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Well, it happened - I like a screamo song....


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Was watching Foxtel (local cable TV) and was on the Loud radio channel and Sonic Syndicate - Revolution, Baby came on.

I listened to the end and that was instantly the bit that hooked me.

Listened to the song heaps since then and it's a damn good song.



Sadly most of the other songs on the album are great, but wrecked with the growling.


A couple of others stand out though with My Own Life may as well being a mainstream song...



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So... the glammy looking dude wearing the makeup is the growler and the latino gangsta wannabe does the singing... talk about role reversal. :lol:


Bass player is moderately hawt...


The two songs above are light years apart stylistically.

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Well, I love both those songs. The first one is awesome from the 2:15min mark and I love that 2nd tune. I thought I had this band's work despite initially being turned off by their growling vocals (of which I hear none on either of these two songs). Must check these guys out again.

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So... the glammy looking dude wearing the makeup is the growler and the latino gangsta wannabe does the singing... talk about role reversal. :lol:


Bass player is moderately hawt...


The two songs above are light years apart stylistically.


My thoughts exactly.


I hate the growling but their songs and hooks are actually pretty good.

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The first song has a bit nu-metal rappin' like Limp Bizkit but it has some good melodies so don't mind it at all, the second one is like a modern ballad, harmless good track but not really outstanding


Burn This City has nice chorus

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I always kinda liked "Burn this City"



Another great tune... I seem to have dropped the ball with these guys.

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See for me Burn This City would be a really great song, but I just can't get past the growling. Maybe one day I'll be more accepting, but for now they just ruin a good tune.
My daughter loves this stuff, she walks around the house with earphones in growling all over the place lol

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It's funny you dudes call it growling, but being the extreme nerd I am when in comes to this type of music, I see a MASSIVE difference between the growling and the screaming. As in, it will decide if I like a band or not. I cannot stand the growling (which I swear this band used to do) but I don't mind the decipherable screaming at all. And so far, the songs in this thread are definitely all decipherable screaming rather than growling. ;)

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I used to call them cookie monster vocals :)

Regardless I'm kinda proud of myself to venture into this type of music and be open to liking it.

In the past I'd hear the growls and click next.

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Geoff is right. Even though all screaming/shouting/growling/whatever vocals are non-melodic, there is a distinct difference between these and death metal "vocals".


1. These vocals, for the most part, can be followed or interpreted. On most death metal tracks, fuhgedabowdit!


2. There is a distinct difference in pitch. Most death metal vocals are low or gutteral in pitch. These are higher pitch/frequency. The low-pitched death metal vocals are the ones I have heard referred to as "cookie monster" vocals, more so than these.


Not saying that either have major redemming qualities in music, but there IS a difference. :lol:

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I love this one:



Well, I definitely know and really, really love that song. So whatever album that one was on must have been the last time I checked this band out. Killer tune.

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