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17 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

You godless prick, you need to fuck right off, and go for a 100 mile walk out into the outback, then see who your praying to when you need water, or directions back, or if one of your leads gets sick, and you need to call in an extra camera, or extra lighting, or if you run out of Astroglide, you'll have no extras or fluffers available to you again, you'll be praying to your God, and see how fast he helps you out, you fucking antichrist non believing fag,  your ex boss Mr. God Damn III, will never financially back another one of your queer movies again, ya like that feeling, you spawn of Satan! your out of the business for good, but Id never criticize or try to shame you for departing from God Damn Studios, that's purely a personal choice for you right? we all should respect your choice, no matter how absolutely fucking brain dead it is! cant wait for your new movie BTW, loved Tonguing The Dumper Part 8, it was genius.

lol. Glad you liked that one. I thought it was pretty special too. I actually have the prequel to that series, called 'Lips 'Round The Ring' which is due out on the shelves tomorrow morning. Tomorrow afternoon, I'm releasing the first of a new series called 'Erection Detection.' You'll love it. If Jesus would hurry up his return to planet earth I'd be keen to see if I could get him to be a part of the series. Pretty sure he'd dig it. 

And for Christ's fucking sake, can you please stop using the Lord's name in vain. I find it really offensive. 

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1 hour ago, Leykis101 said:

I have attempted this exact conversion, at least 100 times in my life, I'm baffled, I cannot fathom anyone's train of thought who not only looks at me like I'm the one who's fucking brain dead, when they discover I'm Atheist, but even better,  the hands down, all time greatest and far and away favorite of mine, the ones who are going to prove it to me, the ones who have evidence, and proof, which they are going to hang me out with, and when it's said and done, I'm going to look like the biggest fucking moron that has ever tried to argue this topic,so many verbal, and biblical assaults towards me in my life, ya know? being one of them godless and soulless atheists like I am, they are gonna pray for my soul, there's also a special place in Hell for people like me, I'm told anyways, even though there's no such thing as Hell, I'm still going there,

I welcome proof of the heavenly fathers existence, many many have apparently got this proof, and are going to ruin my arrogant, and conceded attitude, yet, here I am, countless attempts later, still trying to get maybe a tiny peak at this proof, and I haven't ever seen a single word, let alone any type of actual physical evidence, so If PetraGirl is going to bring me the proof, to prove my beliefs are as moronic as can be comprehended,  then I am completely ready to be enlightened, and finally converted over to the light side, I always have an open mind, for information I cannot seem to seek out on my own, and you all would be wise to feel the exact same way I do, I mean I'm an Atheist, I probably believe Santa Claus still exists, that's how fucking twisted and wrong my ideals are.

Whaddayamean, of course Santa exists. He lives a few hours away from me.


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1 hour ago, Leykis101 said:

I have attempted this exact conversion, at least 100 times in my life, I'm baffled, I cannot fathom anyone's train of thought who not only looks at me like I'm the one who's fucking brain dead, when they discover I'm Atheist, but even better,  the hands down, all time greatest and far and away favorite of mine, the ones who are going to prove it to me, the ones who have evidence, and proof, which they are going to hang me out with, and when it's said and done, I'm going to look like the biggest fucking moron that has ever tried to argue this topic,so many verbal, and biblical assaults towards me in my life, ya know? being one of them godless and soulless atheists like I am, they are gonna pray for my soul, there's also a special place in Hell for people like me, I'm told anyways, even though there's no such thing as Hell, I'm still going there,

I welcome proof of the heavenly fathers existence, many many have apparently got this proof, and are going to ruin my arrogant, and conceded attitude, yet, here I am, countless attempts later, still trying to get maybe a tiny peak at this proof, and I haven't ever seen a single word, let alone any type of actual physical evidence, so If PetraGirl is going to bring me the proof, to prove my beliefs are as moronic as can be comprehended,  then I am completely ready to be enlightened, and finally converted over to the light side, I always have an open mind, for information I cannot seem to seek out on my own, and you all would be wise to feel the exact same way I do, I mean I'm an Atheist, I probably believe Santa Claus still exists, that's how fucking twisted and wrong my ideals are.

As long as you stay so very open minded I'll get to you. I don't think you're whatever words you said I don't remember. But, although there is a place in hell, that's not what I'm here to tell you. I'm here to show you God exists, and believe me, if I have hot God Himself working with me, there ain't no way I'm not going to find what I need! And even if you still don't accept what I give you (still reading into the right ways to go about it when confronting atheists) I'll at least have proved that God exists, and that He created the world, and that He is looking down at you right now. In fact, He's the one who's most heart broken if you go to hell (although God obviously doesn't literally have a heart, but you know what I mean) 

So, I appreciate your open mindedness more than anything, and I would say that that is kept open by God too. 

