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66 mustang

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Love the first 2 Revenge Of The Nerds!

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"Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark" (2014) Third installment of The Asylum's signature series unleashes yet another massive Megalodon upon the Earth, but this time humanity is ready to battle it with an equally huge shark shaped submarine piloted by former "Law & Order" hotty Elisabeth Rohm. Overacting and lots of hilarious CGI ensues. Tons of silly monster mashin' fun.

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Hop (with the kids) ... I don't usually mind live action/animated stuff, but this had Russell Brand in it ... :(

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"Die Another Day" (2002) Pierce Brosnan's 4th and final 007 adventure teams him up with a hotty American agent (Halle Berry) and pits them both against a North Korean terrorist who wants to destroy the West with a solar satellite weapon.

This is the weakest of Brosnan's Bond films but there's still lots of silly, over the top fun to be had.

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"Under Siege" (1992) in Steven Seagal's entertaining "Die Hard" variant, terrorists hijack the USS Missouri, intent on stealing its nuclear missiles. Fortunately the ship's cook happens to be Casey Ryback - former Navy SEAL, one man army and all around American bad-ass.

Tommy Lee Jones is a hoot as the head bad guy while Erika "Baywatch" Eleniak provides this sausage fest with some much needed eye candy. Still Seagal's best movie, for whatever that's worth.

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"Under Siege" (1992) in Steven Seagal's entertaining "Die Hard" variant, terrorists hijack the USS Missouri, intent on stealing its nuclear missiles. Fortunately the ship's cook happens to be Casey Ryback - former Navy SEAL, one man army and all around American bad-ass.

Tommy Lee Jones is a hoot as the head bad guy while Erika "Baywatch" Eleniak provides this sausage fest with some much needed eye candy. Still Seagal's best movie, for whatever that's worth.

AH good flick!! And of course Gary Busey is crazy as always in that movie.... Under Siege 2 is pretty good too, but then I like Steven Seagal.. Or His older movies anyways.. His newer stuff kinda sucks....

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"Under Siege 2: Dark Territory" (1995) Steven Seagal returns as Navy SEAL badass Casey Ryback, whose cross country train trip with his estranged niece (a teenaged Katherine Heigl) is interrupted by terrorists. The usual mayhem follows. Eric Bogosian (who's usually above this sort of thing) is an interesting choice for the bad guy but the rest is by-the-numbers action-movie formula.

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Under Siege 2 is pretty good too, but then I like Steven Seagal..


See my review of "Under Siege 2" above. Ummmm.... no it's not. Haha. I'd seen it back in the day but remembered nothin' about it... now I understand why. It's the definition of "unnecessary sequel."


Or His older movies anyways.. His newer stuff kinda sucks....


I haven't seen anything of Seagal's since he did a flick called "The Patriot" which came out ten or twelve years ago. It was pretty awful. He's been trapped in Direct To Video Hell ever since so I haven't even bothered with anything he's done after that... haha

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Under Siege 2 is pretty good too, but then I like Steven Seagal..


See my review of "Under Siege 2" above. Ummmm.... no it's not. Haha. I'd seen it back in the day but remembered nothin' about it... now I understand why. It's the definition of "unnecessary sequel."


Or His older movies anyways.. His newer stuff kinda sucks....


I haven't seen anything of Seagal's since he did a flick called "The Patriot" which came out ten or twelve years ago. It was pretty awful. He's been trapped in Direct To Video Hell ever since so I haven't even bothered with anything he's done after that... haha


The last good Seagal movie?? Half Past Dead.. or Exit Wounds is good but alot of his stuff now is just bad.. Plus He's gained like 50 pounds or more.. Looks kinda.. puffy..hahahaha....

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^^ yea, dude needs to spend more time in the dojo and less time at the donut shop :rofl2:

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