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OK, so I have a PC question...


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So there are a bunch of people and groups running around suggesting that there should be no gender.
No M of F on licenses or passports, no reference to male/.female/him/her/etc/etc, basically they are looking at making the world non-binary.
My daughter has a friend who "identifies" this way and when she talks about her, she said "they did this" and they're going to do this" etc, so shit is even being pluralised to avoid a reference to her that would indicate a sex.

So for me this is all pretty fucked up, and I refuse to play their game.

But this is where my issue comes in.

The people who are trying to eradicated males/females, and the VERY SAME ONES who support transgender people.
Those transitioning from MALE to FEMALE and FELAME to MALE.

How can they have it both ways?
Surely these people who are anti and reference to sex should be fully hating on the people who are not only identifying themselves as a sex, but then moving to a different sex.
What am I missing here?
Have they created a fucked up little world of ambiguousness?

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All the diversity groups are now cannibalizing one another. We're throwing out strides made for women's equality for the sake of the transgender crowd. In some circles, being a woman is almost as heinous a crime against society as being a man. Women's sports at the high school and college level are being decimated by allowing biological males to compete in women's sports because of the transgender movement.

Think about it... on what planet would it make sense to destroy policies giving 49% of the population opportunities in order to appease 1% of the population?

The hyper-politically-correct crowd is also trying to implement changes to language, i.e., the Biden administration replacing "women" with "birthing persons" in press statements and legislative proposals.

Moreover, after hearing the Left parroting "yOu mUsT fOlLoW tHe sCiEnCe!!" for the last year and a half, this shift in language to appease the transgender crowd completely ignores science: Only women can give birth, no matter how you identify yourself... self-identification doesn't change the science.

Also, allowing people to change formal records in the name of political correctness is IMO dangerous. For example, identifying the accurate biological sex of someone on a driver's license is critically important in the event of accident or emergency, so first responders know how to administer aid. If you want to add an "Identifies as" field to the ID, then fine, but the biological sex field should be sacrosanct. It's only a matter of time until someone has complications to a treatment or drug due to incorrect assessment of gender based upon altered records, and the lawsuits start. First responders and medical personnel shouldn't have to take on that liability (and isn't the most important thing that you receive appropriate medical care in an emergency, not your feefees?)

This planet needs an enema... or a giant asteroid. I'll take either one at this point.

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I don't give a fuck what gender people identify with...if you look male I'll consider you male, if you look female I'll consider you female and if you want to be referred to as IT or something else then have it tattooed on your forehead so that I and others know what to call you because otherwise I'm not going to give a fuck what you think or feel....

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3 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

For example, identifying the accurate biological sex of someone on a driver's license is critically important in the event of accident or emergency, so first responders know how to administer aid. If you want to add an "Identifies as" field to the ID, then fine, but the biological sex field should be sacrosanct. It's only a matter of time until someone has complications to a treatment or drug due to incorrect assessment of gender based upon altered records, and the lawsuits start. First responders and medical personnel shouldn't have to take on that liability (and isn't the most important thing that you receive appropriate medical care in an emergency, not your feefees?)

This planet needs an enema... or a giant asteroid. I'll take either one at this point.

How is does one's sex affect medical treatment?
I mean, maybe your nuts got smashed in a car accident?
Wondering what the actual reasons are.
Until now, I never saw M or F on a licence or passport being crucial in identifying someone, all you're doing is eliminating 50% of the population who usually are obviously not you.

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There may be certain medications that are contra-indicated for various conditions that may be male-or-female specific. Also expected norms for various readings can differ based upon gender.

Muddying the water with respect to gender identification just isn't necessary.

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Ironically I just opined on this very tangent in the IKEA thread.


As I stated therein, we as a society that is is clamoring for equality all the while building these label barriers, which thats all it is.

LGBTQ+ just exacerbates the divide. Ultimately you be you but why do you want ANY stigma, label attached? It doesn't make sense.