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33 minutes ago, Geoff said:

lol. Glad you liked that one. I thought it was pretty special too. I actually have the prequel to that series, called 'Lips 'Round The Ring' which is due out on the shelves tomorrow morning. Tomorrow afternoon, I'm releasing the first of a new series called 'Erection Detection.' You'll love it. If Jesus would hurry up his return to planet earth I'd be keen to see if I could get him to be a part of the series. Pretty sure he'd dig it. 

And for Christ's fucking sake, can you please stop using the Lord's name in vain. I find it really offensive. 

Ohhh shut up. You won't be making those jokes when He does, but of course it's pointless to tell you that, your brain is-  well how did we know you even have one, sounds to me like it isn't even there. 

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Oh Geoff's got one, check out pillow biters 12, you'll also see it in Geoff's well hung garage doors 7, he most certainly has one, arguably the size of 2

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Petra girl, u don't need to study up on how to explain it to an atheist, I can safely say I have a firm grasp on any grade up to 7th in comprehension, if u start to lose me I can tell u ok

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2 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Petra girl, u don't need to study up on how to explain it to an atheist, I can safely say I have a firm grasp on any grade up to 7th in comprehension, if u start to lose me I can tell u ok

Well then what am I supposed to study? Just give me a little bit more time- I'll try to have something by the weekend, ok. 

Also, that's good- I'm not extremely smart, but I'm in 7th grade- at least that makes two of us. 

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I am comparing your asking me to prove God's existence as my learning math from the curriculum called Principles of Mathematics Book 1.

I didn't really do my school as I should've when I was in 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade- so I was behind in math- a lot. But I didn't want to be 'held back' nor counted as 'special ed' since I can learn well enough for my age, but I was dreading having to somehow learn it all and still graduate when I was old enough. But. . . my Mom found me this book, (she claims it was her fault I was behind- maybe both of ours, I was the one who found ways to sneak out of it all year by running up to my room at the mention of school) and I find myself not dreading math at all! It's quite fun once you get the hang of it- of course I knew my addition and subtraction, I knew that when I was 6! But I was not really good at the rest of it. Anyway- I've skipped so much school in my life that nobody really needs to know or I'll get sent to public school in Germany. 

But why I'm comparing you to it doesn't actually have a lot to do with the story, I just find myself loving the things I learn in an easy but not too easy way which doesn't make me feel like I'm in special ed, and it doesn't make me feel like I can't handle it either. That's how I want you to respond to what I'll say about God, after all, you seem to be fully interested in it. And I want to say everything in such a way that you'll be convicted- if I don't convict you then my mission has failed and I'll try again. But that is my only hope, that you will feel as I do about my math book and I will explain things in such a way as my math book. 


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Well Petra girl, I hope the doesn't fall out of I'm not persuaded, if that's where this is going maybe it's not such a great idea, cause good chance I will probably not be how you are expecting, are you going to be alright if that doesn't happen?

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49 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Well Petra girl, I hope the doesn't fall out of I'm not persuaded, if that's where this is going maybe it's not such a great idea, cause good chance I will probably not be how you are expecting, are you going to be alright if that doesn't happen?

Lookie here- Geoff is going to tell me it's not worth it but I know every answer to what he says, I just ignore him cause he's silly and I'm too smart to even consider a thing he says about my faith. 

It's a great idea, and in the Name of Jesus Christ I will, if not persuade you, at least plant something inside your soul, because it's so totally worth it that we see each other in heaven and not as you're being taken away to hell. 

In Christ, :)

Edited by PetraGirl86
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I've got it! I've got it! 

This isn't my final word, I've still got to put something together, but at least this: You don't come to Jesus by examination of the evidence of God- Jesus opens your eyes- all my job is is to plant a seed. That's all it is. But that still is going to be convicting as much as I can make it. 

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what do you harp on G-Off for? he just said he's offering Jesus a part in his next flick, entitled The Second Cuming! I mean how much more cordial can he be? Jesus doesnt even have to try out, you know how long I had to try out for my part? G-Off had me cum in at 6am, and I didnt get out of there until at least 6:15pm, 12 hrs of trying out, I was spent, I could hardly walk, for 3 days afterwards, and the tearing didnt heal for another 2 to 3 weeks following, it was fucking brutal, you dont just get given a spot in a G-Off flick, you have to earn it, so this is a very generous thing G-Off has offered, and frankly it upsets me a little, I feel a resentment coming on.

