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What CDs did you buy this week?


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Brother And Brother (Featuring Rick Laine) - When Time Was Not... (1994)

Taurus Run - Come Taste the Beast (EP) (1995) - Very rare Aussie Hard Rock CD, spare copy to trade

John Parr - Under Parr (1996)

Richard Sanderson - Anytime At All (1990)

Peter Smith - Together (1995)

PSB (Peter Stevens Band) - Taken By the Light

Let's get Rocked - Best of Unsigned Hard Rock Vol. 1 (songs from Hang Loose, Mallet, Jezebel's Tower, Wild Frontier, Tipsy Slut, Chinchilla, Scarlet Rose & Chalice)

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From Target today


Orianthi: Believe (II)

Travie McCoy: Lazerous

Hole: Nobodys Daughter

Against Me: White Crosses

The Dirty Heads: Any Port Any Storm

Warped Tour: 2010 Compilation


Kinda an oddball package but with a cute and hot cashier, it was worth it. :)


THE BADNEWS: I didn't get her number....never asked. So shamefaced!

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Although it's really a DVD I suppose - this version comes with the concert on two CD's so I'll put it here rather than DVD's:-


Porcupine Tree - Anethetize (Grey box edition 1 DVD 1 Blu Ray 2 CD)


Just pre-ordered


State Cows - s/t


But I've saved the best until last......really!!!!


Went up to Todmorden this morning and they have a market on like they do more often than not when I visit. There was the usual couple of second hand CD stalls there with the usual stuff.....but then something caught my as I was pawing through a small box of CD's (not even at a regular CD stall just all sort of stuff toys, glassware e.t.c.). Through a well weathered CD cover glared a completely bright green CD cover...how could this happen to the same guy twice ......I approached with caution, slowly pickin it up...almost in awe.....yes it was there ... staring me in the face laughing at me ... laughing at my very corrupted and decayed destiny.




I almost wept....no price, "How Much?"

The lady seemed pretty non chalant, she gave it a quick once over "20p?" I guess the state of the case made her drop the price so low as it was fucked but the CD was in good shape as was the sleeve and inserts.


On the way home I took The Darkness out of my player and put it on.......and you know what a great big beam went straight across my face, and what's more....maybe it's my age or maybe I just wanted to give the CD more of a chance...but I really REALLLLLLY enjoyed the tunes coming out of the speakers.

So I've just lovingly packed it into a new sleeve and this time it's gonna be a keeper. I hope it's brother is having a great time seeing the world but it's time for me to rock and today this CD is providing the required daily dose of kick butt!


I'm gonna put this little tale in the Ten Seconds Over Tokyo thread ... where it may deserve to be...so if you read it again it ain't deja vu!!!

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Really groovy/ecclectic fistful found over the past week.


From Mike: Stargazer-S/T (German)(Thanks a ton bro!)


The Dashboard Saviors-Love Sorrow Hatred Madness

Girl Trouble-Thrillsphere

Bootsy's Rubber Band-Bootsy? Player Of The Year (Jap)

Carpenters-The Singles 1969-1973

Neil Young Crazy Horse-Year Of The Horse (2 cd)

Book Of Love-S/T

The Mamas & The Papas-California Dreamin'

Iggy Pop-Nude And Rude: The Best Of Iggy Pop

A Flock Of Seagulls-S/T

Buckwheat Zydeco-Taking It Home

Missing Children-Wants & Needs

The Brojos-S/T

Kenny Chesney-Me And You

Candiria-What Doesn't Kill You

Neil Young & Crazy Horse-Sleeps With Angels

Bob Dylan-Time Out Of Mind

C.C.S.O.(Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ)-NAGRo LaUXES VIII (German)


And lastly, but with a big question and answer needed:


Eddie And The Cruisers-Soundtrack


The Question is this version is from 1983, same label,kind of,the 83 version says Scotti Brothers, the 1990/1993 version is Scotti Bros and between the 2 the front insert and disc printing are different as well as the track listing: 83 version song 2 is Tender Years, where the 90/93 version is Mockingbird and song 6 on the 83 version is Wild Summer Nights and the 90/93 version is Runaway...


