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Xbox One or PS4


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  • My Little Pony

PS4 is pre-ordered.

I was an Xbox fanboy for the last seven years, but Microsoft proved to be a bunch of assholes with this new console, so I'm jumping ship.

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Was going to get a PS4 when Microsoft announced its stance on DRM and 100% online connectivity. But I changed my mind since they reneged on all those things that made everyone upset.


It's hard for me to use the PS controllers. They hurt my hands with those thumbsticks so close together. I prefer the Xbox controller (more ergonomic for me). Plus I can play Halo if I chose to get back into it. Its a shame both systems won't be backwards compatible at the beginning. Supposedly Sony and Microsoft plan to use the Cloud to bring backwards compatibility back. I guess I'll have to keep my 360 for the time being. I am actually on my third 360 unit (I keep upgrading). I actually camped out overnight at the local Best Buy to land the Elite on launch day. I remember it being very cold.


Lastly, most of my friends growing up are on Xbox Live so that makes it a no brainer. It will be cool to Skype them. Some guys I have not seen in ages.

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  • My Little Pony

Uh, but I just don't trust Microsoft anymore. Knowing what they were trying to pull, they could do it again at any moment. They lied to us and said it couldn't be undone because it was a hardware thing, not software. But then they said it would be a day one update. I don't trust them anymore. As for the controllers, the new Xbone controller is shit. I don't know how they fucked up the perfect design (the 360 controller) but they did. The new one is not comfortable at all. The new PS4 controller, however, feels great.

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I haven't held the new Xbox controller yet. The PS controller looks the same to me. So I figured it would feel the same. Those thumbsticks are still in the same spot.


I understand how Microsoft pissed a lot of people off. I personally don't put trust in any company. Sony has been pretty quite about the mandatory $50 for online membership for the PS4. If Microsoft were going to let the NSA use the Kinect camera to spy on people let them spy on me. All there going to get is a guy sitting in his underwear scratching his private parts.

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I gave up on gaming a long time ago. My last system was the GCN. I do find it funny that some of you trust Sony more than Microsoft. Sony has done some pretty shady stuff in the past. I wouldn't trust either.


At work my friends are always talking about gaming. For the most part I have no idea what the hell they are talking about. When I mention random obscure gaming info I usually confuse them. So I guess it works both ways.

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Ive played on a demo XBox One they have out down at Babbages, to me, I couldn't tell a difference between it and the 360 as far as graphics went, of course I would be incredibly ignorant to sit here and run it into the ground over only seeing 1 game, but I have just not read a whole lot of reviews or online info concerning the XBox 1, that has truly really lifted it up, or described it as any kind of leap into the battle between consoles, and if your into gaming you know, when something truly gifted or inspiring has came out, and truly changed the face of gaming, it has been highly praised from the second it was known by the gaming public, if Xbox one was that killer, it would be being grilled and sensationalized all over the internet, I'll have to wait until I have access to both consoles and can make my own judgment on the 2, probably I'll just end up buying both of them, since whichever one I buy, a game I really really want, will almost certainly come out on the console I dont own, so it's best just buy them both.

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  • My Little Pony

The developers are hating the Xbone. Microsoft has been backtracking so much, and changing their specs every few weeks, devs are constantly having to reprogram. There were so few next gen games on demo at PAX because of it. Apparently the PS4 is a dream to develop for. Seriously, everything is pointing towards Sony this time around.

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The developers are hating the Xbone. Microsoft has been backtracking so much, and changing their specs every few weeks, devs are constantly having to reprogram. There were so few next gen games on demo at PAX because of it. Apparently the PS4 is a dream to develop for. Seriously, everything is pointing towards Sony this time around.


No that sounds correct, and was basically my point, and if any of you bought the 360 when it came out, and had to go through the complete bullshit and waste of life that was having it burn up, and having solder on the motherboard actually become so hot, it was desoldering itself and shit was popping out of the motherboard, then you know, that Microsoft rushed the 360 out way before it was ready, I WILL NOT GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN! I honestly had to send the 360 itself back twice, then the fan piece they sent me fucked up around 4 times, by the time I had finally resolved it, they had released the upgraded and correct version of the 360, I was fucking livid, but they XBOX has seemed to become a side project for Microsoft, they are in no way trying to be the innovators in gaming any longer, and that right there tells you all you need to know, I will buy them both, I will not however play the bullshit games I played that 1st year of owning my 360, I will just pack the piece of shit up, and take the fucker back for a refund, Sony I must say, always seem to stay consistent, even with their heating, and hard drive issues right after they release of the PS3, that went on for only a few months, and they were very public about the fact they tried to get the PS3 out in time for Xmas, and maybe hadn't worked all the issues out with it, I always try to go with Microsoft, since I try to support the very few American company's still in existence, but It gets to the point you just fuck it, im going with what works, and what is better, sorry I guess im a traitor, start showing me some quality microsoft, and I'll start supporting you again.

