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Eagles sign Michael Vick


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Wow. Who saw THAT coming? They kept that under wraps.


As an Eagles fan, I'm of two minds - what he did was despicable, and he IS a scumbag, yet the league is full of scumbages. (if Leonard Little and Donte Stallworth can play football after killing a human being, why can't Vick?)


Dirt cheap pickup.


1.6 million for this season, and NO guaranteed money.

5.0 million for next season, Eagles option.


McNabb has always been a vocal Vick supporter; they go way back together. I'm guessing this won't rub him the wrong way. Vick isn't being picked up to replace McNabb, but to supplement him in the Wildcat and other offensive situations. Could do all sorts of cool things split out as a WR or RB; all manner of screen options.


Regardless, it's going to be an interesting season...


Just remember, PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals. ;)

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I didn't see this coming at all as I was hearing Seattle quite a bit since Hasselback is old and injury prone but I guess this just gives the Eagles another option. Of course this could also backfire with the media going non stop about replace McNabb with Vick talk if McNabb struggles at anytime during the season.


I also believe he deserves a second chance and yes I'm a dog lover but he didn't kill a human and he was made an example out of and IMO they really over did it on his sentence. Little and Stallworth both kill PEOPLE not dogs and do hardly any time at all. Our Justice system is fucked.

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Yes, but while Stallworth accidentally killed someone (not saying it's okay, just wasn't done purposely), Vick INTENTIONALLY hanged dogs from trees, electrocuted them with jumper cables, held them underwater until they drowned and bodyslammed them to concrete repeatedly until they died from blunt force trauma. This is disgusting. It took effort on his part and wasn't accidentally done by any means.


I don't know what this Little guy did ...

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Yes, but while Stallworth accidentally killed someone (not saying it's okay, just wasn't done purposely), Vick INTENTIONALLY hanged dogs from trees, electrocuted them with jumper cables, held them underwater until they drowned and bodyslammed them to concrete repeatedly until they died from blunt force trauma. This is disgusting. It took effort on his part and wasn't accidentally done by any means.


I don't know what this Little guy did ...


I see your point but I'm still suprised tha Stallworth didn't get at least a year or two.


Little was drunk and killed a couple of people while driving kind of like Vince Neil and got off easy.

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>> I see your point but I'm still suprised tha Stallworth didn't get at least a year or two.


Little was drunk and killed a couple of people while driving kind of like Vince Neil and got off easy. <<


Yeah, what both of those guys did is ridiculous and the "punishment" the Stallworth guy got is nowhere near what he should have gotten - and now he's free to go to training. I'm not disagreeing with you, trust me.


The point I was making was that even though those two made STUPID decisions to get a car and drive while drunk, they didn't hit their victims, back up, hit them again, etc., etc., etc - which would ALMOST be the equivalent of taking a dog to a fight, watch it get half it's face ripped off, lose said fight and then take that dog and throw it repeatedly on a concrete floor until it died. That's just intentional brutality towards an animal who, most likely, can no longer defend itself. If any child did that or drowned or electrocuted a dog their parents would be told they have a future mass murderer on their hands. What do those actions say about an adult?? (And no, not directed at you, just "thinking out loud")

