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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Who else tried to say that word out loud?

I said it aloud a few times at tribal council this morning. We got rid of Mondanthis. He really was a spiteful f*cker.


I'm guessing that Fridayians are partyers. Mondayians are whiney and hateful. Mondanthis was probably a Mondayian. Let's ask Wotty... he knows his 'Ians.

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Who else tried to say that word out loud?

I said it aloud a few times at tribal council this morning. We got rid of Mondanthis. He really was a spiteful f*cker.


I'm guessing that Fridayians are partyers. Mondayians are whiney and hateful. Mondanthis was probably a Mondayian. Let's ask Wotty... he knows his 'Ians.

That pretty much sums it up. Plus, Mondanthis was really ugly, he was always miserable and he kept waking us up when all we wanted to do was sleep in. I wish I'd hit him in the face before we voted him off.

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Good morning Eric Bloom, Albert Bouchard, Joe Bouchard, Allen Lanier, and Donald (Buck Dharma) Roeser.


Joan Crawford has risen from the grave! :yikes:

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Good morning Eric Bloom, Albert Bouchard, Joe Bouchard, Allen Lanier, and Donald (Buck Dharma) Roeser.


Joan Crawford has risen from the grave! :yikes:

Their eyes have turned the color, of frozen meat.

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Good afternoon Pace-setters,


Take care of you and I'll take care of me... it's the sacrifices that make me the half-beast half-sex goblin I am.


Rock n' roller

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Good morning all you after-shave and perfume users.


A dollar earned is two lost.



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Good afternoon Monday Avoiders - for now,


The water is muddy, so I am sorry sir. You will not be permitted to snorkel here today.



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Good morning Paul DiAnno.


Women in Uniform, sometimes they feel so warm.

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Good afternoon rock n'rollers,


I ate chicken wings before seeing Winger wing-it on stage. They didn't wing-it, but if they'd sucked I could have said they did and that would all make sense. But they kicked ass, so they're in the clear.



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Good evening soldiers,


Do you remember Thermopalae (sp?), Nick? The Persians just couldn't break through our defences. Then when we eventually got carved up in the end and our teeth ended up on necklaces sold at Sunday markets, bought by a Roman shoemaker who would subsequently fall on the Roman Empire... actually crushing it, obviously thus causing the literal fall of the Roman Empire. I recall all this so vividly, so it must be true. History always is.


Nostalgic Dreamer

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Good Morning James Rivera


Screw Geoff Thorpe. You don't need Vicious Rumors anyway.



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Good Mid-Morning, new sales rep.


You want your ad on page 5?? Maybe if you f**kin' teabag me!!! :angry:



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