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Things Ive learned today


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I've learned that secretly buying a Christmas gift for my wife is to much damn work.

And damn expensive too.


I've learned that you can make 15,000 jovial, good spirited and unserious posts and people still manage to misunderstand new posts you make as being spiteful or angry - even if it's completely against a 15,000-post-created character. :( This internet thing never ceases to amaze me.



I hear you Cousin.


My joke about the Widow and Jez seemed to throw most for a loop.

I guess I'm to damn Metal to make jokes around here. B)

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I've learned that secretly buying a Christmas gift for my wife is to much damn work.

And damn expensive too.


I've learned that you can make 15,000 jovial, good spirited and unserious posts and people still manage to misunderstand new posts you make as being spiteful or angry - even if it's completely against a 15,000-post-created character. :( This internet thing never ceases to amaze me.



I hear you Cousin.


My joke about the Widow and Jez seemed to throw most for a loop.

I guess I'm to damn Metal to make jokes around here. B)

It must be something in our bloodline, cousin. I think our "heated" discussion about Tyketto the other day was totally taken out of context by others too. I've always liked this site because you can have an "intense" discussion at times, but you hope at the same time the other knows there is no malice intended.


Hell, if that were the case Jez and I would probably have met for a physical beatdown by now, but I've known Jez via the net for a long time (over at mel.rock before here) and always respected the fact that you can have an intense and seemingly unfriendly musical argument and still kick it afterwards regardless. I just view this all as a visit to the pub with friends where you don't always agree on stuff and can argue your points and all that and get quite animated... but seriously, in the end it's just music. I hold no grudges or hard feelings towards anyone for their thoughts. As long as they understand and acknowledge my correctness in every discussion. :)

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today I learnt that I've moved forward 1 spot in the queue to impregnate one of the Spears sister.

To be honest, today was the first day I learned Britney even had a sister... and a rather attractive one at that. Plus, she's a slut too so that's kind of awesome.

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I've learned that secretly buying a Christmas gift for my wife is to much damn work.

And damn expensive too.


I've learned that you can make 15,000 jovial, good spirited and unserious posts and people still manage to misunderstand new posts you make as being spiteful or angry - even if it's completely against a 15,000-post-created character. :( This internet thing never ceases to amaze me.



I hear you Cousin.


My joke about the Widow and Jez seemed to throw most for a loop.

I guess I'm to damn Metal to make jokes around here. B)

It must be something in our bloodline, cousin. I think our "heated" discussion about Tyketto the other day was totally taken out of context by others too. I've always liked this site because you can have an "intense" discussion at times, but you hope at the same time the other knows there is no malice intended.



I didn't realise there was any issue with that Tyketto discussion. :unsure:

Either way it's like a daily thing around here, you and me giving each other hell about certain bands and albums that one of the love and the other doesn't. :beerbang:

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I learned today that my cheese and ham roll that I had for lunch contained both cheese and ham.. :yikes:

You shoulda had some Onions on it..... :beerbang:

I fear that would have ruined the mystique.... :whistle:

Not if you spread "Vegamite" on it also...

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I've learned that Wotty really enjoys poking SamboraRocks with a stick. :lol:

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I've learned that Wotty really enjoys poking SamboraRocks with a stick. :lol:



I've learned today the previous two posts are an outrageous,nay scandalous,slur on my unblemished nature.I'm now off to listen to New Jersey,the Garth Brooks remix... :whistle:

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I've learned that Wotty really enjoys poking SamboraRocks with a stick. :lol:



I've learned today the previous two posts are an outrageous,nay scandalous,slur on my unblemished nature.I'm now off to listen to New Jersey,the Garth Brooks remix... :whistle:

With special guest Trisha Yearwood? :poke:

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I've learned that "Winters Bourbon Cask Ale" is pretty damned good stuff. I'm on bottle #3 of my six pack already. (BURP)

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Yesterday I learned that my brother and I shouldn't have stayed up so late on Christmas Eve drinking beer, doing shots of Black Haus, and watching holiday episodes of "South Park," because my five year old was up and ready to open presents by 6 AM. Ouch!

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Yesterday I learned that my brother and I shouldn't have stayed up so late on Christmas Eve drinking beer, doing shots of Black Haus, and watching holiday episodes of "South Park," because my five year old was up and ready to open presents by 6 AM. Ouch!

I did a similar thing with a good friend of mine who stayed over... ouch indeed... :(

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I'm learning that this Bo Bice CD is actually a hell of a lot better than you'd assume it is. It's actually really great.


I'm also learning that my pug likes to randomly pant and that I want to eat him, just because of how cute he is.

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I've learned that I get really full when I eat to much.

I ate so much over the last 2 days and I swore I was going to exercise first thing today. Well, it sure is getting late for "first thing"... but it's coming.

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