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To say nothing of the son of a bitch's honorable trait of taking family pets, duct-taping their mouth shut, and then tossing them into a ring with a trained killer pitbull as a "training exercise". And to further show how much of a scumbag the bastard is, he'd laugh as the defenseless pets were torn to shreds amidst their terror. And he deserves a second chance for what reason again? Any asshole, who exhibits that type of barbaric behavior does NOT deserve any chance at all. Sorry, but anyone overlooking that prick's actions simply because he can throw a football is really overlooking the big picture here. He would STILL be involved in dog-fighting and its horrific aura if he hadn't been caught - plain and simple. His only remorse is that he got caught, and one has to be a blithering fool to believe he has actually repented and feels genuine remorse for the deaths and suffering of the animals he brutally killed. I sincerely hope all the animal-loving defensive linemen, linebackers, and backs take full advantage of the situation when he's in the cross-hairs - and that includes all the dirty tricks they can inflict upon him during pile-ups. Sic 'im, boys! Would I sacrifice 15 yards to subject his larynx to all the elbow pressure I could muster under that scrum? You betcha. Do I hope he crawls off the field with his balls squashed by someone in the pile? Bingo - you win the prize. His actions were DELIBERATE, and he deserves all the venom his detractors can sling his way. I don't give a shit if "he did his time", which is an overused cliche grabbed onto all too easily these days. He is a scumbag; he has always been a scumbag; and he will always be a scumbag. If I never see that jerky smirk pasted across his mug again, it will be too soon. Post pro-Vick rebuttals all you like, but I will not budge in my assessment of him. He is one of the few people in the world of whom I can say I literally hate their guts. Welcome back, Prick - the only cheering I'll do is for your deserved pain and suffering whenever it happens. You reap what you sow, subhuman.

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Well the precedent for any professional sports league has already been set. If you can help a team win they will always let you back. So I can't complain about him being playing in the NFL again. My thing is that I think he should still be in prison. Everyone knows there was probably more going on with his "operation" than just dog fighting. There is so much more illegal activity that goes on around that kind of stuff.

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Just when I was starting to NOT hate the Eagles (my ex-girlfriend is from there and they had TO which is an automatic strike against any team) they sign this nutsack. I'm glad he's back in the league and I hope he plays plenty so he can get the life knocked out of him. Did I mention I'm a Falcons fan?

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Oh how so quick a sporting hero can be forgiven all because he is good at a sport and could help them win a game......Don't worry that he is a low life mutha fuckin' prick of the highest order......

What a great advertisment for the game......Maybe he could organise to get some video footage shown on the big screen at half time of his dogs doing some of their best work on family pets....

How in the fuck can the NFL or whatever they call themselves, allow this fuckin piece of maggot shit to play again....

As Axelinger stated, no one wants to hear "He did his time", he is just a fuckin' c :censored: t that got caught and all this bullshit about being sorry and showing genuine remorse......fuck off.....If the fuckin' piece of shit had not been caught, the fuckin' prick would still be doing it !!!!!

Chuck that fuckin' arsehole in a pit with some of those fuckin' dogs and see how he fuckin' likes it.....

Fuckin' pathetic that this c :censored: t is allowed to play again :soapbox:

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Man, FUCK!!! the fucking fucken fucks, the fucken Eagles literally lost me $100!!! I was so positive the only team that would even consider taking this waste of black skin, would be the Raiders, that I bet my brother $100!!! Fuck im fucking mad!!!

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The term, “he’s done his time” is really only a variation on a term spoken for the first time many years ago. The original version was, “I’VE done MY time,” and was spoken by a criminal. How fitting that the phrase uttered so casually by those defending the criminal element today was coined by one of those criminals many self-proclaimed free-thinking individuals rush to defend from the scorn of heinous society. “I’ve done my time” is the mantra of convicted felons one and all – especially the habitual criminal, who loves nothing better than to have anyone back his self-perceived right to return to criminal ways free of scrutiny by those, who would attempt to negate his endeavors. “I’ve done my time” is expected to be treated as some kind of magic words, which roughly translate into, “leave me alone to do as I please”, which in many instances, could also be accompanied by such phrases as, “while I hatch a plan to knock off another liquor store”, or “so I can stalk my next victim in peace.”