ANy one know what the dealio is?

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Hit a garage sale this AM and got these for a quarter apiece...






Geoff Tate - S/T


Velvet Revolver - CONTRABAND (I have joked forever round here about how "I still hate Velvet Revolver" but I figured for a quarter I'd give'em a fair listen for once and decide if I truly DO hate'em. Haha.)





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Hit a garage sale this AM and got these for a quarter apiece...






Geoff Tate - S/T


Velvet Revolver - CONTRABAND (I have joked forever round here about how "I still hate Velvet Revolver" but I figured for a quarter I'd give'em a fair listen for once and decide if I truly DO hate'em. Haha.)






First off I think you should of saved your quarter on that Geoff Tate cd.

I bought this without hearing a song the day it was released and wow was I dissapointed to say the least.


Second off I am shocked that you would want to listen to the Mr. Big and Nelson. For the record I love both of them but just never thought they'd be your thing. Hopefully you like them but I guess for a quarter it doesn't much matter.


Good luck with Contraband. I think it's a great disc myself but still would of preferred a different singer though.

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Taking a punt here as I have never heard it before on this pretty rare Independant release from a Blues Rock band called "Milwaukee Road" and the CD title "Way Outta Line"

Time will tell if I have wasted my money or picked up a rare gem :unsure:

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Taking a punt here as I have never heard it before on this pretty rare Independant release from a Blues Rock band called "Milwaukee Road" and the CD title "Way Outta Line"

Time will tell if I have wasted my money or picked up a rare gem :unsure:


Do any of you larger ebay sellers that are into rare and hard to find CD's know much about this one ???

If it is very rare ?...Has anyone got it?...What it's worth?...Have I got it for a bargin?...If it's any good?

I paid $14.99 US for it and can't find it anywhere else on the internet so I don't really know what it might be worth :unsure: .....if anything !!!.

Any info you might be able to provide would be greatly appreciated :tumbsup:




Two bands that I have found interesting are "Milwaukee Road" and "Tall"

Milwaukee Road is a trio of accomplished blues-rock musicians who have one album out called "Way Outta Line" and will be releasing a second in Spring 2005. Their music is redolent of Mike Bloomfield, John Lee Hooker and other great blues-rock musicians.

The first song on the album is titled "Dimples" and Jim Harsh, part of the band, whom I interviewed for this review, tells me that it is a cover of the old John Lee Hooker song of the same name. It is ramped up and modernized quite a bit, and has powerful riffs.

The title song, "Way Outta Line" is one of the best. Jim shared with me that it was inspired by an ex-girlfriend of his who cheated on him while he worked third-shift. When he asked her why she did so, she told him it was because she could not carry her own canoe. One night, Jim took out his saw, and hacked the canoe in half, giving her one half. This is captured in the last line of the song - "Who's canoe with you?".

Another of my favorite songs on the album is "Tequila Blues", a blues/rock piece which creates images of bars in the southwest, bikers and shots of tequila, and times gone by - creative jamming is evidently at work here. "Hundred Miles" is a bluesy love song, with music inspired by Led Zeppelin's "Since I've Been Lovin' You".

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C.C.S.O.(Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ)-NAGRo LaUXES VIII (German)





??? Don't know it was $.50 and the little 20 year old Japanese boys reminded me a bit like Death Angel. After a bit of research, it looks like, now I have yet to spin it, the tunes are going to be very very heavy and the AMazon average is around $30.00, so it may make some good trade fodder...


Guess for the right price I will spin/nab just about anything. :)

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Timothy B. Schmit - Expando

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Hit a garage sale this AM and got these for a quarter apiece...






