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WIGELIUS - Reinventions

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I don't know what else to say. Awesome sounding AOR, there I said more, I'll say a bit more....H.E.A.T. might have some competition for the best AOR/Melodic Rock release this year....might!


Sounds like a mix of Vega, W.E.T., H.E.A.T. and lots of Work Of Art...yup, it sounds that good.


Go check them out on Melodicrock.com on the frontpage today. The samples are great!


Sweden rules!!! Also the disc is mastered by Harry Hess.


Something to look foward to...I'm stoked!


Here is a youtube clip of the samples



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Yeah those samples are good....not mind blowing, but good enough to investigate further when its released. Didnt the singer win some talent show, like Gronwall??

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Really? Fourth post and no one has said WHAT THE F*CK?! What is the name? That is ridiculous. Are they serious? Was it intentional plan to have the worst, most stupid band name ever? :lol:


Now that's out of the way. Very nice. First song sounds exactly like WOA in the chorus, but the verses are KILLER. Nice riffage. Second song is pretty perfect sounding AOR, as does the 3rd song. If I could pre-order it I would this immediate second. Love it.

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This sounds very promising and obviously the target market (add band names to the above list )it is aimed at will be pretty interested in it. Wait for the hype to start (again), before people start claiming this is the second coming (again) on the strength of a few clips (again). I notice I keep saying 'Again' alot!! ;)

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Angels sent from the heavens to please the ears. :whistle:



Not really. Seems too 'Step 1, 2, 3, 4...'... I just better stay away from AOR.


... although they should change their name to W.I.G.E.L.I.U.S. to fit in better.

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  • My Little Pony

Really? Fourth post and no one has said WHAT THE F*CK?! What is the name? That is ridiculous. Are they serious? Was it intentional plan to have the worst, most stupid band name ever? :lol:


...Love it.


I just got here, otherwise I would have said the same thing. To be honest, I saw the post and thought, "what the WTF? Wiggle us?" And moved right along. I'll have to check the samples once I get home.

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  • My Little Pony

Okay, so it's the kid's name. Anders Wigelius.


But seriously, who's idea was it to name the group after him? I understand it'll help people identify the band, if they actually know who he is, but the rest of us don't know him and don't know how to pronounce his name.

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  • My Little Pony

Now that is a sucky band name.

How is that even pronounced?


Wiggle us? I dunno. Might as well be.

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It's an odd name, however I could name a bunch of popular bands with odd names, it never stopped the music from being good.


Toto?!?! People must have laughed when they first heard that one, must have been hard to take them seriously.

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  • 1 month later...

Here are some more samples of the entire upcoming release. From the samples I can hear some great tracks, especially the 3 I'm already familiar with. However I do hear some potential fillers and the vocals seem need a little more energy and sharpness. But I'll still give this one a real chance when it does indeed come out.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Very nice, sounds like a winner to me, could be another 90%-ers, but can't judge anything before i listen to the whole album smile.gif


As I predicted earlier, this is definitely a winner, really love this album !

So many flawless tracks here and yes, very much like WORK OF ART but at some point, the guitar has a heavier edge, perhaps more melodic rock than WOA but quite similar, so everybody who's praising WOA must buy this one for sure.


Tracks that perhaps should be either in the 9.5/10 or even 10/10 are 'Talkin' About Love', 'Do You Really Know', 'Next To Me', 'Too Young To Fall In Love', 'Love Can Be That Much', and 'Hold On To Love', and only 'Piece of The Action' and 'Right Here, Right Now' that only valued around 8 or 8.5.


Could be a 95% overall, wow

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Just a few more thoughts.


'Angeline' might as well be called 'Emelie'......I mean that is scarily close....almost a rip off I'd say.


'Next To Me' might as well be called 'Bring The Stars'....another one just too close for comfort.


Having said that I do really like the first 5 songs (even if 'My Cassandra' is a shit title - just reminds me of Only Fools and Horses!)


'Too Young To Fall In Love' is a gem sandwiched between two average rockers.


'There is no Me Without You' just makes me cringe.....probably the cheesiest song Ive heard on a long time.


Ends with a gem in 'I Reach Out'...love that one....again VERY WoA.


So a bit hit and miss on the second half, and a few couple of copycat numbers.


Good AOR though and will probably pan out around 80-85% for me.

