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What's a spinnin' in your CD player?

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This is gonna seem rather spooky, but I too am listening to Nelson - Brother Harmony. I'm more that a bit shocked. There is some trademark Nelson here, but the country thing threw me a bit. (Guess I should have checked more.) However, there are some really good things on here so far (i.e. Just Once More).

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Teri Tims - Made in USA. Sounds like early Shania Twain, from 1989-1990, meets Faith Hill. AND, man, can this girl SING!!!


According to www.shaniaup.com, the best way to describe her voice is "Teri’s amazingly powerful, yet sultry voice will make a married man wish he was single, and make a teenage boy wish he was a man." :o


Who says women singers can't rock? ;)

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Sic Vikki - Kiss Me In French. WOW! Can't believe there's stuff like this out there and I didn't know about it. Goes to show how little I and people I know really knew about music (compared to what I thought I knew.)

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Sic Vikki - Kiss Me In French. WOW! Can't believe there's stuff like this out there and I didn't know about it. Goes to show how little I and people I know really knew about music (compared to what I thought I knew.)

Told you it was awesome.

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Pink Sapphire - Happy Together. Holy SHIT! I usually have to be able to sing to something to want to listen to it, although there are exceptions. However, if I can't fucking understand the words, even though I appreciate the music, it's not getting another spin (other than as a joke!) Wow, I really need to do better research next time!

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Princess Pang - s/t. This is more my speed. (I didn't even give Pink Sapphire a chance. After hearing two songs, that was enough!)

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I LOVE that song.  Have you ever seen the video?  I still think it is cool.  I have it on LaserDisc.  It's too bad Missing Persons never got their due.  I'm glad I have all their CDs, except the first one "Spring Session M".  They were my favorite New Wave Band.


They released a "Lost Tracks" CD that's worth owning.  My favorite CDs by Missing Persons were:


Color In Your Life

Rhyme and Reason

Yay, Missing Persons.


That's one band that people in Europe have hardly heard of. How many albums did they make? I've got three of 'em:

  • Spring Session M
  • Color In Your Life
  • Rhyme And Reason

LaserDisc :angry: Grrrr. I've never even seen a video of Dale and her boys, let alone a LD.

The 8" LaserDisc has four videos - "Destination Unknown", "Give", "Right Now", and the title, "Surrender Your Heart".


I ordered Spring Session M through Borders Books and Music in Seattle but they couldn't get it. They could re-order it for me and I will try again in May. I still have it on vinyl. I last saw it at Tower Records but never bothered to buy it. The other two CDs "Color In Your Life" and "Rhyme and Reason" each have 6 bonus songs. There are two that were never released + 4 live tracks. And I must say that Missing Persons were great live! There was not one song by them I never liked. They made a brief tour in 2001.


Their videos are "ok". I want to see "Words" and "I Can't Think About Dancin'".

I hear Dale Bozzio still shows more class than Britney, Christina Aguilara, Madonna, and Gwen Stefani. But, I still like Gwen Stefani.


They only had three albums. See if you can track down "Lost Tracks". I ordered it in Seattle. You might get it on Amazon.com. I'll look into it for you. I paid $9.00US for mine.


I only discovered them in 1991 at a used record store when I lived in St. John's, Newfoundland. But my friends, especially my college classmates, laughed at me. :angry: That's how limited their taste in music is. They only listened to whatever was on the radio which I no longer listen to. Newfoundland is no place to introduce different music, unless it's on the radio. My God, they actually went along with what was being played on the radio in the 1990's! They listened to grunge. :lol::crazy::(

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Pink Sapphire - Happy Together.  Holy SHIT!  I usually have to be able to sing to something to want to listen to it, although there are exceptions.  However, if I can't fucking understand the words, even though I appreciate the music, it's not getting another spin (other than as a joke!)  Wow, I really need to do better research next time!

Jay, sorry you didn't like Pink Sapphire. I think it's nice for something just different and I like the musical part of it even if I can't understand any of it. :D



But glad you like the Princess Pang

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Jay, sorry you didn't like Pink Sapphire. I think it's nice for something just different and I like the musical part of it even if I can't understand any of it. :D

Hey, it's my fault. If I would have found out that it was a foreign language speaking band, I don't think I would have tried them in the first place. (Maybe it's just my closed-mindedness.) Nothing that can be prevented though, other than by research. It just wasn't my taste, that's all.