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There is no heaven. There is no hell. That's made up hogwash.

When you die, you die. No afterlife. No resurrection. You get buried in the ground and eaten by worms.

No one is saved.

Prayer was studied extensively by a hospital. They had 50% patients that were prayed for by a Church on a daily basis and 50% who weren't prayed for. There was 0% improvement for the ones prayed for. The difference in the conditions of either group in fact, the ones prayed for actually fared worse health wise.

Edited by AlphaMale
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5 hours ago, PetraGirl86 said:

Lookie here- Geoff is going to tell me it's not worth it but I know every answer to what he says, I just ignore him cause he's silly and I'm too smart to even consider a thing he says about my faith. 

It's a great idea, and in the Name of Jesus Christ I will, if not persuade you, at least plant something inside your soul, because it's so totally worth it that we see each other in heaven and not as you're being taken away to hell. 

In Christ, :)

But Petra Girl im already a little concerned, I am not at all concerned that I'm going to be dragged away and sent to hell, nor am I concerned over you and I kicking it in heaven, because there's no such places, I'm not so worried as much about your intellect towards your beliefs, I'm more concerned over the fact that I'm not so sure you completely understand my beliefs, and anything tying to them, I don't know that you've ever truly sat and pondered and tried to view things from my point of view, I forget your in 7th grade, I mean shit, that's fucking young(pardon my vulgar language) I know your in 7th grade but I cant censor every word, but I'm not even certain your old enough to do a serious overview of the way I think, that's why this might be a little to complex to seriously jump into, your so Gung-Ho about it, your running head first into this from 1 viewpoint, I admire that, but it's not exactly a strategic battle plan, you must remember, all that stuff you know in your heart and head is without a doubt 100% the way it is, is 100% without a doubt the complete and utter opposite of everything I believe, I'm not sure you can even grasp that concept, I mean im sure you could mentally grasp it, like your quick enough to, I'm just not sure your mature enough to have began to seriously look at other angles, and not just mine, I mean all kinds of other angles, there are many, but whatever, fuck it, ya know, I'm down for whatever.

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17 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

There is no heaven. There is no hell. That's made up hogwash.

When you die, you die. No afterlife. No resurrection. You get buried in the ground and eaten by worms.

No one is saved.

Prayer was studied extensively by a hospital. They had 50% patients that were prayed for by a Church on a daily basis and 50% who weren't prayed for. There was 0% improvement for the ones prayed for. The difference in the conditions of either group in fact, the ones prayed for actually fared worse health wise.

Exactly, I try to explain this to people regularly, and they act like im speaking Chinese to them, take someone with AIDS, you don't think people with AIDS get prayed for? but what happens? they generally die, I tell people after they tell me, yeah so and so was on their death bed and the Mormons came in and gave them a blessing, and holy shit, they lived, well what is the other option? your either gonna live, or your gonna die, wheres this mysterious 3rd option that I apparently do not recognize, I'd really enjoy being in on it, fact is, someone who's sick, is either going to live or going to die, there's no factual evidence in existence showing anyone escaping those 2 options with prayer, if they do studies, how thorough are they? do they send a person in to pray for a person to die? please lord, can you just take this person right now, they are racking up a serious bill and my provider is shit, I cant afford them to be in here another second, sounds funny, but that's the only way to do a serious and fair study, prayer cant and shouldn't just go one way, right? your just as well off, throwing a quarter in the air, and having someone call it, then letting the coin toss ride on the persons survival, that's of course bullshit, the heavenly father steps in and intervenes when a prayer is said, and if nobody is around to pray for a person, that's just their tough shit, guess it was just their time to die, right? completely irrational, mind draining, confusing, and outright bizarre how semi sensible people subscribe to this entire act, that's all it is, a gigantic charade,

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44 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

what do you harp on G-Off for? he just said he's offering Jesus a part in his next flick, entitled The Second Cuming! I mean how much more cordial can he be? Jesus doesnt even have to try out, you know how long I had to try out for my part? G-Off had me cum in at 6am, and I didnt get out of there until at least 6:15pm, 12 hrs of trying out, I was spent, I could hardly walk, for 3 days afterwards, and the tearing didnt heal for another 2 to 3 weeks following, it was fucking brutal, you dont just get given a spot in a G-Off flick, you have to earn it, so this is a very generous thing G-Off has offered, and frankly it upsets me a little, I feel a resentment coming on.

