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After finally buying an iPod 160Gb Classic (long story) I installed iTunes.


What a total crock of shit. Take about f**king up all your tags and helpfully reorganizing your collection!! :doh:


I've uninstalled it and found an excellent open source plug in for Winamp (ml ipod)


And while I'm having a rant about Apple, why have you discontinued the 160GB version and not instead released a bigger version for those of us with more than thirty albums? :screwy:

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After finally buying an iPod 160Gb Classic (long story) I installed iTunes.


What a total crock of shit. Take about f**king up all your tags and helpfully reorganizing your collection!! :doh:


I've uninstalled it and found an excellent open source plug in for Winamp (ml ipod)


And while I'm having a rant about Apple, why have you discontinued the 160GB version and not instead released a bigger version for those of us with more than thirty albums? :screwy:


Some of us only have 30 albums :crying:


I want to get one of these but will have to wait as Sky HD, thousands of CD`s and DVD`s etc take preference :hammer:

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And while I'm having a rant about Apple, why have you discontinued the 160GB version and not instead released a bigger version for those of us with more than thirty albums? :screwy:


Bcoz Apple suck haha!


Overpriced software plus hardware where your paying more for a lifestyle statement.......good market brand positioning though. :eviltongue: to 'em!

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I might have to join the world of Ipods and ITunes because my Toshiba Gigabeat (with 20gig worth of music on it already) is not compatible with that c*nt of a program, Windows Vista, on our new laptop. So I can't put any more new music on the f*cker.

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that c*nt of a program, Windows Vista


Hahaha I spent half of last night swearing at it ! Having said that the basic utility of Windows Media player throws songs onto my usb drive okay, once I had figured out certain arsey aspects of it....there's probably quicker programmes out there but hey...I'm a busy guy I don't have time to search for stuff....I need to spend time commenting in the uninteresting thread.


Hey Geoff...I'd ask Delbert about your Toshiba thingy, it might be short of some drivers or might want some weird downloadable software that'd sort it out.

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that c*nt of a program, Windows Vista


Hahaha I spent half of last night swearing at it ! Having said that the basic utility of Windows Media player throws songs onto my usb drive okay, once I had figured out certain arsey aspects of it....there's probably quicker programmes out there but hey...I'm a busy guy I don't have time to search for stuff....I need to spend time commenting in the uninteresting thread.


Hey Geoff...I'd ask Delbert about your Toshiba thingy, it might be short of some drivers or might want some weird downloadable software that'd sort it out.

Shall do! Delbert?


:lol: But seriously Delbert I'll try to PM you with some more info, but if you think you might be able to help me get Gigabeat Room to acknowledge my Toshiba Gigabeat, using Windows Vista, that'd be most appreciated. It always worked on my old PC but is apparently not compatable with Vista... even if a later version of Gigabeat Room, which I downloaded, is meant to work with it. :(

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And while I'm having a rant about Apple, why have you discontinued the 160GB version and not instead released a bigger version for those of us with more than thirty albums? :screwy:


Bcoz Apple suck haha!


Overpriced software plus hardware where your paying more for a lifestyle statement.......good market brand positioning though. :eviltongue: to 'em!

But I love my iPhone! :crying:

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And while I'm having a rant about Apple, why have you discontinued the 160GB version and not instead released a bigger version for those of us with more than thirty albums? :screwy:


Bcoz Apple suck haha!


Overpriced software plus hardware where your paying more for a lifestyle statement.......good market brand positioning though. :eviltongue: to 'em!

But I love my iPhone! :crying:


And I llove my iTouch and iPod. Sorry but I don't have a problem with iTunes either.

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nor me...........


I love my new ipod classic...120 GB is well enough storage space. Ive got around 7,000 tracks on mine.


Also Ive never had a problem with itunes (apart from slightly slowing down your computer....although hardly noticeable).....i dont understand what all the fuss is about. The Genius application on version 8 is excellent as well.........good for when you are bored and cant think what to listen to - you choose a song and it creates a playlist of songs which go with it - works really well.

