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Butch Walker And The Black Widows - 'The Spade'


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I know he's been a bit of a disappointment with recent releases, but I happened pass a review of this the other day and it sounds like it might be worth checking out. Not to say it sounded brilliant, but it sounds like there might be a bit more of interest on it. I'll give it a go, at very least.



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Yeah, the solo stuff is all good to varying degrees. Definitely weaker as time goes on, but the debut with the Black Widdows is one disc I've not picked up yet. Don't think I ever will, either. Hoping this is a little more to be excited about.

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Give me Southgang or Marvelous 3 or I'm not interested.

I agree, Southgang sounds good to me!

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It's obvious he's lost many from the SG and M3 crowds, by and large, but I'd really hate to see him lose the die-hards, too. I've loved everything the guy's put out.... until the last one. That one hasn't grown on me yet and I'm doubting it will. (That said, I hated These Days when it came out and now it's my favorite Jovi album.) (Aside: I hope he's not going for the little hipsters that he's been drawing in, pardon the pun, spades at his shows for the past.... too many... years. I saw a girl at Trader Joe's last weekend at the checkout and she had on a Butch/Black Widows shirt. I talked to her about it for a bit, but you could tell she's younger. Wasn't quite a hipster, but much more so than I would be. Maybe it's a time for the changing of the guard. :( )


I'm crossing my fingers for the Spade, but if this is the disappointment I'm hoping against, he may end up becoming a "live-only" artist.


It doesn't say much that I haven't pre-ordered(and have no desire to)the album. I can remember the anticipation for Letters and all the time and effort I put in to get that thing noticed. Boy has a lot changed in 8 years.

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I get the feeling that Butch knows there is much more money to be made in writing and producing for other artists, and his own recordings are now more of a hobby to him than a career, hence his music is aimed more at pleasing himself than his fans.

That said, the last album I picked up by him was the Lets go out tonights one, and I really liked it.

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I get the feeling that Butch knows there is much more money to be made in writing and producing for other artists, and his own recordings are now more of a hobby to him than a career, hence his music is aimed more at pleasing himself than his fans.

That said, the last album I picked up by him was the Lets go out tonights one, and I really liked it.



You should love his other albums then because I thought that one was awful. Check Out Left Of Self Centered...the Japanese version has a bonus track with a Queen medley which is awesome!!!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Anyone pick this up yet? Any opinions?


I can't remember the last time I raced to get a Butch release and had a hard time waiting for it. The Spade has been out for 3 weeks now and I haven't even tried. And that makes HSF a sad panda. stock-vector-panda-bear-vector-illustration-55789090.jpg

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Anyone pick this up yet? Any opinions?


I can't remember the last time I raced to get a Butch release and had a hard time waiting for it. The Spade has been out for 3 weeks now and I haven't even tried. And that makes HSF a sad panda. stock-vector-panda-bear-vector-illustration-55789090.jpg

I seriously didn't know where to look - your avatar or your signature. Two loads of jism and 20 minutes later I noticed you typed something too.


Sad to say, same here, mate. Haven't even got around to checking it out. And that makes me a sad polar bear.knut_berlin_polar_bear.jpg

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I get the feeling that Butch knows there is much more money to be made in writing and producing for other artists, and his own recordings are now more of a hobby to him than a career, hence his music is aimed more at pleasing himself than his fans.

That said, the last album I picked up by him was the Lets go out tonights one, and I really liked it.



You should love his other albums then because I thought that one was awful. Check Out Left Of Self Centered...the Japanese version has a bonus track with a Queen medley which is awesome!!!!

I have quite a few of his, including LOSC, but just the standard version. Funnily though I do have the Jap version of the Lets go out CD, and it has a great cover of Live & let die on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Doods, I hate to say it, though we all feared it... but this is shithouse. Just listening to it at work now and I can say without a doubt that there is not a chance in a million years I would listen to a piece of shit like this if it wasn't Butch Walker. Only for what he's done for us in the past. But this new album is utter garbage.


If you're a blind loyalist, you might be able to find something salvagable in a lyric or two, but you'd really, really have to take a leap. I just can't express how little this type of mellow, lazy, chilled, relaxing shitty music appeals to me.


Yeah, sorry guys, it's just dreadful. It took me a long time to bother... I suggest you take even longer. ;)

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What a dirty rotten shame. But, it seems it is just a plain fact that Butch has sold his rock-rooted soul on his way through singer-songwriter land on his way to hipster assholery. (Understand, that's said with as much respect as I can muster.) But after that shitstain of a record he last released, I was starting to lose faith and this seems to confirm it.


That said, I will try to find it to take a listen, but I fear that my opinion won't be too different than Geoff's. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I'm afraid I won't.


If you want a sign of how bad it is, he's actually playing 2 shows in the area later this month. I don't have tickets to either and, unless it's a spur of the moment decision, won't go to either show. My disposable income is much lower now and my tastes have gravitated and as little as I spend on music these days, I'm not sure there's much of any room left for Butch stuff. (I know he won't play all the new album and ignore his back catalog and he always chooses great (rockin) covers, but I have this hope that noticing a few concert dollars missing from here and there might get his attention. Then again, I'm sure there are enough hipster college kids that are willing to nuzzle his nether regions and cough up their dough that he won't even notice lil' ol' me.)

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I didn't like all that mellow solo crap from Butch so I'm sure I won't like this.


Why did he turn his back on his rock 'n' roll roots? Southgang and Marvelous 3 were brilliant. All his other shit is just that.... shit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It gets tiresome to see established fans throw around the word "hipster" when talking about new/younger fans...makes us all sound like bitter old washouts.


Butch has never put out a bad record...period. He doesn't repeat himself and is constantly moving forward...nothing wrong with that. I like some of his output more than others, but IMO he's incapable of putting out "bad" material.

