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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Halloween, the Rob Zombie remake. Brutal stuff and very good horror film.



I have that one but haven't got around to it.


I'm watching the complete Twilight Zone Collection. It takes awhile to get through 28 DVDs.


Man that would be a treat to sit and watch for hours on end...


Just rented Balls Of Fury and I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry.

Both were stupid, but that lawyer broad in Chuck and Larry is smokin'!!!! Should of did the whole movie of her walkin around in her undies. Would a been a lot more enjoyable.

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'I am Legend' - I loved it. A lot shorter than I thought and without giving it away the dog business almost bought me to tears but overall it was great. Very un-hopeful ending though.


Yeah I saw this recently too. Will Smith carries it IMO. The story is okay (it's similar to the Brit films: 28 Days Later/28 Weeks Later, but not as good) & some of the scenery is great, but his acting is top class. Some of the animals look a bit rubbish, like those Lions, but overall it's well worth watching....

I immediately thought of ’28 Days Later’ (I haven’t seen the sequel)


Mate you should watch the sequel, really. It's filmed on the Isle of Dogs in Central London where I work!

At any point during filming did you stroll in front of a camera and say, 'So, uh... about this whole only being a few people left on earth. Uh, I guess I'm one of them. Can I be in your movie?'

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The Changeling (1980) Spooky ghost story with George C Scott


Fright (1971) Creepy film with a young Susan George as a babysitter for a troubled family.

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George C Scott


BORN in my hometown.

well not exactly. it is one town over but our area is so small it takes me at the most 15 minutes to get to any town from my house. All of our neighboring towns are just 5-10 minutes away. To get to Wise from my house is 5 minutes from me stepping out my house to the town limits so anyone from this general area is "hometown".

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I didn't watch a movie but I watched a few episodes of "Forensic Files". I love shows like that. :tumbsup:

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Two Super Hero movies for Super Bowl Sunday:


"Batman" (1966) with Adam West and Burt Ward as the dynamic duo


"Superman IV: The Quest For Peace" - -yea, this one sucks. But my son gets a kick out of Nuclear Man blowing up the Great Wall of China and dropping the Statue of Liberty into Midtown, and I get a kick out of Mariel Hemingway's legs.

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