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that c*nt of a program, Windows Vista


Hahaha I spent half of last night swearing at it ! Having said that the basic utility of Windows Media player throws songs onto my usb drive okay, once I had figured out certain arsey aspects of it....there's probably quicker programmes out there but hey...I'm a busy guy I don't have time to search for stuff....I need to spend time commenting in the uninteresting thread.


Hey Geoff...I'd ask Delbert about your Toshiba thingy, it might be short of some drivers or might want some weird downloadable software that'd sort it out.

Shall do! Delbert?


:lol: But seriously Delbert I'll try to PM you with some more info, but if you think you might be able to help me get Gigabeat Room to acknowledge my Toshiba Gigabeat, using Windows Vista, that'd be most appreciated. It always worked on my old PC but is apparently not compatable with Vista... even if a later version of Gigabeat Room, which I downloaded, is meant to work with it. :(

According to stuff I have read, you need to update the software to Gigabeat Room 3.0.


Download link in 2nd category on page


Dunno if this will help, but this was some advice someone else took, and it worked for them!

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And while I'm having a rant about Apple, why have you discontinued the 160GB version and not instead released a bigger version for those of us with more than thirty albums? :screwy:


Bcoz Apple suck haha!


Overpriced software plus hardware where your paying more for a lifestyle statement.......good market brand positioning though. :eviltongue: to 'em!

Pretty much sums it up.

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that c*nt of a program, Windows Vista


Hahaha I spent half of last night swearing at it ! Having said that the basic utility of Windows Media player throws songs onto my usb drive okay, once I had figured out certain arsey aspects of it....there's probably quicker programmes out there but hey...I'm a busy guy I don't have time to search for stuff....I need to spend time commenting in the uninteresting thread.


Hey Geoff...I'd ask Delbert about your Toshiba thingy, it might be short of some drivers or might want some weird downloadable software that'd sort it out.

Shall do! Delbert?


:lol: But seriously Delbert I'll try to PM you with some more info, but if you think you might be able to help me get Gigabeat Room to acknowledge my Toshiba Gigabeat, using Windows Vista, that'd be most appreciated. It always worked on my old PC but is apparently not compatable with Vista... even if a later version of Gigabeat Room, which I downloaded, is meant to work with it. :(

According to stuff I have read, you need to update the software to Gigabeat Room 3.0.


Download link in 2nd category on page


Dunno if this will help, but this was some advice someone else took, and it worked for them!

Yeah, thanks mate. I looked on the net for ages when this happened and I was led to believe this would fix it too...found some random torrent with one seed and one peer for the Gigabeat Room 3.0, downloaded it and I was in heaven. Then I tried it and it still didn't work. Just won't acknowledge that the Gigabeat it attached to the computer, even when all else is the same as before. :( Truly a mystery... and one that makes me weep.

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Do you have various connection options on your player?

On my archos I can select for it to connect to my PC as either a windows media device or a PC hard drive.

When I got this new one, the default was WMD, and it would connect initially but then disconnect.

Media player never recognised it.


When I sussed out how to change the connection to PC Hard Drive mode (my preferred method anyway), it connected first time and works perfectly.


Maybe worth checking any settings on the player!

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Do you have various connection options on your player?

On my archos I can select for it to connect to my PC as either a windows media device or a PC hard drive.

When I got this new one, the default was WMD, and it would connect initially but then disconnect.

Media player never recognised it.


When I sussed out how to change the connection to PC Hard Drive mode (my preferred method anyway), it connected first time and works perfectly.


Maybe worth checking any settings on the player!

Yeah, I do have that option too and I think it's the same as you, default to WMD. 99% sure it is, actually. I will change it to PC Hard Drive Mode and try it again tonight. Mate, if this works you know I'm going to come over there and kiss you, don't you? Maybe a hug and inappropriate grope too. :) Seriously, thanks for the tip. It may not work, but I haven't tried it yet so who knows? I can only try. Thanks!

