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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

Alright Freddy, you can calm the fu-k down; I've watched it, now.

This film was hilarious, yet the title was misleading. I expected more tyrannical conquering. While this usually finds its way on the list of worst movies ever made, it stills is deserving of, at the least, one viewing from any film buff.

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'Death at a funeral' ; hated it. I seriously had to rewind about a dozen times from the end to parts where I kept falling asleep. I just couldn't see it out, 2 nights in a row. Painfully boring and the lead actor was so f*cking irritating. Dreadful movie.


If it was the awful American remake I can totally understand.

Don't think it was American, mate. It had that American midget actor in it but the rest of the cast were painfully British. :lol: Okay, just checked wikipedia and yeah, definitely it was the original I saw. Not the one with Chris Rock etc. Whoever that stiff was who played the lead role was just made me want to hurt him by speaking.


'Day watch' ; honestly didn't watch it but I'm curious if anyone has seen this. It's a Russian film, looks kinda like their version of 'Matrix' or something. Special effects looked totally top notch but it was English voice overs rather than subtitles and I just couldn't handle it. Plus the 20 or so minutes I saw were painful to watch. Looked like a terrible movie, but way outside of a budget I thought they had for making films in Russia to be honest.


'Se7en' ; one of my all-time faves. Love it.


'Deception' ; Very impressive. A big part of how a movie fares with me is it's ability to keep me awake during testing times. Lay on my pillow watching this close to midnight after half a dozen beers this afternoon and never even felt tired watching this. Sign of a very entertaining movie. And it was. I think it's the first Hugh Jackman film I've seen, and I really liked it.



Geoff, We just watched pathfinder last night because my oldest son hadnt seen it. And one of the previews was the Day Watch movie. And it also showed a preview for Night watch. Both looked kind of cool. Lots of special effects stuff. And Ive heard there is or is going to be a third movie too.

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I believe Night Watch is the first film, and I enjoyed it. Yes, they are very different. No, they are not Matrix clones. I do appreciate your intolerance for English dubs. I firmly believe in watching films in the language they were shot, so I commend you. Night Watch and Day Watch were directed by the assistant director, and produced by the director of Wanted. Does that make sense? I highly recommend them. In fact, I would personally like to revisit them.


I read the reviews of Night Watch, which were very positive, it also sounded like the sort of film I'd enjoy. However, I was disappointed as I found the film extremely boring. To me it seemed like one of those films that thinks it's really clever, and ended up being another example of style over substance.

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An Accidental Christmas


Nice film about a married couple separated and their kids trying to get them back together.


Shrek The Third


Always good stuff

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"The Fighter"


If you see one movie in the theater, see this one. Holy shit was it good!!

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Not sure what I really thought of this, kind of liked it, visually stunning but a little over-rated??

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Not sure what I really thought of this, kind of liked it, visually stunning but a little over-rated??


Yeah I watched it last night....found myself wandering off and doing something else then coming back to watch the last 45 minutes or so. My wife thought it was amazing though!


A Christmas Carol - The Jim Carey one.......very very good, some pretty frightening bits considering it's U certification.


Zombieland....awesome...funny as f*ck!

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"Porky's Revenge" - the third and final film in the "Porky's" saga finds the rowdy Angel Beach High gang trying to get laid (as usual) and also screwing up Porky's plan to fix the state's High School Basketball championships. Much gratuitous nudity and hijinks ensue.


These movies never get old! :lol:



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Inception - A pretty awesome movie and so original and way beyond anything I've ever seen or thought of. Christopher Nolan has to be on some drugs to think of this shit.


REALLY want to see that one. How I miss video rental shops!


Kids watched Peter Pan while I had a nice nap, thank you very much. :tumbsup:

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Jonah Hex - A huge dissapointment. I had high hopes when I saw the cast but this was kind of a pile of shit IMO.


I didn't think "Jonah" was as bad as the reviews would have everyone believe, but it definitely could've been a hella lot better.


I understand that when the director turned in his original cut, the studio thought it was too violent/hardcore for a PG-13 rating so they cut a ton of sh*t out of it, then had the assistant director shoot some extra scenes that they shoehorned in place of the stuff they took out. Even so, the movie is still short (82 minutes, I think)...


So it feels like it was never quite finished. There's the skeleton of a pretty cool Western/revenge flick in there somewhere, but with no meat on its bones.


Bottom line, "Jonah Hex" didn't need to be an $80 million movie. The character's not well known enough except among comic book geeks. The studio kept trying to hype it up like it was gonna be an "event" movie like the freakin Dark Knight, but the problem was the average movie goer was like "Jonah Who?"


But hey, any movie that has Megan Fox practically busting out of her dress in every frame can't be all bad. :lol:

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Jonah Hex - A huge dissapointment. I had high hopes when I saw the cast but this was kind of a pile of shit IMO.


I didn't think "Jonah" was as bad as the reviews would have everyone believe, but it definitely could've been a hella lot better.


I understand that when the director turned in his original cut, the studio thought it was too violent/hardcore for a PG-13 rating so they cut a ton of sh*t out of it, then had the assistant director shoot some extra scenes that they shoehorned in place of the stuff they took out. Even so, the movie is still short (82 minutes, I think)...


So it feels like it was never quite finished. There's the skeleton of a pretty cool Western/revenge flick in there somewhere, but with no meat on its bones.


Bottom line, "Jonah Hex" didn't need to be an $80 million movie. The character's not well known enough except among comic book geeks. The studio kept trying to hype it up like it was gonna be an "event" movie like the freakin Dark Knight, but the problem was the average movie goer was like "Jonah Who?"


But hey, any movie that has Megan Fox practically busting out of her dress in every frame can't be all bad. :lol:


Yeah 82 minutes was way to short and that caught my eye right off the bat. I'd prefered if they fleshed out the back story a little further than the quick five minutes that they gave it at the begining. But when you consider Josh Brolin, Will Arnett, Aiden Quinn, John Malkovich and Megan Fox the movie should be better but I agree it is a very very obscure comic so why put 80 million into especially if you're going to spend that kind of money and not go all in and make it as good as could be. I understood why Brolin had to talk with a speech problem but at times it made it very hard to understand. Also to me they couldn't decide if it was supposed to be a Western, an action movie or a comedy. For whatever the reason is it just didn't work IMO. I might be a little hard on it calling it a "pile of shit" since it wasn't that bad but it was still dissapointing.

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Shrek 4........This series is getting a little old....and this is definitely the worst of the lot, time to put Shrek to rest...


Zombieland........I wasn't sure what to expect from this one since the zombie thing has been done to 'death'....but it is actually pretty good and worth checking out...

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  • My Little Pony



If you're a fan of the classic Popeye cartoons, then you should enjoy this. Robin Williams does a good job of Popeye, and Shelley Duvall absolutely killed--the good kind of 'killed'--the role of Olive Oyl!

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