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Flogging A Dead Horse


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Disney are producing a seventh 'Star Wars' film; 'Ghostbusters' is being re-vamped/re-booted with an all-female cast; Disney (again) are considering making another Indiana Jones film (with a younger actor playing the lead); there's a new Mad Max in town ...


What the hell happened to original ideas? Yes, yes - I KNOW the studios are all about making money, and I know there are plenty of people out there who have never seen the 'original' films (and thus don't harbour feelings of resentment when they see another childhood memory being kicked in the balls), but, sweet baby Jeebus, this sort of thing pisses me off ...

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I don't mind new Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Mad Max and lets not forget the new Jurassic Park, Terminator etc....as long as they are well done....usually when these films come out they are well financed and therefore worth checking out....as for original ideas well check out Jupiter Ascending and Interstellar....it is not a lack of new ideas that is the problem, the problem is that people don't pay to see these original idea movies which means that it is hard to get new ones made..........

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I don't mind new Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Mad Max and lets not forget the new Jurassic Park, Terminator etc....as long as they are well done....usually when these films come out they are well financed and therefore worth checking out....as for original ideas well check out Jupiter Ascending and Interstellar....it is not a lack of new ideas that is the problem, the problem is that people don't pay to see these original idea movies which means that it is hard to get new ones made..........


Yeah, I know ... studios won't risk losing money, the public won't go to see something new/different ... and I agree that if a film is done well, it will stand on its own merits. I just wish they wouldn't trot out sequel/pre-quel/re-boot (etc.) after sequel/pre-quel/re-boot without appearing to put any thought into it. So many series/franchises/original ideas have been ruined (IMHO) by film-makers looking to make easy money.

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  • My Little Pony



The truth is people will more likely go see a new installment in an already established series than something new altogether. Or they'll go see a new film with all the old actors they're familiar with. And when we continue to support the same type of films, they're the ones that will be continuously made.


As for the films listed: I'm a Star Wars nerd, so anything from that universe will always interest me; Ghostbusters was great, but this all female 'reboot' could be amazing!; Chris Pratt is rumoured to be the new Indy which could be interesting; and Mad Max looks insane! So bloody epic!

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It's funny you lump mad max in there like it's a sure bet with heaps of studio backing. George Miller has been trying to get that movie made for 15 or so years. The last one was 30 years ago ;)

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.... and while we're at it where's the fkn sequel to district 9? Otherwise all agreed, we need some new ideas and some of the better books getting made.

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.... and while we're at it where's the fkn sequel to district 9? Otherwise all agreed, we need some new ideas and some of the better books getting made.

Yeah, but he never said for sure he'd do a sequel. Plus he got caught up with everything else he's doing. Speaking of originality, though, that's your man. At least one of them. Timur Bekmambetov is another favourite of mine. Tarsem Singh, too. There are still great directors and producers out there, but they don't always get the financial backing they ought to.

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.... and while we're at it where's the fkn sequel to district 9? Otherwise all agreed, we need some new ideas and some of the better books getting made.

Yeah, but he never said for sure he'd do a sequel. Plus he got caught up with everything else he's doing. Speaking of originality, though, that's your man. At least one of them. Timur Bekmambetov is another favourite of mine. Tarsem Singh, too. There are still great directors and producers out there, but they don't always get the financial backing they ought to.


Isn't that "Chappie" movie from the District 9 guy, not sure its even related to D9, but?


That Mad Max does look good, I'm glad it takes off after the established movies at least thats my take on the preview I saw anyways.


And as far as Hollywood and originality, ha, that is laughable. Not a lot of new ideas floating to the surface these days and if one does they are usually relec'd to B movie standards.

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.... and while we're at it where's the fkn sequel to district 9? Otherwise all agreed, we need some new ideas and some of the better books getting made.

Yeah, but he never said for sure he'd do a sequel. Plus he got caught up with everything else he's doing. Speaking of originality, though, that's your man. At least one of them. Timur Bekmambetov is another favourite of mine. Tarsem Singh, too. There are still great directors and producers out there, but they don't always get the financial backing they ought to.


Isn't that "Chappie" movie from the District 9 guy, not sure its even related to D9, but?



Yep. Neill Blomkamp. It has nothing to do with District 9.

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It's funny you lump mad max in there like it's a sure bet with heaps of studio backing. George Miller has been trying to get that movie made for 15 or so years. The last one was 30 years ago ;)


The only up-coming 'revamp' (call it what you will) that interests me is Mad Max ... probably because it's been so lone since 'Beyond Thunderdome', and it'll be interesting to see where they take the character now ...


As an aside, did anyone else watch 'Pirates of The Caribbean - At World's End', with the scene where Elizabeth gives up all her weapons, and think 'That's 'Mad Max'!'? :)

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Aaaaaaand I'm adding 'Poltergeist' to the list of Un-necessary Reboots ... jeez! :(

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Supposedly the new "Ghostbusters" will be a new all-female team led by Melissa McCarthy. Ugh. Check please!!

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If you want to see a somewhat original movie check out Project Almanac. What I found most interesting is that it delves into some of my theories. And it makes you think.


Your theories? What theories are those?

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What if the all female Ghostbusters movie was rated R with genuine scares, gore and sex? Maybe in another universe ;)

I don't wanna see Melissa McCarthy having sex. :puke:

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  • My Little Pony


What if the all female Ghostbusters movie was rated R with genuine scares, gore and sex? Maybe in another universe ;)

I don't wanna see Melissa McCarthy having sex. :puke:



I think he meant ghost sex.

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So you're saying Melissa McCarthy is going to have sex with a ghost?


Project Almanac has to do with time travel. One of the things I had been pondering is what happens when you get back. If you changed something in the past you would still have the memories of all that were to follow. Many things would have changed from your actions so you would have no idea what is going on when you get back. You will have done things and have no memory of it.

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So you're saying Melissa McCarthy is going to have sex with a ghost? Project Almanac has to do with time travel. One of the things I had been pondering is what happens when you get back. If you changed something in the past you would still have the memories of all that were to follow. Many things would have changed from your actions so you would have no idea what is going on when you get back. You will have done things and have no memory of it.


Yeah, good point.

If you like the idea of time travel, you may get a kick out of FAQ About Time Travel. It's a comedy, but you may enjoy it.

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What if the all female Ghostbusters movie was rated R with genuine scares, gore and sex? Maybe in another universe ;)

I don't wanna see Melissa McCarthy having sex. :puke:


that concept would be good with different actors...


If you haven't eaten in awhile don't look at this pic as you will lose your appetite.


Cast of Ghostbuster "3".



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  • 3 weeks later...

Apparently there's to be a 'Bladerunner' sequel .... WTF??

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What if the all female Ghostbusters movie was rated R with genuine scares, gore and sex? Maybe in another universe ;)

I don't wanna see Melissa McCarthy having sex. :puke:


that concept would be good with different actors...


If you haven't eaten in awhile don't look at this pic as you will lose your appetite.


Cast of Ghostbuster "3".





Are you for serious? HAHA! That will be a genuinely scary as fuck movie! And I'll watch it the day I start eating buckets of testicles as a substitute for popcorn.

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  • 2 months later...
  • My Little Pony

Anyone else looking forward to the soon to be released Mad Max movie....

Just give me a minute to change my drawers.

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