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  • My Little Pony


The developers are hating the Xbone. Microsoft has been backtracking so much, and changing their specs every few weeks, devs are constantly having to reprogram. There were so few next gen games on demo at PAX because of it. Apparently the PS4 is a dream to develop for. Seriously, everything is pointing towards Sony this time around.


No that sounds correct, and was basically my point, and if any of you bought the 360 when it came out, and had to go through the complete bullshit and waste of life that was having it burn up, and having solder on the motherboard actually become so hot, it was desoldering itself and shit was popping out of the motherboard, then you know, that Microsoft rushed the 360 out way before it was ready, I WILL NOT GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN! I honestly had to send the 360 itself back twice, then the fan piece they sent me fucked up around 4 times, by the time I had finally resolved it, they had released the upgraded and correct version of the 360, I was fucking livid, but they XBOX has seemed to become a side project for Microsoft, they are in no way trying to be the innovators in gaming any longer, and that right there tells you all you need to know, I will buy them both, I will not however play the bullshit games I played that 1st year of owning my 360, I will just pack the piece of shit up, and take the fucker back for a refund, Sony I must say, always seem to stay consistent, even with their heating, and hard drive issues right after they release of the PS3, that went on for only a few months, and they were very public about the fact they tried to get the PS3 out in time for Xmas, and maybe hadn't worked all the issues out with it, I always try to go with Microsoft, since I try to support the very few American company's still in existence, but It gets to the point you just fuck it, im going with what works, and what is better, sorry I guess im a traitor, start showing me some quality microsoft, and I'll start supporting you again.



It's funny, I never had any problems with my 360. Not one. And I think only one of my mates did. And I have to say the 360 was miles ahead of the PS3, apart from the hardware defects. The actual system, and online experience was amazing! Sony only managed to catch up in the last two years. But then Microsoft started to show their true colours. I should have seen it years ago. The Xbox 360 may arguably be the greatest console ever, but I do not see any of that in the next generation. The PS4, however, seems to be picking up where the 360 left off. Sony has built a very powerful machine centred around gaming -- not everything but gaming -- and they seem to have not only fixed their user interface, but have crafted a UI much more superior to Microsoft's. Like I said, I can not wait for the PS4, and I can not believe I feel that way. After owning a 360, I thought I would have been an Xbox fanboy for life.


What I'm trying to say is if you are currently planning on purchasing an Xbone, do your research first. The controller is a big step back from the phenomenal 360 controller, and there is so much other bullshit. I can get into it, if you care.

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The developers are hating the Xbone. Microsoft has been backtracking so much, and changing their specs every few weeks, devs are constantly having to reprogram. There were so few next gen games on demo at PAX because of it. Apparently the PS4 is a dream to develop for. Seriously, everything is pointing towards Sony this time around.


No that sounds correct, and was basically my point, and if any of you bought the 360 when it came out, and had to go through the complete bullshit and waste of life that was having it burn up, and having solder on the motherboard actually become so hot, it was desoldering itself and shit was popping out of the motherboard, then you know, that Microsoft rushed the 360 out way before it was ready, I WILL NOT GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN! I honestly had to send the 360 itself back twice, then the fan piece they sent me fucked up around 4 times, by the time I had finally resolved it, they had released the upgraded and correct version of the 360, I was fucking livid, but they XBOX has seemed to become a side project for Microsoft, they are in no way trying to be the innovators in gaming any longer, and that right there tells you all you need to know, I will buy them both, I will not however play the bullshit games I played that 1st year of owning my 360, I will just pack the piece of shit up, and take the fucker back for a refund, Sony I must say, always seem to stay consistent, even with their heating, and hard drive issues right after they release of the PS3, that went on for only a few months, and they were very public about the fact they tried to get the PS3 out in time for Xmas, and maybe hadn't worked all the issues out with it, I always try to go with Microsoft, since I try to support the very few American company's still in existence, but It gets to the point you just fuck it, im going with what works, and what is better, sorry I guess im a traitor, start showing me some quality microsoft, and I'll start supporting you again.



