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66 mustang

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I'd rather watch paint dry than anything involving Statham ...


:yikes: Are you allowed to not like Statham movies and still call yourself a man?



Statham is a colossal bell-end ... I can't stand his films ...

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I'd rather watch paint dry than anything involving Statham ...


:yikes: Are you allowed to not like Statham movies and still call yourself a man?

Yeah that's impossible, even Chuck Norris should bow down to Statham!

Whoa! Let us not get carried away.


But for real, you think "Lock, Stock," "Snatch," "Mean Machine," "The Transporter," "The Italian Job," "Revolver," "The Bank Job," "The Expendables," "The Mechanic," and "Killer Elite" were all terrible, terrible films?



'Lock, Stock ...' had a decent cast ... never seen 'Snatch' ... avoided 'Mean Machine' ...


'The Transporter' was ... just ... dire ...


Won't go anywhere near 'The Italian Job' (why 'remake' an absolute classic?)


'The Expendables' is like a 'who's who' of actors I couldn't care less about ... although, to give Stallone his due, 'Copland' WAS good ... and, yes, I watched the Rambo films back in the day ...


Sorry, boys, but I wouldn't cross the road to piss on Statham if he was on fire ... he's all that's bad about a lot of action films ...

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Silent Running (1972)

Environmentally-themed sci-fi in which the Earth's foliage has gone extinct, but new forests are being grown in massive greenhouses in outer space. When the crew of one ship receives orders to destroy the greenhouses and return home, a crew member goes "rogue" and does whatever he can to protect the precious plant and animal specimens.
The flick is pretty dated looking now, but features a great performance by Bruce Dern (in what amounts to a one-man show), charming old-school special effects and even a couple of cute robots.
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I'd rather watch paint dry than anything involving Statham ...


:yikes: Are you allowed to not like Statham movies and still call yourself a man?

Yeah that's impossible, even Chuck Norris should bow down to Statham!

Whoa! Let us not get carried away.


But for real, you think "Lock, Stock," "Snatch," "Mean Machine," "The Transporter," "The Italian Job," "Revolver," "The Bank Job," "The Expendables," "The Mechanic," and "Killer Elite" were all terrible, terrible films?



'Lock, Stock ...' had a decent cast ... never seen 'Snatch' ... avoided 'Mean Machine' ...


'The Transporter' was ... just ... dire ...


Won't go anywhere near 'The Italian Job' (why 'remake' an absolute classic?)


'The Expendables' is like a 'who's who' of actors I couldn't care less about ... although, to give Stallone his due, 'Copland' WAS good ... and, yes, I watched the Rambo films back in the day ...


Sorry, boys, but I wouldn't cross the road to piss on Statham if he was on fire ... he's all that's bad about a lot of action films ...


Straham isn't much that is for sure but Norris is awful , I tried rewatching a few of his 80's movies and couldn't get thru 15 minutes of either movie, and the Expendable movies are some of the worst movies to come out in the last decade...

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Thor: The Dark World

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Turbo(family movie night)

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"Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus" (2011)



2nd film in The Asylum's "Mega Shark" series stars Jaleel "Urkel" White (!) as a Naval shark expert who's pressed into service by a top secret Government monster-fighting unit and gets teamed up with an Aussie croc hunter to help kill the two title creatures. Lots of badly CGI'd mayhem follows in a film that feels like it was made up as it went along. Poor, even by Asylum standards... but it must be noted that my 7 year old son and 11 year old niece thought it was "sweet!" :rofl2:

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"2 Guns" with Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington. Pretty good.

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  • My Little Pony

"2 Guns" with Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington. Pretty good.


Yep. Like I've said before, they have such great chemistry. I hope they work together in the future.

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Good movie, a bit too long, the first 30 minutes is very good but then it started to get boring in the middle before picking up again in the last 45 minutes. Amazing performance by Chiwetel!

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"House" (1986)

Sean "Friday the 13th" Cunningham produced this cheesy horror-comic cult classic, with William "Greatest American Hero" Katt as an author who moves into his recently-deceased aunt's old house, hoping it will help him break thru his writer's block. Naturally it doesn't take long for weird sh*t to start happening.
Charmingly silly stuff that hasn't held up well but is still lotsa fun in a retro sort of way.


"Code of Silence" (1985) Chuck Norris as a hard nosed, lone wolf Chicago cop who gets caught up in a turf war between two rival Mob families. This was one of Chuck's most well received films, due mainly to the gritty script and "A" level budget (the film was originally envisioned as a vehicle for Clint Eastwood, who turned it down). Directed by Andrew Davis, who would go on to do "Under Siege" and "The Fugitive."


"DinoCroc" (2004) - a genetics lab messes with DNA from a prehistoric crocodile and accidentally creates a hulking, hungry mutation that starts chomping on the locals in this cheesy-but-fun monster flick from Roger Corman. It's nothing you haven't already seen in dozens of other creature features but it's funny, gory, action packed and for once, the CGI doesnt' totally suck.

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Every last inch part 3

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"Barracuda" (1978)


When this obscure B-Movie turned up on Netflix I thought to myself, "Wow, A '70s killer-fish movie that I haven't seen? Must watch!" ... and 90 minutes later I was kicking myself.


A Florida chemical company discharges toxic waste into the ocean, which causes the local barracuda population to go nuts and start adding humans to their diet in this piss-poor '70s eco-horror that was obviously made to cash in on the popularity of 'Jaws' and 'Piranha.'

In addition to a muddled conspiracy-theory/government cover-up subplot, the flick (also known as "Barracuda: The Lucifer Project") also features glacial pacing and amateur level acting/scripting.


If you want some decent aquatic-critter carnage, Netflix also currently has the aforementioned 'Piranha' (1978) and 'Humanoids From the Deep' (1980) available for streaming, go with either of those instead of this turd.

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"Planet of the Apes" (1968) - an astronaut crew on a deep space mission crash lands on a mysterious planet where apes are the dominant species and humans are mute dumb animals. Charlton Heston's acting is pure ham and the "twist" ending has been parodied to death but this sci-fi classic is still great fun.

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"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" (2006) - Johnny Depp is back for another round of entertaining nonsense as Capt. Jack Sparrow, battling the fish faced Davy Jones and his mutant crew for yet another priceless treasure.

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"Birth of the Living Dead" (2013) - documentary about how George Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" redefined the horror genre and influenced an entire generation of independent filmmakers. A little dry in spots, but mostly entertaining.

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