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It gets tiresome to see established fans throw around the word "hipster" when talking about new/younger fans...makes us all sound like bitter old washouts.


Butch has never put out a bad record...period. He doesn't repeat himself and is constantly moving forward...nothing wrong with that. I like some of his output more than others, but IMO he's incapable of putting out "bad" material.


Then go right ahead and enjoy his CD and going to his shows. My money is reserved for something more important to me; something I enjoy. No one, at least on this board, has done more to further the efforts of Butch appreciation as me. I was an unapologetic Butch Walker promoter. To the cost of hundreds of dollars and a few hours of my time, but it was a cost I didn't mind undertaking at all. So, if anyone gets a word about Butch, his musical efforts, and the minions of fans (and I don't think ANYONE needs to qualify to make a comment/share their opinion), it's me.


I'm sorry to see that you didn't like me using "hipster". But I'm glad to see since you don't like the word, you felt that "calling" those of us that use it, or all old fans in general, "bitter old washouts" was a good move.


To me it has nothing to do with the "hipster" label, per se, but how these younger fans act. I remember the day where, at a Butch show that was still rocking, but had plenty of softer moments, that when he asked us to be quiet while he tried out a new song, or when he just went to the keyboard, you could hear a fucking pin drop because fans knew that was the "protocol" and showed Butch some respect. Nowadays, when he hits the piano, you can't hear yourself think, let alone Butch's voice, dripping with emotion, as he sings an incredible ballad. Matter of fact, I think he knows this because the last few years, I don't feel that in his songs. Whether my emotion toward the audience is coloring my perception of what I hear or whether HIS perception of it is coloring his performance, for ME, it's not what it once was. So yeah, to me, it's "hipster" kids enjoying the "scene". Show some fucking respect! I could care less to hear the people who say "It's a CONCERT! You're supposed to go and have fun!". I see that, but when Butch is singing a ballad or somber song and some young bitch yells out "I LOOOOOOOOooooooVE YOU BUTCH!", aside from the look you see on his face, all of us older (both in age and length of fandom) fans get pissed.


Somehow, without ever hearing someone say a word, you just got in there, saw what was happening, and fell into line during "quiet" time. I've taken/introduced probably 10-15 people to Butch shows over the years and not a one of them did that. None of the friends I've ever made traveling the country seeing Butch have ever acted like that. There was a "core" of fans that were very close because of not only being Butch fans, but bonding over the experience of being at a Butch show. To me (and many of us), it's not an "experience" any more, but just a show.


So again, I'm sorry my "hipster" makes me appear to you (or all the youngins that go to the show) like a bitter old washout, but A) I really don't care, B) when what I had is taken away (whether this experience or anything else in life), you damn well can bet I'm bitter about it. If you're bigger than that, kudos my friend.


As far as never putting out a bad record, if that's the case to you, that's great. But many of us who have enjoyed his solo output (and were fans back from in the Southgang days, through M3, and into solo) started getting a bit disenfranchised a few years ago, either with just one song on the overall album or a couple, but now it's reached album-wide proportions for us. If I get the chance to find The Spade used or find a stream, like I said before, I'll gladly listen and hope to be proven wrong. But I'm not plopping down $12-15 to see if he 180-ed from I Liked It Better When You Had No Heart.

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I did not say "you are"...I said "makes us sound like"...take it easy.


Yes, Dad. rolleyesold.gif


I will do nothing of the sort. 1) I don't have to listen to you, 2) I still bristle at the comment. My comment is not meant to stand for anyone other than me, so that whole "makes us" thing is a bunch of bunk. Secondly, I'm not saying these new fans are all idiots but generalizing the change in environment (that happens to coincide with Butch's albums slowly deteriorating track lists, or vice versa). I felt I explained my view point very clearly.


If that wasn't a good rebuttal of your comment, which I felt tried to completely invalidate not only my post, but all those who aren't as impressed with Butch's last few albums, then I'm not sure what to do... or why I would care. Definitely not taking your dismissive attitude with the second post, though. Butch is always a musician I will feel passionately about, even if I feel he's off the mark lately, and I will always react as such.


Last I checked, the forum (any forum) is about a discussion on whatever topics that forum covers; a discussion from the POV of different people. There are no "political" affiliations here; each person doesn't have to share any particular viewpoint. If you can't handle a give and take on the subject, you're more than welcome to put my posts, or the posts of those who don't share the same views, on ignore.

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I was just offering my view on the use of the term hipster then offering my opinion on Butch's music...you're the one who got all "bristled"...your problem, not mine.


I apologize for my bristling. Go ahead and object to my language all you want (even use it to make a sweeping generalization to people beyond me). I won't bristle anymore.


(But I'm still right. :crazy: )

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Cute little tif gentlemen...


I am going to agree with you Jay. And the use of "hipster" was a lot better than what I would call the mindless masses that flock/herd themselves aimlessly to the nearest band wagon/trend and jump on it or the line to nowhere to stand in just because. MOO!


Butch is a talented SOB, no doubt, but the last handful of releases have truly blown dog. Would I still consider myself a fan sure. Would I pick up the latest release(s)for a buck or 2 sure, would I rather he released more "Left Of Self Centered" styled material of course!


It's kind of like Elton John or Paul McCartney. Sure these guys are amazing talents, but over the last decade can you name an album or tune they've released? Me neither and I know they keep churning stuff out...

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Two things:


1. If anyone says that Butch has never recorded a bad CD, I'm going to need to see photgraphic proof that this person has heard the two Black Heart Face Jade Spade CDs, because as a die-hard Butch fan for many years - they are utter dogshit. No question about it, imo.


2. More importantly. Jay, who on earth is that angelcake in your avatar and signature and why isn't she in my basement at home in chains?

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