It's funny, I never had any problems with my 360. Not one. And I think only one of my mates did. And I have to say the 360 was miles ahead of the PS3, apart from the hardware defects. The actual system, and online experience was amazing! Sony only managed to catch up in the last two years. But then Microsoft started to show their true colours. I should have seen it years ago. The Xbox 360 may arguably be the greatest console ever, but I do not see any of that in the next generation. The PS4, however, seems to be picking up where the 360 left off. Sony has built a very powerful machine centred around gaming -- not everything but gaming -- and they seem to have not only fixed their user interface, but have crafted a UI much more superior to Microsoft's. Like I said, I can not wait for the PS4, and I can not believe I feel that way. After owning a 360, I thought I would have been an Xbox fanboy for life.


What I'm trying to say is if you are currently planning on purchasing an Xbone, do your research first. The controller is a big step back from the phenomenal 360 controller, and there is so much other bullshit. I can get into it, if you care.



I already have my money saved for my PS4, I am only buying a XBox cause there always seems to be games released, and they become one console games, I admit, I am waiting it out to buy the Xbox, if I see a game come out, I absolutely gotta have, and it's only on Xbox, that will be my cue to go snatch up the Xbox, as far as what Im getting, it will be without doubt the PS4, I am waiting for pre-orders, I dont even care if it is more expensive, I gotta have one of those, and did you see the new controllers on the PS4? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! what are those, LED screens on the controllers?

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  • My Little Pony







The developers are hating the Xbone. Microsoft has been backtracking so much, and changing their specs every few weeks, devs are constantly having to reprogram. There were so few next gen games on demo at PAX because of it. Apparently the PS4 is a dream to develop for. Seriously, everything is pointing towards Sony this time around.

No that sounds correct, and was basically my point, and if any of you bought the 360 when it came out, and had to go through the complete bullshit and waste of life that was having it burn up, and having solder on the motherboard actually become so hot, it was desoldering itself and shit was popping out of the motherboard, then you know, that Microsoft rushed the 360 out way before it was ready, I WILL NOT GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN! I honestly had to send the 360 itself back twice, then the fan piece they sent me fucked up around 4 times, by the time I had finally resolved it, they had released the upgraded and correct version of the 360, I was fucking livid, but they XBOX has seemed to become a side project for Microsoft, they are in no way trying to be the innovators in gaming any longer, and that right there tells you all you need to know, I will buy them both, I will not however play the bullshit games I played that 1st year of owning my 360, I will just pack the piece of shit up, and take the fucker back for a refund, Sony I must say, always seem to stay consistent, even with their heating, and hard drive issues right after they release of the PS3, that went on for only a few months, and they were very public about the fact they tried to get the PS3 out in time for Xmas, and maybe hadn't worked all the issues out with it, I always try to go with Microsoft, since I try to support the very few American company's still in existence, but It gets to the point you just fuck it, im going with what works, and what is better, sorry I guess im a traitor, start showing me some quality microsoft, and I'll start supporting you again.

It's funny, I never had any problems with my 360. Not one. And I think only one of my mates did. And I have to say the 360 was miles ahead of the PS3, apart from the hardware defects. The actual system, and online experience was amazing! Sony only managed to catch up in the last two years. But then Microsoft started to show their true colours. I should have seen it years ago. The Xbox 360 may arguably be the greatest console ever, but I do not see any of that in the next generation. The PS4, however, seems to be picking up where the 360 left off. Sony has built a very powerful machine centred around gaming -- not everything but gaming -- and they seem to have not only fixed their user interface, but have crafted a UI much more superior to Microsoft's. Like I said, I can not wait for the PS4, and I can not believe I feel that way. After owning a 360, I thought I would have been an Xbox fanboy for life.


What I'm trying to say is if you are currently planning on purchasing an Xbone, do your research first. The controller is a big step back from the phenomenal 360 controller, and there is so much other bullshit. I can get into it, if you care.

I already have my money saved for my PS4, I am only buying a XBox cause there always seems to be games released, and they become one console games, I admit, I am waiting it out to buy the Xbox, if I see a game come out, I absolutely gotta have, and it's only on Xbox, that will be my cue to go snatch up the Xbox, as far as what Im getting, it will be without doubt the PS4, I am waiting for pre-orders, I dont even care if it is more expensive, I gotta have one of those, and did you see the new controllers on the PS4? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! what are those, LED screens on the controllers?

Cody, I've used the PS4 controller. They feel great to me. And that screen is also a button.

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  • My Little Pony

That would be funny if the Ouya ended up winning the console war.

The Ouya is complete shit. The only competition might be the Steam Machine.