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Wow... at times this just completely blew my mind. Spun it twice in a row today and feel like I already got a good feel for it.


I agree with a lot of what Glen says. The first 5 songs are absolute magic. I also agree that although both songs are truly excellent, 'Angeline' is a dead ringer for a WOA song and 'Next to me' has the same chorus as 'Bring the Stars.' But both songs are so good I don't really care.


My eyes actually literally welled up when listening to 'Talking About Love' because of how good that song is. Just perfection. 'Piece Of The Action' is a bad move. It's a solid hard rock song, but doesn't fit with the rest of the album at all. Lyrically it's a MASSIVE sore thumb and as much as it's a cool rocker, I think the disc would have been better off without it.


'Too Young To Fall In Love' is an odd one. For the most part it is utterly flawless melodic hard rock. However, I must say this. The musical passage at the end of the chorus?! WTF? It's seriously dreadful. Don't get me wrong, not even a bullet in the head could ruin this song for me, but man I think they made a horrible choice with the musical end to this chorus. And why they didn't just rhyme 'unheard' with something like 'with her' to make that chorus to verse/solo transition smoother is a weird choice, as most other choices on this CD are excellent.


One other small issue I had was rhyming 'you' with 'you' in the chorus to 'No me without you.' I actually love the song, but that's a lazy rhyme and they could have made that smarter.


Anyway, they're my minor issues. To put it in perspective, they probably take about 3-5% off what is otherwise close to a flawless CD. 'Hold on to love' is a KILLER melodic rocker and I love the closer. 'Love Can Be That Much' is a real good acoustic ballad and whilst I agree with Glen that 'Right Here, Right Now' isn't amazing, and for me it is probably the 2nd weakest song on the CD... but it's still a cool rocker.


Overall, I have to say this did totally blow my mind. Amazingly better than I expected and I think this is without doubt one of the absolute must buy CDs of the year. Oh, and I hope this isn't ignored by rock fans as an AOR disc, because this has balls. No AOR here... just ballsy melodic hard rock on display here. Highly recommended.

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Very cool video:




So exciting to see a new young band writing all their material and it sounds like this. What an exciting prospect!!!

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I thought this was to be the next Work Of Art...close but by no means as good. This is a solid release, not as killer as I was dreaming but still one of the best AOR releases of 2012.


My track by track review


1. Angeline - Awesome track even if the chorus is a carbon copy of WOA's 'Emilie'. 9/10

2. Talking About Love - Fantastic track, a bit short but no filler to be found. 9/10

3. Do You Really Know - Another WOA moment fantastic 9/10

4. Next To Me - Yep really similar to H.E.A.T's Bring The Stars but still awesome 9/10

5. My Cassandra - Great song, just the words My Cassandra don't sound natural to sing 8.5/10

6. Piece Of The Action - Good, not great 7/10

7. Too Young To Fall In Love - Great track, one of the release's best 9/10

8. Right Here, Right Now - Love the guitar shred intro...the rest is OK 7.5/10

9, Love Can Be That Much - A ballad, solid and cheesy 7.5/10

10. Hold On To Love - The best track on the release 9.5/10

11. There Is No Me Without You - From the best to the worst, what a dreadful boy band ballad, painful...skip!! I've actually listened to this one more often just because I can't believe it. 2/10

12. Reach Out - Ah! redemption after that turd of a track, a great closer 9/10

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hm number 11 sounds like a 9/10 to me, a nice key-driven ballad :D


Nooo that ballad is just cringeworthy. Almost embarrassing. 2/10 might be a bit harsh but it's a 5 or 6 at best. Agreed tho on the best tracks & all in the 9-9.5 territory. Overall a great Album

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hm number 11 sounds like a 9/10 to me, a nice key-driven ballad :D


Nooo that ballad is just cringeworthy. Almost embarrassing. 2/10 might be a bit harsh but it's a 5 or 6 at best. Agreed tho on the best tracks & all in the 9-9.5 territory. Overall a great Album


Haha, I don't mind it either. It has a variety of good vocal hooks within and it'd rate pretty well with me. Like I said above, the only thing that annoys me about it is the 'you' and 'you' rhyme.


I agree it's crazy sappy and cheesy... it literally makes 'I've got you' by BBABH look like an angry metal ballad.

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