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Interesting argument I got into

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Kind of dumb, but arent they all, can ANYONE!! on here honestly say they DO NOT!! LIKE The Talking Heads? it's one of those bands that you generally don't find anyone that doesn't like them, now when you stop and put that into perspective, that's a pretty big fucking achievement, I mean Geoff will probably throw a curve ball in to fuck this one off, but all in all its pretty universal, they are a killer bunch of musicians, and even where most people arent huge fans, almost everyone i ever talk to likes them, i myself am not a huge fan, i like them, i really dig a couple of songs, i get irritated by them if i listen to them for a long period of time, but cant really think of anything i dislike about them, anybody else think of a band like this?

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Talking Heads have one song I like, but I cant stand the band.

I'm sure there are lots of people that dont like them as well, and in fact I reckon I'd be hard pushed to find a handful of my friends who would say they liked them.

There isnt one single band in this world that everybody likes.

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yes there is! dont even go there, i'll fuck you up! be fucking with my Michael Bolton! thats what i thought, so you mean theres only one musician in the world that everybody loves, see but in all seriousness, thats where i stand to, you like one song from the talking heads, i like a few, i havent found anyone who just out and out hates them, thats what im tripping on!

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Theres people that hates them, no doubt. And in fact, hating a band doesnt mean that occasionally they dont produce a song or two you like.

Theres bands out there that I despise with a passion, and then they go out and produce a song that I like. Doesnt mean I dont still hate them and the rest of their catalogue.

Also to be considered is that I really hate Hendrix and The Doors. Cant even bare listening to them because of the way they sing or play (I dont care what anyone says, I cant stand Hendrix's guitar style), but I often really like their songs when played by other artists.


I can honestly say of all the Talking Heads songs I have ever heard, only one (or maybe two) has ever been any good for me, and even they arent songs I play much (not even sure I have them on my PC and MP3 player).

I dont really hate Talking Heads, but I dont really like them either.

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I can honestly say that I don't like the Talking Heads. I find 'em irritating as hell. Pretentious crap.

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I can't even think of any songs by them.



MOST...irritating song....EVER.








You're welcome.


I suppose in their own weird way they're a talented bunch but they've always had this "we're way too smart for you" vibe that I found annoying.

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I never got into them at all and remember all of those old videos getting played in MTVs early days but I just didn't care for them. I know they were loved by many and that's okay but I wasnt' one of them.

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Just looking at the chart placings throughout the world for both their albums and singles, they really dont seem they were that popular.

Seems they had more of a niche fanbase than many bands, so I stand by my comment that they are not as well liked as seems suggested.

Also, looking at their singles, I can see about 4 or 5 songs I know by them, and none of them are that great for me. Songs I tolerate rather than like or dislike.

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Just looking at the chart placings throughout the world for both their albums and singles, they really dont seem they were that popular.

Seems they had more of a niche fanbase than many bands, so I stand by my comment that they are not as well liked as seems suggested.

Also, looking at their singles, I can see about 4 or 5 songs I know by them, and none of them are that great for me. Songs I tolerate rather than like or dislike.


In the US in the late 70's and early 80's they were that band that were big in the College/Alternative/Punk scene and I guess you were cool if you liked them(from what I've read at least as their a little before my time) but as far as mainstream goes they were'nt very popular. I remember in Lonn Friends book about the RIP magazing days he talked about how much he loved that band when he was first in college and coming out of college. I guess they had that diehard fanbase early on the same way that bands like U2 and REM did but the difference being both of those bands went on to world domination and I guess the Talking Heads didn't.

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I don't mean trendy, i actually heard of them from my ex step dad, who is about as talented a musician as anyone i know, his liking are Zappa's band, Stuart Hamm, that kind of shit, i laughed when he told me about them to, cause I thought of burning down the house, but he told me how good they are live, so i listened to their live album, seems he was correct, their stood my new found outlook on Talking Heads, check out their live CD, it's a monster and id die to see them live, outside of that, i was just speaking in general, if any of you are like me and just think of their shitty pop top 40 hits, they have a whole another layer to them then that, check it out sometime!

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I don't know any of their songs either. If I get a second to myself in the office I'll play one of those singles Keef posted, but yeah, otherwise, is there a song I should know? I am 99% sure I've heard their name on the radio before, so I'm sure I've heard and disliked them sometime... at least once. ;)

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I don't know any of their songs either. If I get a second to myself in the office I'll play one of those singles Keef posted, but yeah, otherwise, is there a song I should know? I am 99% sure I've heard their name on the radio before, so I'm sure I've heard and disliked them sometime... at least once. ;)

You wouldve heard them...



one of the most annoying bands ever.

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I like a few songs but they were just weird. But that being said, they are supremely talented. David Byrne IMO is one of the most underrated minds in music. When they were on, they were ON. But when they were weird, they were just not as good. Lot of hit and miss.

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I don't know any of their songs either. If I get a second to myself in the office I'll play one of those singles Keef posted, but yeah, otherwise, is there a song I should know? I am 99% sure I've heard their name on the radio before, so I'm sure I've heard and disliked them sometime... at least once. ;)


Geoff, I know youve heard burning down the house, and probably Wild wild life, you guys know who they remind me of on songs like Swamp, and Making Flippy Floppy? they remind me of the Tubes, musically, but hey, weren't the tubes weird? ok!

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