And this derivative term of, “he’s done his time” is often accompanied by, “EVERYONE deserves a second chance”, which again is merely a variation on another phrase first spoken by a criminal of yesteryear, and parroted by those possessing self-perceived righteousness today. “I deserve a second chance” is a phrase designed by those who have failed as a means to sway those easily fooled by false logic that can be twisted to pertain to their own situation. “YOU’D want a second chance if YOU messed up,” is the inference put forth by the criminal; therefore, “I deserve a second chance.” This ignores the fact that the person, who has actually committed a crime, is the one suggesting the guideline by which all should adhere to. It throws a mighty big “if” into the equation by placing the emphasis on a personal level, which masks its true intent of assigning future feelings of guilt upon someone, who hasn’t done anything wrong. People, so fearful of not receiving that second chance if they happen to resort to criminal activity in the future, latch on to the second chance concept as if it were a life preserver on a sinking ship. In order to justify their own second chance “right”, they will defend anyone and everyone convicted of any crime by uttering such a contrived phrase – unmindful of the fact that they’re saying exactly what the criminal element wants them to say.


History has shown the “second chance theory” to be nothing more than nonsense. Remember a little place called Germany in the early to mid stages of the 20th century? After they precipitated the War To End All Wars in 1914, which resulted in 15 million deaths before they were defeated, many people demanded they not be allowed to amass weapons again, but proponents of the second chance theory began to spout the criminal’s mantra, and so Germany was given that chance to re-arm. How did that one turn out again? Oh, yes – a fellow named Hitler bit into that granted second chance with gusto – wreaking even more havoc upon the world beginning in 1939. By the time it was over, a staggering total of 70 MILLION people had been killed, and for what? A madman’s ill-conceived right to a “second chance.”


A criminal is simply Hitler on a much smaller scale, being given that second chance to conform to society, and in many instances, turning that opportunity into an entire string of chances. How can a system claim to have the protection of its people at heart when it continually frees convicted felons to re-offend time and again? How can there be rules in place to allow murderers, rapists, and other dregs of society to simply “do their time” and then commit the same crime over and over when they are let loose upon the public? The legal system itself is greatly flawed, yet the criminal element always has that old quote, “the system is flawed, but until someone comes up with a better one, this is the best we’ve got” ally in their corner. The system doesn’t change for the mind-boggling reason that it has become a business to so many people. Judges, lawyers, parole officers, and system underlings one and all make their living within the current definition of the system. If that system were to be reformed with the most logical of revisions, it would throw everything into chaos for those wielding power. That prospect of loss of revenue, and especially power, ensures the system will never change. So empowering criminals with “rights” is much easier than taking those rights away and thus killing the goose that lays the golden egg. It’s easy – toss out a few phrases coined by criminals to sway those terrified at the thought of actually losing a shot at future redemption, and it can throw a monkey wrench into the efforts of those with society’s best interests at heart.


A thought-provoking and powerful quote of, “Lest we forget. We will remember,” contains far more logic and wisdom than, “he’s done his time”, or “everyone deserves a second chance”, yet the two latter phrases are the lifeblood of the politically correct movement. How quaint – absolution granted by uttering two, meaningless phrases perpetuated by criminals, and fools continue to blindly follow such twisted logic.


Those two phrases are spoken endlessly when pertaining to the Michael Vick situation, but I’ll stick with the brilliance of Laurence Binyon’s profound plea. “Lest we forget. We will remember.” Michael Vick is a criminal, and would still be involved in criminal activity had he not been caught. The politically correct would have everyone absolve him of those crimes.


“I won’t forget. I will remember.”

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Wow, nicely summed up Axe, nice to see some good quotable posts...



Did not hear about Vick comming to Seattle, which is exactly what Seattle needs btw, but we will have to be content with wallowing in mediocrity...


Seattle Seahawks= 50/50 team!

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Ive had to use some very very unique will power that I developed to stay away from other things, Ive had to whip it out, to keep myself out of this thread! because you guys turn on me, when I post about this Michael Vick situation, you claim im just a racist nazi, and that i really don't care one way or the other about Vick and what he did! I know 2 of you just think I see this Vick board as a platform to rant, and spew hatred and rasicst shit! and your not wrong! at least about the rascist shit! Oh! I probably care more then anybody on this board about what he did! owning my pit, and my 7 year old daughter has her pit, trust me, I dont go into hate filled rants about anything, even though some of you like to stick me out there as a rascist! I don't mind, (unless it's Dan!!! then It stops being fun and games) the fact is, this is really the only thing that gets my rascist thought process going! Now before you jump all over my ass, let's think this one out! why would I stereoype a certain race, and then verbally destroy them, when this topic comes up? give up? It's because this was a dog fighting ring, operated and for only white people, correct? now let me rant, if you got something to say, to me, PM, cause Im not getting banned for someone questioning my feelings on this.


