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66 mustang

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watched 3

Pitch Perfect was a pretty cute movie and worth the watch



The Possession - I could take or leave these types of movies. I'd never watch this again


Expendibles 2 - what can I say. I enjoyed it. just a turn your brain off and watch people get killed and things blow up

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Peter Kay: The Tour that Didn't Tour, Tour

Fifth or sixth time watching this. It's still as brilliant as the first time. Any of you Peter Kay fans?


Oh Yes!


What about Lee Evans? I'd love to see either of those two. Or both.


There aren't many people that can have me laughing so hard I'm gasping for air. I had Peter Kay playing, when the boys were over, and I was giggling like a school girl. And my mates were looking at me, then the TV, then back at me giving me a look like, "I don't get it. What's so funny?" And I was just dying. My favourite is probably "Live at the Top of the Tower."


Not that bothered about Lee Evans to be honest..But Peter Kay is brilliant and one of my faves.


I prefer Kay over Evans, too, but I would be lying if I said Lee Evans never had me in tears. Peter Kay, like you said, is brilliant and easily one of my favourites, too. Though I don't have many favourites. Everyone's tastes differs. Mine is more picky than others.


Micky Flanagan & Frank Skinner are my favs

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Peter Kay: The Tour that Didn't Tour, Tour

Fifth or sixth time watching this. It's still as brilliant as the first time. Any of you Peter Kay fans?


Oh Yes!


What about Lee Evans? I'd love to see either of those two. Or both.


There aren't many people that can have me laughing so hard I'm gasping for air. I had Peter Kay playing, when the boys were over, and I was giggling like a school girl. And my mates were looking at me, then the TV, then back at me giving me a look like, "I don't get it. What's so funny?" And I was just dying. My favourite is probably "Live at the Top of the Tower."


Not that bothered about Lee Evans to be honest..But Peter Kay is brilliant and one of my faves.


I prefer Kay over Evans, too, but I would be lying if I said Lee Evans never had me in tears. Peter Kay, like you said, is brilliant and easily one of my favourites, too. Though I don't have many favourites. Everyone's tastes differs. Mine is more picky than others.


Micky Flanagan & Frank Skinner are my favs


I'll have to give 'em a go. When it comes to comics, I usually wait for people to recommend them to me.

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Peter Kay: The Tour that Didn't Tour, Tour

Fifth or sixth time watching this. It's still as brilliant as the first time. Any of you Peter Kay fans?


Brilliant,seen him on that tour in belfast,although his 1st dvd the bolton albert hall one is still his benchmark,so many quoteable stuff from that concert...garlic bread! cheese cake! are my ears deceiving me ?


I watched "the hobbit" yesterday,ok bit long drawn out though,hoping for a bit more action in pt2.

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Peter Kay: The Tour that Didn't Tour, Tour

Fifth or sixth time watching this. It's still as brilliant as the first time. Any of you Peter Kay fans?


Brilliant,seen him on that tour in belfast,although his 1st dvd the bolton albert hall one is still his benchmark,so many quoteable stuff from that concert...garlic bread! cheese cake! are my ears deceiving me ?


I watched "the hobbit" yesterday,ok bit long drawn out though,hoping for a bit more action in pt2.


Hoping for more action? Heh.

That's funny, considering many critics said it had too much action.

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Finally, after owning it for 3 weeks TED! The wife and watched it tonight. Funny movie( in places fucking hilarious!)

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"The Batman Vs. Dracula" (2005)



In this feature-length spinoff from the mid-'00s animated series "The Batman," everyone's favorite Dark Knight is not the only Bat in Gotham City anymore, when the Penguin accidentally awakens the King of Vampires from his crypt in Gotham Cemetery. As Dracula feasts on the citizens of Gotham to build his undead army (and selects girl reporter Vicky Vale to be his bride), Batman must find a cure for the afflicted and take down the head bloodsucker once and for all.