And as I mentioned elsewhere, WHY does any life take precedence over another? How can anyone proclaim "NO LIVES MATTER, until" or "Stop (enter ethnicity here) violence". Again, just stop violence. Stop segregating or deepening the void .

And sorry, but your daughters friend once she wants 3 months off paid maternity leave or some other female specific special treatment the line will blur I guarantee.


Sorry for the diatribe, maybe its the 116 degree heat...

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8 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I don't give a fuck what gender people identify with...if you look male I'll consider you male, if you look female I'll consider you female and if you want to be referred to as IT or something else then have it tattooed on your forehead so that I and others know what to call you because otherwise I'm not going to give a fuck what you think or feel....

Dead Planet, your transphobic arent you? now now, cant be talking that way, did I mention not to call them chicks with dicks anymore, I got shitblasted for that, big time, lol

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1 hour ago, martinsane said:

Ironically I just opined on this very tangent in the IKEA thread.


As I stated therein, we as a society that is is clamoring for equality all the while building these label barriers, which thats all it is.

LGBTQ+ just exacerbates the divide. Ultimately you be you but why do you want ANY stigma, label attached? It doesn't make sense.

And as I mentioned elsewhere, WHY does any life take precedence over another? How can anyone proclaim "NO LIVES MATTER, until" or "Stop (enter ethnicity here) violence". Again, just stop violence. Stop segregating or deepening the void .

And sorry, but your daughters friend once she wants 3 months off paid maternity leave or some other female specific special treatment the line will blur I guarantee.


Sorry for the diatribe, maybe its the 116 degree heat...

This is the same thing Ive argued since the Clinton presidency and dont ask dont tell, your in the fucking military, it's against the rules for men and women to fuck, though females are always getting knocked up for some reason, just the same it's against the rules, so what place in the military is there for telling everyone you a fag? what place is there anywhere for it, same with hate crimes, which should just be called Caucasian Enhancement Felony's, because they are the only ones who get charged with them, but it's basically saying one life is worth harsher punishment because of race, how about you if you kill somebody it shouldn't fucking matter what the motive was, you fucking killed somebody, but another bitch and cry law among the hundreds on the list, at one point do you say hey, not only is everything been put in your favor, it's also gone the extra mile to knock the whites down a level, isnt that a good enough head start to make some leeway?/

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Also they can make all the rules they want for the trannies, the first time one of them follows my daughter into the girls bathroom, someone will be getting charged with a hate crime.

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On 6/27/2021 at 6:14 PM, CureTheSane said:

What am I missing here?

Nothing. People are just absolute, complete fucking idiots. We can discuss it for pages in this thread, but it's as simple as that. The stupider you are in 2021, the more likely your point will reach the masses. And alternatively, the more you speak common sense, your point will reach no one. 

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On 6/27/2021 at 5:04 PM, Leykis101 said:

Dead Planet, your transphobic arent you? now now, cant be talking that way, did I mention not to call them chicks with dicks anymore, I got shitblasted for that, big time, lol

Oh for some passable trannies, it would be a treat, literally...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heres some PC for ya




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Cue someone to be offended on behalf of Jackie Chan, or dogs.

On another note, has anyone else noticed that the vast majority of people who have "diversity officer" as their job title seem to be middle-aged blonde women? Irony.

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21 minutes ago, auslander said:

Cue someone to be offended on behalf of Jackie Chan, or dogs.

On another note, has anyone else noticed that the vast majority of people who have "diversity officer" as their job title seem to be middle-aged blonde women? Irony.

Not irony, Karen...

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7 hours ago, auslander said:

Cue someone to be offended on behalf of Jackie Chan, or dogs.

On another note, has anyone else noticed that the vast majority of people who have "diversity officer" as their job title seem to be middle-aged blonde women? Irony.

You mean Karens?

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53 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

You mean Karens?

aside from all the other bullshit in this thread which of course is complete nonsense, and I agree with what everyone is saying wholeheartedly.......

The reference 'Karen' has got to be the single most ridiculous saying to be created in recent times.

My wife's name is Karen and I can honestly say that everytime she reads this it fucks her off in the extreme. 

and it fucks me off too. 