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Its certainly worth a try, but right now, I'm kinda hoping it fails ;)


Seriously though, I was pulling my hair out last week trying to get this new one connected as I didnt see the option to change connection type (my previous one always prompted the 3 choices when you plugged it in, this one only prompts 2 of the 3).


It was only after messing about and looking at the machines settings, that I spotted it, and all was good with the world!

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Its certainly worth a try, but right now, I'm kinda hoping it fails ;)

:lol: Bad luck for you, mate, as you have some hugs and kisses coming you way!


Without getting into all the boring details, what we spoke of above and what happened doesn't exactly match, but it was the advice that got me to try it and succeed. Quick rundown - I have a 'PC Connections' option on my Gigabeat where you can choose to run the Gigabeat through Windows Media Player or through Gigabeat Room on your computer. I have always had it set on Gigabeat Room. And now, as noted above, the computer and Gigabeat Room no longer acknowledges it's attachment.


So, last night on 'PC Connections' I set it to open up with WMP, and WHOOSHKA! It "worked". I was able to synchronize the new songs I had ripped onto my hard drive, onto my Gigabeat through WMP!!! Victory is once again mine, so I thank you so much as I probably would never have tried this (I'd given up and given into the idea of just getting an Ipod) without our discussion and your tips.


On a side note, WMP is worse than Itunes. :lol: What a truly awful program to use for this stuff. It appears to be impossible the clean up the Gigabeat on-screen, which is such a perfect feature of Gigabeat Room, and even really easy with ITunes.


Basically, when I synchronized the new songs onto my Gigabeat I accidentally uploaded a whole bunch of my wife's songs on the hard drive - Alicia Keys and stuff. I was able to delete them off the actual Gigabeat Hard drive easy enough, but the song names and folders still appear on the screen of my Gigabeat. If you try to play them they don't play and it just says 'No file found'. They've been deleted, but their carcasses remain and it just looks messy. But who cares, it's working again!!! :)


But yeah, using WMP, it appears to be impossible to delete songs and folders off the actual Gigabeat display. Also hard ro organise songs in folders etc. But who knows, I'll play around with it and hopefully figure it out.


Thanks again Cap'n!!!

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Its possible that you could sync it with something else like Media Monkey, if you use that, as often as not, these programmes support the same functions.

That said, I'd still have no idea if it would be any better as I hate all that syncing stuff and love HD mode!

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Its possible that you could sync it with something else like Media Monkey, if you use that, as often as not, these programmes support the same functions.

That said, I'd still have no idea if it would be any better as I hate all that syncing stuff and love HD mode!

Media Monkey? Not heard that name to be honest? Is that something I can download from the net? I might look into it. It's scary playing around with these devices, though, for fear of losing everything that took me 8,000 years to get together. :lol:

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Its possible that you could sync it with something else like Media Monkey, if you use that, as often as not, these programmes support the same functions.

That said, I'd still have no idea if it would be any better as I hate all that syncing stuff and love HD mode!

Media Monkey? Not heard that name to be honest? Is that something I can download from the net? I might look into it. It's scary playing around with these devices, though, for fear of losing everything that took me 8,000 years to get together. :lol:

Yup, just do a search for Media Monkey as its without a doubt one of the best music players out there.

Theres a pay version, but the free version covers most bases including ID3 tagging etc.

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Its possible that you could sync it with something else like Media Monkey, if you use that, as often as not, these programmes support the same functions.

That said, I'd still have no idea if it would be any better as I hate all that syncing stuff and love HD mode!

Media Monkey? Not heard that name to be honest? Is that something I can download from the net? I might look into it. It's scary playing around with these devices, though, for fear of losing everything that took me 8,000 years to get together. :lol:

Yup, just do a search for Media Monkey as its without a doubt one of the best music players out there.

Theres a pay version, but the free version covers most bases including ID3 tagging etc.

Cool, I'm going to check this out tonight! Thanks.

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