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66 mustang

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"Monster From A Prehistoric Planet" (1967)



Vintage Japanese rubber-monster cheez. When a South Seas expedition brings a recently-hatched prehistoric bird/lizard creature back to Japan, the lil' critter's Mom & Pop follow it there and proceed to do the Monster Mash.

...in other words, this is a hilariously awesomely low-rent "Godzilla" wanna be, with all the cliche trademarks of Giant Monster cinema - guys in totally unconvincing monster suits stomping on miniature cities, lots of explosions, square-jawed scientist heroes, a hot Japanese gal, and a little kid who understands the monsters better than anyone else in the movie.


Also known as "Gappa," "Gappa the Triphibian Monster," and "Daikyoju Gappa."

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Transformers......I wasn't expecting much from this which is why its taken me so long to check it out...the whole idea of a 'serious' movie about toys just didn't sit well with me but anyway its not as bad as I thought it would be, a decent action flick that I probably won't watch again...

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Don't Say A Word (2001)

a decent thriller movie about the vengeance, the kidnapping of a psychiatrist's daughter, and human's greed. A great acting by Michael Douglas and also a brilliant performance by Brittany Murphy, shame she had to died so young. In the end, the twist isn't much, in fact, it's a very straight-forward movie and predictable one. Douglas has been in a much better movie, but this one is still an okay one, only it's probably one of his lowest.

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My wife borrowed the second "Twilight" flick, "New Moon" from the library yesterday and sez "let's watch it tonight." I sez "Do I have to?" Haha.


But anyway... in the second part of the twinkly vampire saga, the annoying emo girl Bella spends half the movie wallowing in misery because her beloved vampire Edward has moved away. Then she falls in love with the hunky Jacob, who she quickly learns is a werewolf, then spends the last quarter of the movie wallowing in misery about who she loves more. By the end I wished someone would just put a bullet in the whiny little snapperheard, or in ME, just to end the torture.


Seriously, I don't get the whoop-de-doo about this series at all. Must be a chick thing.

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Practical Magic


My wife loves that movie. I thought I'd hate it cuz it's kind of a chick flick but DAMN, Nicole Kidman was sooooooo frickin hot as the slutty "bad" sister... :crazy:

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American Psycho (2000)

this is what we called a very thin line between truth and fantasy. Christian Bale in his young and hungry performance, great actor, he plays the calm and confident businessman as well as psychotic unmerciful killer at the same time. The twist somehow reminds me of 'Basic Instinct', especially on the ambiguity ending. A great movie!

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The alien comedy PAUL, liked it much better than I thought I would. Good cast of favorites of mine, but I found Seth Rogans voice distracting. I like him in general, but think the movie would have been better with almost anyone else voicing the alien. Lots of bloopers on the blue ray :)

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American Psycho (2000)

this is what we called a very thin line between truth and fantasy. Christian Bale in his young and hungry performance, great actor, he plays the calm and confident businessman as well as psychotic unmerciful killer at the same time. The twist somehow reminds me of 'Basic Instinct', especially on the ambiguity ending. A great movie!


One of my favorite movies and book!



Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes: This was REAL good and I normally don't aprove of remakes, but this is well done and the cgi looks amazing!




Bad Teacher: A few laughs, Cameron is looking tasty and uber slutty, but the redhead who plays Ms. Squirrel is a super fox!

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'Greenberg' ; not sure what to make of this one. A pretty serious role, and played well by Ben Stiller. I enjoyed watching it, but right up to the last second I was still waiting for something to happen. It never did, but it was still an interesting enough movie about a dude minding his brother's house while they vacationed, and his relationship with their babysitter. Not terrible.


'Terminator ; Salvation' ; really not too bad either. Mindless action flick, but well produced and I'm glad to see they still had the budget and stars to create a good, entertaining flick. A computer enhanced nude Arnie even made an appearance. The throwbacks to the earlier films at the end were a little awkward (the appropriately placed molten lava stuff too) but I enjoyed this finely shot film.

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American Psycho (2000)

this is what we called a very thin line between truth and fantasy. Christian Bale in his young and hungry performance, great actor, he plays the calm and confident businessman as well as psychotic unmerciful killer at the same time. The twist somehow reminds me of 'Basic Instinct', especially on the ambiguity ending. A great movie!