In fact I call out every tosser on FB that uses the expression. Cos in the most part they are a fucking Karen themselves. or the male equivalent. ;)


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21 hours ago, Glen said:

aside from all the other bullshit in this thread which of course is complete nonsense, and I agree with what everyone is saying wholeheartedly.......

The reference 'Karen' has got to be the single most ridiculous saying to be created in recent times.

My wife's name is Karen and I can honestly say that everytime she reads this it fucks her off in the extreme. 

and it fucks me off too. 

In fact I call out every tosser on FB that uses the expression. Cos in the most part they are a fucking Karen themselves. or the male equivalent. ;)


So they are Bruces? little bit thin skin there Glen, Ive noticed that with people on the left, they have an extremely hard time with jokes, if people called guys on the left Cody's, id think it was fucking hilarious, it's just a common white persons name, they wouldnt be talking about me exclusively, you are way to literal about shit that is just not that important, go ahead, I'll help you, my name is Karen, im a middle aged white girl, who transitioned into a male, so now you gotta call me Zir, thats my pronoun, I hope thats cool with you, or you can just call me Karen, if thats alright, just dont call me late for confession.

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36 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

So they are Bruces? little bit thin skin there Glen, Ive noticed that with people on the left, they have an extremely hard time with jokes, if people called guys on the left Cody's, id think it was fucking hilarious, it's just a common white persons name, they wouldnt be talking about me exclusively, you are way to literal about shit that is just not that important, go ahead, I'll help you, my name is Karen, im a middle aged white girl, who transitioned into a male, so now you gotta call me Zir, thats my pronoun, I hope thats cool with you, or you can just call me Karen, if thats alright, just dont call me late for confession.

so typical of the US to associate a so called Karen with the left 🙄 

its definition for your info is an obnoxious, entitled, often racist middle aged white woman 


Sounds like someone you'd love ;)


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No i said the left cant take a joke, look at that, you just did all the shit you think I did in one small paragraph, only you aren't joking and that right there is true bigotry, love ya my metal brother but you need to lighten the fuck up, seriously, life is way to short to hate everything and not be able to poke fun of all the various shit thats so hilarious in the world, and BTW someone I love is someone who can take a joke, if a racist chick is funny and clever, I can definitely love her, doesnt mean I love anything about her racial views, but as a person, that my shit, someone I love isnt so self indulged that they think everything is a personal shot at them, I mean you just wrapped me down as maliciously as you can try to be, and im calling you out on it, why? I guess if you spot it you got it, right?


BTW black people added that racist theme to a karen, it was originally just a nosy middle aged white woman who is always up in everybody's business, to relax your nerves, I hereby change Karen to Barbara, there, everything better now, now wipe off those tears and lets go rock out.

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1 hour ago, Leykis101 said:

No i said the left cant take a joke, look at that, you just did all the shit you think I did in one small paragraph, only you aren't joking and that right there is true bigotry, love ya my metal brother but you need to lighten the fuck up, seriously, life is way to short to hate everything and not be able to poke fun of all the various shit thats so hilarious in the world, and BTW someone I love is someone who can take a joke, if a racist chick is funny and clever, I can definitely love her, doesnt mean I love anything about her racial views, but as a person, that my shit, someone I love isnt so self indulged that they think everything is a personal shot at them, I mean you just wrapped me down as maliciously as you can try to be, and im calling you out on it, why? I guess if you spot it you got it, right?


BTW black people added that racist theme to a karen, it was originally just a nosy middle aged white woman who is always up in everybody's business, to relax your nerves, I hereby change Karen to Barbara, there, everything better now, now wipe off those tears and lets go rock out.

I winked, move on 

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Fuck Glen you all must hate Youtube and Tick Tock and any other platform that streams endless videos, gifs, memes and what nots all in the name of Karen.

My kids watch em 24/7, I'm surprised you all haven't gone on a shooting spree...


And I asked my kids and they say the male equivalent of a Karen is a Kyle, which is basically a Cody so there you go.

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