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66 mustang

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Home Movie


That was some crazy-ass shit! Now I'm going to bed.


Very disturbing movie in my opinion.. :yikes:


I'm not into horror movies, but this quickly became one of my faves..Looking for it on dvd as we speak.

I asked around, but everyone I spoke to, never even heard of the flick..


It is consider the best of its genre (found footage), and I'd have to agree it was very well written and acted. I don't watch a lot of horror, because they're usually too unbelievably ridiculous.

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watched Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol last night. wasnt bad but wasn't as good as I heard it was. I guess these movies just don't do much for me. watched the first one and skipped 2 & 3 before watching this one


MI2 is awesome IMO.

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"The Muppets" (2011)


The old Muppet gang gets back together to save their theater from a crooked business man, with some help from Jason Segal, Amy Adams, Jack Black (and tons of other stars) and a new Muppet named "Walter." Fun for kids, nostalgia trip for their parents.

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Dark Shadows


Love Tim Burton/ Johnny Depp movies, so this was pretty much a no brainer. Not their best one admittedly, but very enjoyable all the same, Depp is excellent as usual plus the mighty 'Coop' makes an appearance too. Good fun.

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Transformers: Dark Of The Moon


Watched this with the kids, not really my thing, found it a little long

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Leap Year

Really enjoyable romantic comedy



Still a good exciting watch


Bruce Almighty

Very funny in places


Meet The Spartans

Enjoyed it more the 2nd time

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Underworld: Awakening - was an ok watch but I EXPECTED more from this. Plus, is it really a movie when it is only an hour and 15 minutes?????





Pretty decent flick but Man was it short.. It gets going and suddenly it's over.. I too expected more, but I still enjoyed it, and it leaves it open for another Underworld movie... :tumbsup:



Just watched American Pie and American Pie 2, as I got the first three on Blu Ray.. Man I forgot how good and funny these movies are!! :rofl2:


Next up.. American Wedding....

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  • My Little Pony

Chronicle (2012)


Holy shit! This one's good! It's another found footage film about three kids that develop telekinesis. Very well done. The end is about the closest we'll get an American live-action Akira.

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  • My Little Pony

Two old favorites:


The 13th Warrior

The Last Boy Scout


Shit, those two are incredible.


John Carter - Very cool. Unfortunately this bombed in the States, so there probably won't be any sequels.


Cabin in the Woods - Another cool film. This one's a mix of genres. I watched a shitty cam, but I think this one's worth buying; it's a f**king Joss Whedon film.

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"WALL-E" (2008)


Sci-fi 'toon from Disney/Pixar set hundreds of years in the future, in which a lonely garbage-collecting robot -- the last of his kind -- inadvertently discovers proof that it's safe for mankind to return to a polluted Earth.


Beautifully animated as usual, the flick contains some rather pointed messages about the environment, as well as about the effects of humanity's rampant consumerism and its tendency to let technology do everything for them. It might sound heavy handed but it doesn't skimp on the laughs, and even has a few tear-jerking moments. I loved it. This may be the best Pixar film yet.

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BANDITS (2001)

pretty cool bank robbery duet that fell in love with the same girl they kidnap. Cool unexpected ending, not really awesome movie, but still good one, and deserved a better score at IMDB

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  • My Little Pony

21 Jump Street - This was hilarious! I hate to admit there are now two Jonah Hill films I like--The Sitter being the other.


The Woman in Black - While this might be the most by-the-book gore-free supernatural horror film, it uses the tried and true methods so well. The audio was fantastic. I couldn't help but jump, even though the jumps may have been so predictible.

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