No, no, I just think Geoff tries to down everything I say. Plus his flicks are plain--- trash if you ask me from the way they sound, no resentment, you guys do realize how silly you are with these movies right? 

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27 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

But Petra Girl im already a little concerned, I am not at all concerned that I'm going to be dragged away and sent to hell, nor am I concerned over you and I kicking it in heaven, because there's no such places, I'm not so worried as much about your intellect towards your beliefs, I'm more concerned over the fact that I'm not so sure you completely understand my beliefs, and anything tying to them, I don't know that you've ever truly sat and pondered and tried to view things from my point of view, I forget your in 7th grade, I mean shit, that's fucking young(pardon my vulgar language) I know your in 7th grade but I cant censor every word, but I'm not even certain your old enough to do a serious overview of the way I think, that's why this might be a little to complex to seriously jump into, your so Gung-Ho about it, your running head first into this from 1 viewpoint, I admire that, but it's not exactly a strategic battle plan, you must remember, all that stuff you know in your heart and head is without a doubt 100% the way it is, is 100% without a doubt the complete and utter opposite of everything I believe, I'm not sure you can even grasp that concept, I mean im sure you could mentally grasp it, like your quick enough to, I'm just not sure your mature enough to have began to seriously look at other angles, and not just mine, I mean all kinds of other angles, there are many, but whatever, fuck it, ya know, I'm down for whatever.

That's why I plan to take a while- to study on it. Dig into it. You know, and don't worry about the language. Believe me, if God doesn't think I'm ready for this He wouldn't've sent it my way, and don't worry. I know what atheists believe, for a majority, and I'll dig and dig and dig. 

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33 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

There is no heaven. There is no hell. That's made up hogwash.

When you die, you die. No afterlife. No resurrection. You get buried in the ground and eaten by worms.

No one is saved.

Prayer was studied extensively by a hospital. They had 50% patients that were prayed for by a Church on a daily basis and 50% who weren't prayed for. There was 0% improvement for the ones prayed for. The difference in the conditions of either group in fact, the ones prayed for actually fared worse health wise.

Your joking on this right? you don't truly believe this do you? if you do your just a fucking mutt, with the IQ of a small barn yard animal, It's astounding someone could actually believe this bullshit, I mean Ive met some unintelligent morons in my life, but to believe they just put our bodies underground for the worms, that's the stuff of sci fiction, your in some serious need of counseling, I hope you get it, and figure the truth out, before your soul is ripped from your body, which we have all witnessed in our life, someones soul being torn out, and then sent to burn in hell, cause your certainly not worthy of heaven, primarily cause they don't let dumb people in, I will pray for your soul young man, but only the heavenly father can produce miracles, and that's what you need, if you are at all interested in saving your soul, cause think of how agonizing it will be, just think back to the last soul you witnessed being torn out, and the way you felt witnessing it, wasn't very pleasurable was it?

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No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no  

Prayer is Not like that and God doesn't only work when a prayer is said that would mean that we govern Him which is the absolute complete opposite! 

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Oh dear, oh dear- Catholics, Mormons they're all just in the same horrid lump of people as atheists- just as godless and messed up. This makes me so, so, so disappointed. Not in you- I don't blame you for thinking that about God when you think of Him in that way. We pray, but that doesn't mean God is going to answer how we want, or how we think it should happen or when or where or why or what- it's difficult to understand, but please please, prayer, Jesus, none of it is as twisted as that. :(

Edited by PetraGirl86
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3 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Your joking on this right? you don't truly believe this do you? if you do your just a fucking mutt, with the IQ of a small barn yard animal, It's astounding someone could actually believe this bullshit, I mean Ive met some unintelligent morons in my life, but to believe they just put our bodies underground for the worms, that's the stuff of sci fiction, your in some serious need of counseling, I hope you get it, and figure the truth out, before your soul is ripped from your body, which we have all witnessed in our life, someones soul being torn out, and then sent to burn in hell, cause your certainly not worthy of heaven, primarily cause they don't let dumb people in, I will pray for your soul young man, but only the heavenly father can produce miracles, and that's what you need, if you are at all interested in saving your soul, cause think of how agonizing it will be, just think back to the last soul you witnessed being torn out, and the way you felt witnessing it, wasn't very pleasurable was it?

You confuse me, leykis, 100%. I would like you to explain EXACTLY what you believe, atheists don't pray, atheists believe what AlphaMale said. Unless you're joking- but I'm sorry but joking is going to have to stop for a little while if I'm ever supposed to understand what you believe. 

