lol: Yeah, I was thinking of you as I typed my fuckin' story because I remembered your poor little kitty. Our kitty's too trusting and friendly to hold a fuckin' grudge - that's why I love him. He's such a friendly little fucker, to us at least, which is why I hate doing shit like that to him. He'll be fine. A little woozy when we get him back, but he's too fuckin' hungry to let this get him down. :) Cute little fucker.

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I can't fuckin sleep :(




Fuck. I wish I was there to sing you a fuckin' lullaby or something. :(

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I know what you fucking mean Pete. I'm just glad it's fucking over (for me at least). One day down, four fucking more to go.


I really should shut the fuck up, I'm off Wednesday, trade show in Philly on Thursday, and off Friday... so today's my fucking Thursday... :banana:

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I know what you fucking mean Pete. I'm just glad it's fucking over (for me at least). One day down, four fucking more to go.


I really should shut the fuck up, I'm off Wednesday, trade show in Philly on Thursday, and off Friday... so today's my fucking Thursday... :banana:


Fucking lucky bastage.

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Pete...I know what ya fuckin' mean! I have a buddy coming to visit on fuckin' Wednesday, so I'll be takin' most of the fuckin' week off!!!



Fuckin'ay!!!!! Today is fuckin' Thursday!!! :banana:

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Pete...I know what ya fuckin' mean! I have a buddy coming to visit on fuckin' Wednesday, so I'll be takin' most of the fuckin' week off!!!



Fuckin'ay!!!!! Today is fuckin' Thursday!!! :banana:



hey... you can shut the fuck up too :P



far too many lucky fuckin bastids <_<

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:lol: I know I'm gonna get told "stfu"......but ......


gettin' my hair brushed by the 5 year old........talk about a fuckin' purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......


sorry Lisa..... ;)

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:lol: I know I'm gonna get told "stfu"......but ......


gettin' my hair brushed by the 5 year old........talk about a fuckin' purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......


sorry Lisa..... ;)




ya'll are fuckin determined today





oh, and stfu!! :P



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Don't mind me, I'm just fuckin' killin' my last fifteen minutes at the fuckin' office before I can go the fuck home.

Fuckin' starvin' like fuckin' Marvin too... can't wait to get some fuckin' FOOD!

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If this President Fucking Bush speech causes me to miss any of my fucking shows I'm gonna be fucking pissed.


Oh, I fucking hate speeches from prime ministers, or presidents or whoever runs your country, potentially fucking up TV schedules. Fuckin' angers me.

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