Geoff Tate - S/T


Velvet Revolver - CONTRABAND (I have joked forever round here about how "I still hate Velvet Revolver" but I figured for a quarter I'd give'em a fair listen for once and decide if I truly DO hate'em. Haha.)






First off I think you should of saved your quarter on that Geoff Tate cd.

I bought this without hearing a song the day it was released and wow was I dissapointed to say the least.


Second off I am shocked that you would want to listen to the Mr. Big and Nelson. For the record I love both of them but just never thought they'd be your thing. Hopefully you like them but I guess for a quarter it doesn't much matter.


Good luck with Contraband. I think it's a great disc myself but still would of preferred a different singer though.


Haha, yeah, Mr. Big and Nelson are not my usual meat but I figured they were in great shape and for a quarter a pop, who knows? Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. If not, they're decent trade bait.


I listened to the first couple of tracks of the Geoff Tate in the car last night when I went to pick up some take-out and it sounds like your assessment is totally on target. Geoff, dude, what the f*ck? :puke:


I already know that when I listen to the Mr. Big I'm gonna lean on the "stop" button as soon as "To Be With You" comes on... gawd I hate that f*ckin song. :rofl:

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Hit a garage sale this AM and got these for a quarter apiece...






Geoff Tate - S/T


Velvet Revolver - CONTRABAND (I have joked forever round here about how "I still hate Velvet Revolver" but I figured for a quarter I'd give'em a fair listen for once and decide if I truly DO hate'em. Haha.)






First off I think you should of saved your quarter on that Geoff Tate cd.

I bought this without hearing a song the day it was released and wow was I dissapointed to say the least.


Second off I am shocked that you would want to listen to the Mr. Big and Nelson. For the record I love both of them but just never thought they'd be your thing. Hopefully you like them but I guess for a quarter it doesn't much matter.


Good luck with Contraband. I think it's a great disc myself but still would of preferred a different singer though.


Haha, yeah, Mr. Big and Nelson are not my usual meat but I figured they were in great shape and for a quarter a pop, who knows? Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. If not, they're decent trade bait.


I listened to the first couple of tracks of the Geoff Tate in the car last night when I went to pick up some take-out and it sounds like your assessment is totally on target. Geoff, dude, what the f*ck? :puke:


I already know that when I listen to the Mr. Big I'm gonna lean on the "stop" button as soon as "To Be With You" comes on... gawd I hate that f*ckin song. :rofl:


Lucky for you "To Be With You" is the last song so you can just stop the disc after track 10. The first 10 tracks are actually awesome IMO and I hold that disc in high regard but I am sick of the above mentioned song as well.


The Tate disc is his stab at U2 type credibility.

He has become so UN-Metal it makes me sick.

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SADUS - Chemical Exposure (91 Roadrunner presing)

SADUS - A Vision Of Misery (92 Roadrunner pressing)

RED DAWN - Never Say Surrender

TOUR DE FORCE - World On Fire

FATES WARNING - Perfect Symmetry

DESTRUCTION - All Hell Breaks Loose

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My dad had a stack of cd's he found in the basement and was going to get rid of. The ones I liberated were:


Steve Miller Band - Greatest Hits 1974-1978

Boston - Greatest Hits

Firehouse - Super Hits

Styx - Greatest Hits

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Lynx - Sneak Attack

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Velvascurge - Wiggly Snake (1989)

Shotgun Alley - Growing Menace (1993)

Line of Fire - Line of Fire (2005)

Double Cross - Time After Time (2003)

Rebel Heels - One By One By One (1988)

Jeff Paris - Wired Up (1987)

Jeff Paris - Lucky This Time (1993)

Jeff Paris - Smack + Single (1997)

Orphan - Lonely This Time / Salute (2003)

Total Stranger - Obsession (2002)

Collin Raye - All I Can Be (1991)

Collin Raye - Extremes (1994)


I didn't realise til it arrived that I bought the Line of Fire disc from our very own forum leader Dan. Thanks!!

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One and the Same - Someday

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