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the steam machine sounds like it will be picking up any slack(s) from the other consoles...

haha,, get it,,, dry-cleaning joke,,, okay maybe not i need coffee


SNES & PS1 made up my gaming decade after high school.. by 2002 i finished up with silent hill 2.

i did get a wii, but maybe played it like 10x a year (mostly Raving Rabbids games)


some silent hill 2 metal i did

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PS4 and Xbox 1 preordered. The PS4 I will most likely keep unless it starts selling for outrageous prices on ebay like the PS3 did. I don't think they will go like that since everyone could preorder ahead of time.

I sold my PS3 on ebay for 1800.00 and paid 400.00. Turned around a few months later and bought one local for 300.00(used)

I do still have the first generation PS3 that plays all PS games including the PS1.

Having bought and sold many of the Xbox 360, IMO they were never the quality of the PS3.

I would think by now Xbox has finally figured out how to make a better system.

We shall see

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The developers are hating the Xbone. Microsoft has been backtracking so much, and changing their specs every few weeks, devs are constantly having to reprogram. There were so few next gen games on demo at PAX because of it. Apparently the PS4 is a dream to develop for. Seriously, everything is pointing towards Sony this time around.

No that sounds correct, and was basically my point, and if any of you bought the 360 when it came out, and had to go through the complete bullshit and waste of life that was having it burn up, and having solder on the motherboard actually become so hot, it was desoldering itself and shit was popping out of the motherboard, then you know, that Microsoft rushed the 360 out way before it was ready, I WILL NOT GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN! I honestly had to send the 360 itself back twice, then the fan piece they sent me fucked up around 4 times, by the time I had finally resolved it, they had released the upgraded and correct version of the 360, I was fucking livid, but they XBOX has seemed to become a side project for Microsoft, they are in no way trying to be the innovators in gaming any longer, and that right there tells you all you need to know, I will buy them both, I will not however play the bullshit games I played that 1st year of owning my 360, I will just pack the piece of shit up, and take the fucker back for a refund, Sony I must say, always seem to stay consistent, even with their heating, and hard drive issues right after they release of the PS3, that went on for only a few months, and they were very public about the fact they tried to get the PS3 out in time for Xmas, and maybe hadn't worked all the issues out with it, I always try to go with Microsoft, since I try to support the very few American company's still in existence, but It gets to the point you just fuck it, im going with what works, and what is better, sorry I guess im a traitor, start showing me some quality microsoft, and I'll start supporting you again.

It's funny, I never had any problems with my 360. Not one. And I think only one of my mates did. And I have to say the 360 was miles ahead of the PS3, apart from the hardware defects. The actual system, and online experience was amazing! Sony only managed to catch up in the last two years. But then Microsoft started to show their true colours. I should have seen it years ago. The Xbox 360 may arguably be the greatest console ever, but I do not see any of that in the next generation. The PS4, however, seems to be picking up where the 360 left off. Sony has built a very powerful machine centred around gaming -- not everything but gaming -- and they seem to have not only fixed their user interface, but have crafted a UI much more superior to Microsoft's. Like I said, I can not wait for the PS4, and I can not believe I feel that way. After owning a 360, I thought I would have been an Xbox fanboy for life.


What I'm trying to say is if you are currently planning on purchasing an Xbone, do your research first. The controller is a big step back from the phenomenal 360 controller, and there is so much other bullshit. I can get into it, if you care.

I already have my money saved for my PS4, I am only buying a XBox cause there always seems to be games released, and they become one console games, I admit, I am waiting it out to buy the Xbox, if I see a game come out, I absolutely gotta have, and it's only on Xbox, that will be my cue to go snatch up the Xbox, as far as what Im getting, it will be without doubt the PS4, I am waiting for pre-orders, I dont even care if it is more expensive, I gotta have one of those, and did you see the new controllers on the PS4? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! what are those, LED screens on the controllers?

Cody, I've used the PS4 controller. They feel great to me. And that screen is also a button.



Yeah those controllers look awesome, I can only imagine, my entire debate on this issue is personal, and probably hilarious to people on here, as I shouldn't really discuss it, but I am drunk and stoned, and I have people sitting here laughing and talking shit to me about it, so might as well let you all in on the joke, I dont want to buy a console, cause right now I am officially console free, I gave my daughter my last 360 games last week, I need to go out, and start meeting some bitches, and having a life, it seems I sit home playing video games now, for the last 10 to 11 years, I was with my daughters mom, so it was OK, now I'm single, and that's fine, but if I dont go out and get as much ass as I can while im single, I'm going to absolutely hate myself if I somehow happen to end up back in a relationship or something, basically I need to socialize, I dont do that when I am gaming, and me buying this PS4 will be the nail in the coffin until at least next July, but it's like drugs, I know I shouldn't buy the PS4, and common sense tells me not to, but its just sitting in my mind festering, building up, and theres 3 guys sitting here making bets on how long I'll hold out, I might just get with one of them, and fix the bet, so he can run the bets up, and split it with me, when I make him the winner, fuck I really really want that PS4, so bad, I fucking hate this shit.