I never really was big on it, but lately I've been getting into the female fronted bands a bit more. Princess Pang was really good!


Thanks Dave! (for all, not just the bands I decide that I like)

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I'm in the middle of Romeo's Daughter now. Really good stuff. It's amazing all the names I may have "heard" of, but never really heard. I only wish I had heard this stuff before recently. I'm such a neophyte of music collection! :(

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FRONTLINE - The State Of Rock...Man, these guys should be huge!

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Got Jane Doe - Zero to Hero going today!  :banger:  :drink:

Where in the world did you find that little piece of Danish music history???

I love that album...They actually opened for STEELHEART back in the day...

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... See if you can track down "Lost Tracks".  I ordered it in Seattle.  ...


But my friends, especially my college classmates, laughed at me.  :angry:  That's how limited their taste in music is.  They only listened to whatever was on the radio which I no longer listen to.  Newfoundland is no place to introduce different music, unless it's on the radio.  My God, they actually went along with what was being played on the radio in the 1990's!  They listened to grunge. :lol:  :crazy:  :(

Spring Session has two bonus tracks: "Hello, I Love You" and "Mental Hopscotch". As for the friend factor. Just shows what they know! ;) Grunge wasn't about musical expertise anyway. Which is something you can expect from ex-Zappa musicians! And trust me Holland isn't a picknick either when it comes to new music.

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... See if you can track down "Lost Tracks".  I ordered it in Seattle.  ...


But my friends, especially my college classmates, laughed at me.   :angry:  That's how limited their taste in music is.  They only listened to whatever was on the radio which I no longer listen to.  Newfoundland is no place to introduce different music, unless it's on the radio.  My God, they actually went along with what was being played on the radio in the 1990's!  They listened to grunge. :lol:  :crazy:  :(

Spring Session has two bonus tracks: "Hello, I Love You" and "Mental Hopscotch". As for the friend factor. Just shows what they know! ;) Grunge wasn't about musical expertise anyway. Which is something you can expect from ex-Zappa musicians! And trust me Holland isn't a picknick either when it comes to new music.

I've heard (and own!) Spring Session M, which is awesome, how do the other releases compare?


Listening to Burning Rain - S/T & Burning Rain - Pleasure to Burn this AM. Maybe that'll wake me up... -_-

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... See if you can track down "Lost Tracks".  I ordered it in Seattle.  ...


But my friends, especially my college classmates, laughed at me.   :angry:  That's how limited their taste in music is.  They only listened to whatever was on the radio which I no longer listen to.  Newfoundland is no place to introduce different music, unless it's on the radio.  My God, they actually went along with what was being played on the radio in the 1990's!  They listened to grunge. :lol:  :crazy:  :(

Spring Session has two bonus tracks: "Hello, I Love You" and "Mental Hopscotch". As for the friend factor. Just shows what they know! ;) Grunge wasn't about musical expertise anyway. Which is something you can expect from ex-Zappa musicians! And trust me Holland isn't a picknick either when it comes to new music.

I've heard (and own!) Spring Session M, which is awesome, how do the other releases compare?


Listening to Burning Rain - S/T & Burning Rain - Pleasure to Burn this AM. Maybe that'll wake me up... -_-

If you like Spring Session you'll like the other two! I must say it's been ages since I played them, so I can't really compare them. D*mn, I have way too many cds! :lol:

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If you like Spring Session you'll like the other two! I must say it's been ages since I played them, so I can't really compare them. D*mn, I have way too many cds! :lol:

:lol: I know the feeling! I'll add those two to my list (my wife will be thrilled I'm sure ;) ), thanks for the tip.

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"The Black Widow" - Alice Cooper...


"If these words he speaks are true...We're all humanary stew...If we don't pledge allegiance to - The Black Widow!" ....:freak: :banger: :freak:

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:blink: Well........I TRIED to listen to that Leppardmania........OMG........what a travesty!!!! My beloved Lepps!!!


Ok........high points (see......sunshine girl today B):lol: ) was definitely the Kelly Hansen song "Rock Of Ages", Jason McMaster's "Let It Go", and OF COURSE........CORABI'S "Wasted" .......... OH......and Steve Whiteman did a kick ass job on "Foolin"



but...................OMG...............Kevin DuBrow's "Rock Rock"??????? :lol: sucked....imo.




Now.........it's Y&T's TEN!!!!!! "Come In From The Rain".....one of my FAVORITE songs!!! :D

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