I never watched "The Batman" show but it looks like it had a slightly more "anime" style than the early 90s "Batman: The Animated Series." (The Joker looks like a Rastafarian!) The animation's great and the story's creepy and action packed, though be warned, it's a bit too horrific and bloody for the kiddies.

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The Watch, not a bad watch(no pun intended)

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"Almost Famous" (2000)


A dorky California teen manages to B.S. his way into a writing assignment for Rolling Stone and joins an on-the-rise band called "Stillwater" on the road, where he learns about life, music, love, and of course, groupies. Cameron ("Jerry Maguire") Crowe based this charming rock 'n' roll coming of age tale on his own experiences as a young music journalist in the early 1970s.


Great cast including Kate Hudson, Philip Seymour Hoffman (as the legendary "Creem" magazine editor Lester Bangs), Jason Lee, and Frances McDormand. This is one of my favorite rock movies. If you haven't seen it, do so.

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Stand Up Guys

Best film Al Pacino has done in a minute. And teaming up with Alan Arkin and Christopher Walken made this film time very well spent. I highly recommend this one. Such a great film!


Cloud Atlas

I'll admit, I still don't exactly know what was going on in this film. It could have been due to the hot as hell Thai food I was eating, but it is a quite complex story. I still managed to enjoy it. Great acting. Good cinematography. I'm gonna have to watch it again to get a better understanding of the story.


Mystery Science Theatre 3000: Werewolf

Shit! Cot Dang! This has to be one of the best MST3K episodes. Non-stop laughter. The commentary was brilliant, and even some of the skits between the film were pretty good.

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"Almost Famous" (2000)



A dorky California teen manages to B.S. his way into a writing assignment for Rolling Stone and joins an on-the-rise band called "Stillwater" on the road, where he learns about life, music, love, and of course, groupies. Cameron ("Jerry Maguire") Crowe based this charming rock 'n' roll coming of age tale on his own experiences as a young music journalist in the early 1970s.


Great cast including Kate Hudson, Philip Seymour Hoffman (as the legendary "Creem" magazine editor Lester Bangs), Jason Lee, and Frances McDormand. This is one of my favorite rock movies. If you haven't seen it, do so.


Oh Man I LOVE this movie!!! Haven't watched it in a few years, think I am about due.. GREAT movie!!!! :tumbsup:

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"The Arrival" (1996)


A pre-"winning" Charlie Sheen stars in this sci-fi suspense flick that was obviously inspired by "The X-Files." Charlie's a radio astronomer who picks up a signal from outer space, but can't get anyone to believe him. When he investigates the signal and traces its source to Mexico, he learns that the aliens are already here - and they're already working to "terraform" Earth so that it'll be suitable for them to come in and take it over.

The movie runs a bit longer than it needs to (and the oh-so-dated 90s CGI is howlingly bad) but for the most part this is a pretty decent thriller. Two appendages up.

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Over the past few nights watched:


The Hunger Games: Yes I still have a penis and the movie was pretty forgetable which is a shame as the book was a fair read in the vain of the Lottery...


John Carter: Quite a good film, for a Disney blockbuster. Tons of CGI and action, imagine if INdiana Jones did Stargate...


Project X: Just a no brainer about a high school loser who throws an "epic" party. Pretty funny and entertaining.

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"For Your Eyes Only" (1981)



Roger Moore's fifth spin as 007 brings James Bond back "down to earth" after the space-faring "Moonraker," sending him on a mission to the Mediterranean to recover a missing missile-launch computer system. Along the way he battles the bad guys on skis, in cars, on top of mountains, and even at the bottom of the ocean.


"FYEO" has some decent action scenes but runs a bit longer than it really needs to. Overall I'd say it's a middling entry in the series, but it earns bonus points due to the presence of the cute-as-a-button Lynn-Holly Johnson, who plays a bubbly blond figure-skating bimbo who's fixated on James.

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The Station Agent


Note: First bar scene the bartender was wearing a Danger Danger concert shirt.


They filmed this movie in my neck o'the woods (Newfoundland, NJ) ... I pass the "station" building and the train cars seen in the film every day on my way to work.

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