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8 minutes ago, PetraGirl86 said:

No, no, I just think Geoff tries to down everything I say. Plus his flicks are plain--- trash if you ask me from the way they sound, no resentment, you guys do realize how silly you are with these movies right? 

OK now we have problems, "trash"? hardly, maybe Trashy, but never trash, the "way they sound" let me get this straight, you've only heard the audio off his movies? that's extremely odd and I don't think enough to make a determination of "trash" critiquing his movies, the focal point is certainly not the sound, or the audio, that's actually the last thing worried about, hell he's done a few without any sound, like Deaf Leppards, and the classic throwback to the 1920s silent flicks, entitled Read The Screen, Take The Cream, his movies have outstanding angle work, the lighting is top notch, and I don't know where he comes up with some of the talent, but I know those guys are definitely not average, you get every penny worth, and every inch worth, this African American dude that's in alot of his movies, Black Angus, I mean I don't envy anyone who has to perform with that guy, they probably have to have a nurse or a stitch kit directly on set when he's working, im talking on the edge of a deformity, so G-Offs flix are very tasteful, at least on the set, high production, extra mile, absolutely no and I mean NO! useless dialogue, or story lines, just straight action from opening to closing credits, and that's what the people want, and most important of all, never ever ever ever, EVER! any females on the cast, as extras, never discussed, nor hinted at, it's 100% hot man on man action, that's why he's the G-Off, and gets the awards,

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21 minutes ago, PetraGirl86 said:

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no  

Prayer is Not like that and God doesn't only work when a prayer is said that would mean that we govern Him which is the absolute complete opposite! 

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Oh dear, oh dear- Catholics, Mormons they're all just in the same horrid lump of people as atheists- just as godless and messed up. This makes me so, so, so disappointed. Not in you- I don't blame you for thinking that about God when you think of Him in that way. We pray, but that doesn't mean God is going to answer how we want, or how we think it should happen or when or where or why or what- it's difficult to understand, but please please, prayer, Jesus, none of it is as twisted as that. :(

Who is we?? you mean you? because that's exactly what the Mormons believe, and teach, and according to them, your the half wit that doesn't know anything about what your talking about, it's exactly how god works, and your not worthy of the rewards because you don't practice the right way, they do, understand? got it? Kapish?

By the way, you've now officially offended me, Catholics, and Mormons, in the same league as Atheists, how much do you hate me? dear you clearly do not understand Atheism completely, we share absolutely zero, nothing in any way shape or form in the views of God, we are not even in the same ballpark for anyone to make a comparison to those Jabronis, Atheists believe in nothing, that is absolutely nothing, so there is nothing there to make comparisons to, it's an oxi moron, a double negative, you can not compare Atheists to any form of religion, Christianity, Muslims, Hindu, budism, anything tied to any form of higher power or deity, of any kind, cause anything in that category, is the exact opposite of what Atheists believe, we believe in nothing, which is why I have no problem settling arguments or fights with believers, because there's nothing for me to prove, you cannot prove a negative, I don't have to prove something I don't believe exists, nor do I have to respond to that argument being flipped back the other way for the sake of people not being able to win their argument with me, as in, well you cant prove he doesn't exist, I know I cant, and I don't have to, because I don't believe he does, so why would I prove he doesn't, duh! so FYI, you really didn't offend me, you made me chuckle, I was just typing that for aesthetic reasons, nor can you offend me, so don't ever feel that you have to censor yourself, I'm more worried about me hurting your feelings, cause sometimes I just gotta say whats on my mind, and whoever s in the way, hopefully has thick skin, cause I really don't think out shit before it comes out, except for bagging on fine High quality production gay porn, from the God Damn Studios, and directed by the legendary gay porn tycoon, from down under Mr G-Off! go to his website and browse around, your guaranteed to at least feel a wrinkle, but you'll probably more then likely leave his site signed up for a platinum membership, and a year full of pure top notch man on man action, so drop in.