First, let's get my opinion out of the way, Vick is worthless, useless, below average mentally, and upon a single man's observation, from every standpoint he's seen, (being a criminal myself) I have found absolutely zero, of anything useful to anybody on earth, or to the planet, Michael Vicks' single and only contribution to life, was IMO sitting 2 years behind bars, but it literally, is football, that is the only thing he has physically or mentally to provide anything to society! and guess what else? he just happens to also be spooky! now, he served 2 years in prison! which for any white guy, would have almost surely been 4 years, Ive served 2 years, fuck! I served 4 1\2 years, for Self Defense charges! so I served my time! literally, Vick will never finish serving his time! people feel passionately towrds animals, as weve seen, that guy will NEVER!!! be able to go anywhere for the rest of his life, without looking over his shoulder! and maybe im giving him to much credit for being that smart, but their will be people that know they can pull some sort of stunt, if it's on Vick, it will get attention, and mark my words! you can safely bet money on the fact, someone will make an attempt on his life! remember me telling you this, so I can say I told you so! so, Im ready to say Vick, sheeeiiit, my man b served his time and shit, you no what i sayin? man now peoplez needz to back da fuc up, and let da man tak over 4 an injured Mcnabb, and be runnin da Eaglez into da ground, like he b doin da falcons and shit! FUCK YOU MICHAEL VICK, your fucking worthless, even at football! I hope your life is as good as I think it will be, as soon as you get going, you will NEVER!!! have done your time! your time is the rest of your life!!!!

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The easiest thing to turn this into is a race issue (see Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton), but it has absolutely zero to do with race. I would despise Vick for his actions whether he were black, white, red, yellow, orange, Martian, or pink with purple polka-dots. Anyone, who would accuse you of being racist over the fact you don't like Michael Vick and don't believe his bullshit, is simply willing to overlook the facts by accusing others of playing the race card. The one, who squawks the loudest about the race card, is usually the one dealing it from the bottom of the deck. When confronted with the overwhelming Bruno Magli shoe evidence introduced at the O.J. Simpson civil trial, the foreperson of the first trial (Brenda Moran) still insisted O.J. couldn't have done it. Her complete bias towards Simpson because they were of the same race was nauseating. How she was ever selected to sit on a jury boggles the mind, as she threw any semblance of objectivity anyone might have believed she had right out the window when informed of the fact that only one pair of Bruno Magli shoes in the style and size of bloody footprints left at the crime scene were sold in the state of California, and the purchaser of those shoes was Nicole Brown Simpson as a gift for her husband/murderer. Evil has no skin color.

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I understand Prick is going to see action tonight. Break a leg, asshole - literally. Or better still, have someone break it for you - with much malice and pain.

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  • 1 month later...



Apparently, Nike has no fucking shame whatsoever. You wouldn't catch me dead wearing their product. If I heard one asshole refer to anything regarding Vick the Prick as a "feel good" story, I swear I'd kick 'em square in the balls. That smarmy bastard may fool some people, but not me. He fronted the entire operation; took an active role in brutally killing animals, and now has the nerve to visit high schools to give lectures on being a leader and not a follower like he claims to have been?? There was ONE leader in that dog-fighting garbage, and it was VICK - no one else had the clout and money to keep the operation afloat. Follower - my ass! If you believe anything that piece of shit has to say, you really have a naive down to an art. Damn, but I hope someone breaks his fucking neck on the field. Way to go Nike - what a fine role model you've chosen to associate yourself with yet again. Choke on your bucks, assholes.

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