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66 mustang

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I watched this last night too!! DAMN Good flick!! :tumbsup: Mindless gory fun!!! And plenty of half naked chicks too!! Hell a couple FULLY naked chicks too!!! :tits: Is it just Me?? Or have College Kids gotten dumber over the years?? A Cop says Get OUT of the water.. you GET OUT OF THE WATER!!! You don't jump INTO the water and get turned into chum by nasty prehistoric piranhas!! Dumbasses!!! :rofl2: And poor Richard Dreyfuss.. Killed before the opening credits..... But I think My favorite scene?? This guys schlong after being ripped off, just floating down in the water, until a couple of the piranha chow down on it.. And then one just burps it out!! Nasty!! :yikes:


Waaaaay to ruin the best scene in the movie for everyone who hasn't seen it yet. Duh.



I also watched the Karate Kid from 2010?? I had almost NO expectations going in as I normally don't like Hollywood fucking with a classiuc 80s movie.... BUT I gotta say it was actually quite good... Though it should have been called the Kung Fu Kid, cause He didn't learn Karate, He learned Kung Fu... The storyline pretty much mirrors the original movie too.. Hell some of the dialogue was almost word for word the same stuff!! But, aside from that I found Myself enjoying the movie.. The scenery in China was just Beautiful!! And I like watching Kung Fu more than Karate, because to Me it's more of a Martial Art... Emphasis on Art.... :tumbsup:


The Karate Kid? Really? You watch entirely too many kid's movies for someone who doesn't have kids.

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Threw in a few old DVDs today. Last watch was Deliverance. Scary that those type of places existed/still may exist.


(I still say the banjo kit reminds me too much of Scut Farkas from A Christmas Story.)

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Pretty brutal horror. A bit predictable but well worth watching, and some of the most graphic scenes you'll ever see in the genre.

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"Strange Days" (1995)


Overlooked, high concept cyberpunk sci-fi (written by James Cameron and directed by his then-wife, Katherine Bigelow) about a small time crook in war-torn Los Angeles 1999 who gets mixed up in a murder case that could have disastrous consequences for the city as it celebrates the arrival of the year 2000. Great cast (incl. Ralph Fiennes, Angela Bassett, Michael "The Bad Guy From The Crow" Wincott, and Juliette Lewis), beautifully shot, it might be a bit over-long but other than that, great flick.

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Pretty brutal horror. A bit predictable but well worth watching, and some of the most graphic scenes you'll ever see in the genre.



I Been meaning to check this out.. One of these days I will....

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Geoff, if you haven't seen this one yet, put it on your list... that gal Kelly Brook you were talkin' about in this thread a while back has a major role in it. Now I know what all the fuss is about. Schweeeeeet. :masturbanana:

Wowser, really? I didn't know that - consider it watched! Sounds awesome. This 'I spit on your grave' sounds cool too. Unlike these two:


'B.T.K.' ; I guess it wasn't unwatchable and I do enjoy these movies about famous serial killers, but I dunno, just a bit too b-grade and tame for me. All the guy's victims were really quite sexy and I felt some nudity was warranted, but it was instead avoided. I read up on him after this (The BTK [bind Torture Kill] Killer) and although it was noted that the film was only based loosely on him, there is enough in here based on fact to make it worthwhile. Just a shame it was a pretty shithouse movie. Absolutely dreadfully acted too.


'Carriers' ; I guess it was okay. A group of young adults flee to the coast in the midst of a world destroyed by some breath-carried virus that's killed off the population. It was a pretty poorly constructed idea and no one seemed too concerned about catching the disease and dying, and that just made for a pretty sloppy film. Not terrible, but below average.

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"Strange Days" (1995)


Overlooked, high concept cyberpunk sci-fi (written by James Cameron and directed by his then-wife, Katherine Bigelow) about a small time crook in war-torn Los Angeles 1999 who gets mixed up in a murder case that could have disastrous consequences for the city as it celebrates the arrival of the year 2000. Great cast (incl. Ralph Fiennes, Angela Bassett, Michael "The Bad Guy From The Crow" Wincott, and Juliette Lewis), beautifully shot, it might be a bit over-long but other than that, great flick.


Yup great movie.

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I Am Number Four


A guy I worked with saw that over the weekend and sez it should've been called "I Am Number Two," if you catch my drift. :lol:

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I Am Number Four


A guy I worked with saw that over the weekend and sez it should've been called "I Am Number Two," if you catch my drift. :lol:

It wasn't that bad. The idea was good but kind of missed the mark. A solid 2 1/2 stars.

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'Carriers' ; I guess it was okay. A group of young adults flee to the coast in the midst of a world destroyed by some breath-carried virus that's killed off the population. It was a pretty poorly constructed idea and no one seemed too concerned about catching the disease and dying, and that just made for a pretty sloppy film. Not terrible, but below average.


Crap that one. Watch "The Crazies" instead, same theme done a zillion times better.

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