Edited by Leykis101
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3 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

OK now we have problems, "trash"? hardly, maybe Trashy, but never trash, the "way they sound" let me get this straight, you've only heard the audio off his movies? that's extremely odd and I don't think enough to make a determination of "trash" critiquing his movies, the focal point is certainly not the sound, or the audio, that's actually the last thing worried about, hell he's done a few without any sound, like Deaf Leppards, and the classic throwback to the 1920s silent flicks, entitled Read The Screen, Take The Cream, his movies have outstanding angle work, the lighting is top notch, and I don't know where he comes up with some of the talent, but I know those guys are definitely not average, you get every penny worth, and every inch worth, this African American dude that's in alot of his movies, Black Angus, I mean I don't envy anyone who has to perform with that guy, they probably have to have a nurse or a stitch kit directly on set when he's working, im talking on the edge of a deformity, so G-Offs flix are very tasteful, at least on the set, high production, extra mile, absolutely no and I mean NO! useless dialogue, or story lines, just straight action from opening to closing credits, and that's what the people want, and most important of all, never ever ever ever, EVER! any females on the cast, as extras, never discussed, nor hinted at, it's 100% hot man on man action, that's why he's the G-Off, and gets the awards,

I haven't even heard the audio!!!! 

You guys talking is enough- and you all know how I feel about gays and if that's not at all what his movies are, then that's not my fault- no one would completely answer me


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7 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Who is we?? you mean you? because that's exactly what the Mormons believe, and teach, and according to them, your the half wit that doesnt know anything about what your talking about, it's exactly how god works, and your not worthy of the rewards because you don't practice the right way, they do, understand? got it? Kapish?

I meant We as in real Christians. 

You know nothing, you're just, well I don't hate you, but the way you try and act like you know everything a Christian does when you claim to be an atheist, a godless sad heap who doesn't want God's love and joy and only looks at Him as some fairytale who acts on what human beings say, is just not how I'm going to let you run it. I say what I say, you say what you say, you don't get to say what God does- and I'm not half wit, either. We're still friends but you can just shut up about what you think you can say about my Jesus. Got it? He's looking at you right now, I hope you know that. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

And as destitute as you are, He loves you so much. His love is as big as the sky and bigger. Is a big bang gonna love you? You know that's what you want. True love- and I wish you would believe in it. I suppose you've heard the story of Jesus on the cross before, but I want you to really think about it tonight. It was because of you and He absolutely loves you. I'm being very sincere when I say this. It probably sounds like a bunch of mush, but He does. You're his kid. My only hope and prayer is that you believe that He's your Father. (Emphasis on Your) 

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14 minutes ago, PetraGirl86 said:

I meant We as in real Christians. 

You know nothing, you're just, well I don't hate you, but the way you try and act like you know everything a Christian does when you claim to be an atheist, a godless sad heap who doesn't want God's love and joy and only looks at Him as some fairytale who acts on what human beings say, is just not how I'm going to let you run it. I say what I say, you say what you say, you don't get to say what God does- and I'm not half wit, either. We're still friends but you can just shut up about what you think you can say about my Jesus. Got it? He's looking at you right now, I hope you know that. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

And as destitute as you are, He loves you so much. His love is as big as the sky and bigger. Is a big bang gonna love you? You know that's what you want. True love- and I wish you would believe in it. I suppose you've heard the story of Jesus on the cross before, but I want you to really think about it tonight. It was because of you and He absolutely loves you. I'm being very sincere when I say this. It probably sounds like a bunch of mush, but He does. You're his kid. My only hope and prayer is that you believe that He's your Father. (Emphasis on Your) 

Oh boy! your going to feel foolish now, you detected no sarcasm whatsoever and took what I typed literally, that was me acting like a Mormon, spouting my beliefs at you, because you don't practice the same way I do, so your not worthy, which is exactly how the Mormons are, and I do know cause I live smack dab in mormonville, so you couldn't detect that had nothing to do with my views, it was me counterpointing your grouping religions together, Me personally, I could give a fuck less, I truly don't care, I have never and would never say anything like that personally, and not to add insult to injury, but there's nothing worse then an ignorant Atheist, that I'm not, I was 8 years old when they attempted to dunk me in water and brainwash me with their fairy tales, so your assumption I know nothing about Christianity might come back to bite you, but you took me acting like a buffoon Mormon(which is what they generally are) and criticizing your incorrect way of practicing, and got all worked up over it, taking it as me insulting you directly, which is what I was terrified would happen anyway, yeah so calm down youngster, if you got them in a bunch, go ahead and smooth it out, get your head calmed down, and refocus, and remember anytime you see me scolding, harassing, fucking with, talking down, or just plain degrading others on here for their religious views, stop and remember, Cody doesn't give a fuck, he's fucking with people, or being condescending in regards to whatever the topic at hand is, he will never be expressing anything he thinks, cause he doesn't believe in any of it to even give a fuck. OK Petra Girl, are you good now??

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