One of my favorite movies and book!




yes, a great one, read that it's a satire to late 80s New York's ignorance, especially on the high-class society. Btw, did you think the murder all take place in real life or only in his mind, or mixed ? :)

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"Horror Express" (1972)



Spanish-made cheapie that emulates the classic Hammer Horror films of the 1960s. An turn-of-the-century scientist discovers a frozen caveman fossil in China. While bringing it back to England via the Trans-Siberian Express train, it re-animates and starts stalking the train, sucking the brains out of passengers. Chaos, as you might imagine, ensues...and yet, it gets even WEIRDER from there. Silly fun starring Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, and Telly Savalas.

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American Psycho (2000)

this is what we called a very thin line between truth and fantasy. Christian Bale in his young and hungry performance, great actor, he plays the calm and confident businessman as well as psychotic unmerciful killer at the same time. The twist somehow reminds me of 'Basic Instinct', especially on the ambiguity ending. A great movie!


One of my favorite movies and book!




yes, a great one, read that it's a satire to late 80s New York's ignorance, especially on the high-class society. Btw, did you think the murder all take place in real life or only in his mind, or mixed ? :)


My take and I could be wrong is that it was all in his noggin', but could be any of the above.



Your Highness-some pretty funny medievel stuff here. Piles of cgi blood, titties and a gaggle of cursing makes this a good distraction from the pg-13 lot out nowadays.

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"Horror Express" (1972)



Spanish-made cheapie that emulates the classic Hammer Horror films of the 1960s. An turn-of-the-century scientist discovers a frozen caveman fossil in China. While bringing it back to England via the Trans-Siberian Express train, it re-animates and starts stalking the train, sucking the brains out of passengers. Chaos, as you might imagine, ensues...and yet, it gets even WEIRDER from there. Silly fun starring Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, and Telly Savalas.


I quite like this one, you can`t go wrong with Lee and Cushing

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American Psycho (2000)

this is what we called a very thin line between truth and fantasy. Christian Bale in his young and hungry performance, great actor, he plays the calm and confident businessman as well as psychotic unmerciful killer at the same time. The twist somehow reminds me of 'Basic Instinct', especially on the ambiguity ending. A great movie!


One of my favorite movies and book!




yes, a great one, read that it's a satire to late 80s New York's ignorance, especially on the high-class society. Btw, did you think the murder all take place in real life or only in his mind, or mixed ? :)


My take and I could be wrong is that it was all in his noggin', but could be any of the above.



yes, i guess it's open to anyone's interpretation, but i see it's actually a real murder with several scenes are just his psychotic break illusion such as the cat with ATM and the blow-up of police car, but other than that, it's pretty real, especially the clue where he met the property broker where she quickly asked him to leave because she's about to close a deal and there are flowers, seems to be put by her there to cover the stinky scent :)


probably the book is better than the movie, but these days, i kinda lazy to read a book lol

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American Psycho (2000)

this is what we called a very thin line between truth and fantasy. Christian Bale in his young and hungry performance, great actor, he plays the calm and confident businessman as well as psychotic unmerciful killer at the same time. The twist somehow reminds me of 'Basic Instinct', especially on the ambiguity ending. A great movie!


One of my favorite movies and book!




yes, a great one, read that it's a satire to late 80s New York's ignorance, especially on the high-class society. Btw, did you think the murder all take place in real life or only in his mind, or mixed ? :)


My take and I could be wrong is that it was all in his noggin', but could be any of the above.



yes, i guess it's open to anyone's interpretation, but i see it's actually a real murder with several scenes are just his psychotic break illusion such as the cat with ATM and the blow-up of police car, but other than that, it's pretty real, especially the clue where he met the property broker where she quickly asked him to leave because she's about to close a deal and there are flowers, seems to be put by her there to cover the stinky scent :)


probably the book is better than the movie, but these days, i kinda lazy to read a book lol

I'll chime in that it is utter brilliance. I also don't think there is a definitive yes or no on whether it was all in his head or really happened. I like to think it all happened, just because that'd be cooler. Except the animal stuff.


It's been a while since I read or watched it, but I think I had the impression it all happened except maybe the massive failed police search for him towards the end. Either way, brilliant.

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