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  • My Little Pony
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  • My Little Pony

If looking pretty is important to you: http://i.minus.com/ib0gOrDzD8ScKG.gif


More comparisons here:


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Sony has been pretty quite about the mandatory $50 for online membership for the PS4.

How have they been quiet? They have constantly said from the off that this time round that Playstation Plus membership will be necessary if you want to play online, with the exception being some free to play online games can off online for free if they choose to do so (my guess there is they are talking about games similar to DUST and DCU online which are free games that you can buy things for online if you choose).

On the PS3 PS+ has been optional since its launch as it was not required to play online. Microsoft on the other hand made sure you had to pay for online from day one of the machine, so its just a case of moving in line with that.

The other thing to consider with PS+ is that you get so much more for your money that Live.


So far, and this is only because PS+ offered free games as part of its membership, Live offers you 2 free games a month as my understanding (someone correct me if I am wrong), one of which that is available for the first two weeks of the month, then its removed and is replaced by the second game for the last two weeks.

Sony though offer several games that are available for the full year, about 4-6 new titles that change monthly, and on top of that a whole selection of extra free games if you also own a PS Vita.

My PS3 has something near to 30 free games downloaded to it and I have not even been a PS+ member for a year yet. Well worth the £30 a year I paid (normally £40 but they often do deals).


The only shame is that the PS+ members who were already members before the PS4 launch were supposed to get Drive club at launch for free, but thats now been delayed until next year.


All that said, if online gaming is not your thing, then you dont have to pay it .. simple. You will still be able to use the online browser and use Netflix etc without paying for PS+.

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  • My Little Pony

You will still be able to use the online browser and use Netflix etc without paying for PS+.

Which I believe you need an Xbox Live Gold membership to use on Xbone.

And let's not forget all the fecking ads on Xbox Live. I couldn't believe that. I'm paying $60 a year, and you're still gonna throw ads at me?

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You will still be able to use the online browser and use Netflix etc without paying for PS+.

Which I believe you need an Xbox Live Gold membership to use on Xbone.

And let's not forget all the fecking ads on Xbox Live. I couldn't believe that. I'm paying $60 a year, and you're still gonna throw ads at me?


Sorry to get off topic here, but I believe it's the same point behind it, cause paying for Xcocks Live and having to sit thru their bullshit fucking infinite ads, is much the same way I feel about the infinite mother fucking commercials I still have to sit through when I pay $700 a month for Direct TV, or anything other then terrestrial television, I sincerely want to see that cunt from the Progressive commercials on a Faces Of Death video, I WILL NEVER USE THAT AUTO INSURANCE AS LONG AS I LIVE CAUSE OF HER, I dont know how it could possibly increase sales, theres nothing witty about her, theres nothing funny about her, she's fucking F.U.B.AR., butt ugly and unfunny, but I guess that is whats funny to the majority of Americans, untalented is the new talented, sorry to rant about that hideous whore, but it seems they show those fucking commercials 3 times to every 1 of any other commercials, which I shouldn't have to watch anyways, because I pay for TV, and yes before anyone axes, I signed up for DirectTV's Titanium Package, when I came into a chunk of money last year, the contracts up next month, as I surely can't afford to continue paying the seven hundred + a month any longer, it has been fucking awesome though, if anybody has a large sum of money laying around, you should give it a try, at least for a month, it is every single thing DirectTV offers, unlocked, every PPV, every Porn channel, every movie and sports channel, basically it is what you used to get when you could burn your own S.M.A.R.T. Card for Direct TV, it's going to be hard getting used to the good old basic channels again, but if your paying any large amount of money for a service, it should be illegal to display advertising on it, because advertising is simply the way stations and such fund free services to the public, when you pay for your own subscription, there are no need for those ad's any longer, so why is Microsoft still running ads? Live has never been free, it is required to play any kind of substantial online gaming. it's a bloody racket, another great reason I will have NO! problem departing from Microsoft to game, thanks Nolen, I hadnt even thought about that.

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