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I'm going to be fucking ill


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Watching the video debut on NBC of the remake of "We Are the World" and they turned into a fucking rap song (and I use the word "song" loosely).


It's horrific.


My ears may never be the same.



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Somebody's over-warbling "O Canada" right now... they shoulda gotten VoiVod to perform it, that woulda been a trip :lol:

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Well the original wasn't a bad tune as far as 80s pop went (of course the style of the song was all the rage then, and I was a shitload younger), and I hadn't heard anything about a remake, so this came as a Godawful surprise.





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Our music teacher in 7th or 8th grade made us sing this one in front the parents as part of "chorus" class for the Christmas concert.

I recall one of the parents sat up front making his boy (who was up on stage with all of us) laugh by making funny faces at him.

That got the rest of us laughing and of course all that practice and prep went down the drain as the song sounded like shit. Our teacher was pissed....and that's an understatement. The dude was a farmer when not a teacher and he was one of those guys that splashed Old Spice over the top of the barn smell and got the saliva in the corner of his mouth and spit would fly when he was pissed and yelling at you. We all had to take showers after his tirade. Good times.


And thanks for bringing back those painful memories Dan. Geesh.

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I agree with Dan!! that remake was F*ucking stupid horrible! biggest 'puke factor' for me was that damn electronic voice crap thing like the superbowl commercial made fun of!! That fake digital voice crap sucked my ass back when Cher did it, and sucks even more today and will double that suck value tomorrow! if ya cant hit the note with your real voice, you prove how sucky you really are when you use that shit!

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I have not heard it yet, which going by the posts, is obviously a good thing and a bonus for me :whistle:

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I haven't heard either in full, but seen enough of both to know my hatred for them runs beyond the deepest parts of my underlying hatred for them.


I don't understand why they didn't just use Britny Fox's 'Save the weak'?

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The original was shit. Personally I'd much prefer people to just donate money rather then encourage all of these f**king awful 'charity' songs :2up:





I was curious as to what the new version would sound like but I just remembered I don't really care cuz it's a horrible song to start with... :puke:

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  • 4 months later...

I always said that if these "stars" truly wanted to help, then donate some money, not your "talent" and leave the money up to those who buy the song. I think that is always the rip off...Don't sing on a fuckin' telethon and then answer a few calls. Open your checkbook, twit!!

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