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66 mustang

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The Dark Knight Rises


I thought this would be good, but it was far better than I'd hoped for. Really enjoyed this; slightly corny at times, but mostly great and with a fantastic ending.


Oh, and Marion Cotillard > all other women! :quagmire:

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"Apollo 18" (2011)


Faux-documentary style "found footage" horror flick purported to be filmed during a doomed 1974 hush-hush secret mission to the moon, where the astronauts encounter something nasty on the lunar surface and it all ends badly.

Basically a sci-fi twist on the "Blair Witch" formula, this flick started off slow but when it finally started kicking into high gear I actually jumped a couple of times. Better than expected.

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Just watched w/my 9 year old...

"Air Bud: Golden Receiver"

After mastering basketball in the first "Air Bud," this sequel finds the heroic Golden Retriever discovering that he also has a talent for football. Naturally, since this is a Disney movie, he helps his owner's (losing) team make it to the state playoffs, but some creepy animal thieves are lurking in the wings, hoping to steal Bud and make him the headlining act of their traveling animal circus.

Fun for kids, relatively painless for parents.

I'm gonna have to watch something gory and violent later tonight to counteract all the sweetness in this flick!

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As an antidote to "Air Bud: Golden Receiver"...

"PIRANHA" (1978)


Classic fishy B-flick from Roger Corman in which a horde of hungry piranhas escape from a secret Army testing lab into a Texas river, and immediately begin munching on the local population whilst a skip tracer and the local drunk try to stop them. Nothin' fancy here, just good ole fashioned action packed gory mayhem. This is one of the best "B's" of the '70s in my book.

Fun fact: Steven Spielberg hired director Joe Dante to do "Gremlins" on the strength of his work on this film, which he called "The best Jaws ripoff I've ever seen."

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"Whip It" (2009)

Drew Barrymore's directorial debut is a quirky dramedy about a dorky Texas teenager (Ellen Page) who discovers a whole new side of herself when she joins a rough-and-tumble women's roller derby league. The trailers I'd seen promised something a bit more action packed and slap sticky, but I was entertained.

Extra props for Page's character owning a vintage Stryper t-shirt that becomes a major plot point, and for Juliette Lewis still being hot in a totally skanky way as Page's arch-rival from another derby team.

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"The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" (2007)




Absorbing documentary set in the high pressure world of competitive classic arcade gaming (yes, there really is such a thing), focusing on the battle to set a new world record high score on Donkey Kong. The main players are Billy Mitchell, a smug prick with a mullet who's held the Donkey Kong record since the 1980s, and challenger Mike Wiebe, a middle school science teacher and decent family man who simply yearns to make his mark on the world somehow. Color commentary is provided by a variety of other major playas in the competitive video game world, i.e. a lot of sad-sack middle aged fanboys who have probably never seen a naked woman.

This movie plays like one of Christopher Guest's mock-umentaries ala "Best in Show" or "This Is Spinal Tap," but nope, this is the real deal... these people actually exist. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll roll your eyes and say "Wow, I am *really* glad I don't live next door to that guy."

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"Tommy" (1975)

Lavishly produced, totally over the top bizarro film adaptation of The Who's famed rock opera about a traumatized "deaf dumb and blind kid" who becomes a pinball champion and then a messiah.

Great cast including Ann-Margret (hot!), Jack Nicholson (who actually sings, briefly!), Tina Turner, Elton John, and Eric Clapton.

The movie doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense but it's certainly a worthy watch just for the trippy visuals, particularly for the scene when a drunken Ann-Margret rolls around in a puddle of baked beans. :D

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horrible bosses - it was ok at best.


Could have watched that sexy J. Aniston for the entire 90 minutes though... and yea I would have. :)



Fast 5. The franchise is getting good again this one harkens back to the first 2 and Vin and The Rock in the same movie is epic. :)

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horrible bosses - it was ok at best.


Could have watched that sexy J. Aniston for the entire 90 minutes though... and yea I would have. :)



Fast 5. The franchise is getting good again this one harkens back to the first 2 and Vin and The Rock in the same movie is epic. :)


Fast & Furious 6 in the works

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horrible bosses - it was ok at best.


Could have watched that sexy J. Aniston for the entire 90 minutes though... and yea I would have. :)



Fast 5. The franchise is getting good again this one harkens back to the first 2 and Vin and The Rock in the same movie is epic. :)


Fast & Furious 6 in the works


I assumed as much with how 5 ended...

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Saw The Dark Knight Rises last night.... Just.. Wow!! GREAT movie!! I can't say it was better than The Dark Knight, but it was DAMN good!! They got Bane PERFECT!! MUCH better than the crappy version of Bane from Batman and Robin.. Probably the BEST movie I have seen all year.....

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Piranha - probably the best movie I've ever seen, and anyone who's seen it may not agree but can probably figure out the reason. ;) Deliciousness everywhere! The underwater scene with Kelly Brook and the blonde girl with implants was out of this world. Aside from the obvious exploitation of sluts, the movie itself was better than the norm when it comes to this kind of stuff. It was stupid and knew it was, but didn't come off as ridiculous as similar films. Good stuff. :)

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